求~~法学论文 中文摘要翻译成英语~~~~~~~~~~~~~

作者&投稿:运树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the literature reviews included in the first part of this article, the research status of the conceptual metaphor and that of the public service ads’ advertising texts in other countries have been presented separately. In the theoretical framework included in the second part of this article, the basic concepts of conceptual metaphor and public service ads have been thoroughly explained through defining, categorizing and concluding their features. Besides stating the three types of conceptual metaphors— structural metaphor, orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor, doing simple analysis on the fact that conceptual metaphor has the characteristics of being systematic, experienceable and coherent, the article also introduces the conceptual metaphor’s characteristics of being non-profitable, non-commercial, and conceptual, as well as emphasizing its function as a propaganda, to provide enlightenment and for authentic purposes. Third part of the article expands on the characteristics and functions of conceptual metaphor in the texts of public service ads, which include the characteristic of it being cognitive, language innovative and information pluralistic, as well as the functions of cognizing, persuading and being aesthetic. In the fourth part of the article, these theories are applied into the texts of public service ads, so that the application of structural metaphor, orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor can be analyzed separately through the use of a large number of cases.

Through researching the embodiment of conceptual metaphors in public service ads, the public service ads’ persuading and warning functions are brought into full play, while it can also direct the readers’ understanding to the ads as well as the authors’ creation of the aids, making the effect of these public service ads to be achieved with less effort. Additionally, using public service ads as carriers, through the use of daily cases of public service ads in the investigation of the application of conceptual metaphor in our daily life, not only can new ideas and perspectives be provided for research in the area of linguistics, but also the theories regarding the research in the use of language in public service ads will become more plentiful, giving this investigation purposes that are both theoretically and realistically important.

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Criminal Law Article 17, paragraph 2, is full of 14 years on people under 16 years of age on the implementation of the application of specific criminal law, that the relative age of criminal responsibility, criminal liability provisions of person. Theory and practice of "Criminal Law" Article 17, paragraph 2, provides for a different understanding, expressed that the provisions of the eight specific crimes charges, was considered to be eight crime. Judicial practice on the full 14 years of age of minors under 16 years of age acts harmful to society generally does not pursue the criminal, only requires the age of minors to the statutory categories of particularly serious criminal liability for acts harmful to society the relative age of criminal responsibility were other crimes committed, through the Crime depenalization channels. But this provision also there is a big problem, with rising juvenile delinquency, and gradually exposed the omission of the provision. In the specific judicial practice, must be reasonable Elements of crime, the real explanation. The Criminal Law Article 17, paragraph 2, of the eight crimes constitute acts beyond, must be non-crime of evaluation, which only allows for consistent "intentional murder" and "intentional injury causing serious injury or death," "rape" "fire," "explosion" constitutes a criminal act such as eight investigated for criminal responsibility.

《labour contract law》is the most direct and important legislation to adjust the labour relationship, it refers to every single labour and their basic rights and obligations in our society, it's the most important legal weapon to protect labours' legitimate rights, it's also the important foundation of creating harmonious society and harmonious labour relationship.
Our country is actively constructing harmonious society, harmonious labour relationship is the essential requirement of a harmonious society, a good judical environment is the basis of creating a harmonious labour relationship. The stability and prosperity of the society is the premise of building a powerful country, achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nationality. From the perspective of harmony and stability, studying the new《labour contract law》and measures of protecting the labours' legitimate rights is an immediate and urgent task.
The aim of this essay is to investigate new issues and new situations appeared after the implementation of the 《labour contract law》as well as how labours deal with them to protect their own legitimate rights. Meanwhile, the author will propose some personal opinions about partial provision of the law. This essay isn't attempting to do a systematic discussion about the whole theory involved in 《labour contract law》, it's just some tentative elaboration regarding authors' research experiences and results.



"Labor Contract Law" is the adjustment of labor relations in the most direct and important laws, relating to our society every worker and the worker's basic rights and obligations, is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers in an important legal weapon, is to build a harmonious society, create a harmonious labor relations an important basis.

China is actively building a harmonious society and harmonious labor relations is an essential requirement for a harmonious society, a good rule of law to create a harmonious environment is the basis of labor relations. Society is to build stability and prosperity of the nation and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation premise. From the harmony and stability in this sense, study the new "Labor Contract Law" and the protection of legitimate rights and interests of workers is a priority task.

This paper aims to study, "Labor Contract Law" after the introduction of new problems, new situations and workers should be on how to deal with, how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, at the same time the author will be part of the provisions of the law put forward their own personal opinions.

This article does not attempt to "Labor Contract Law," by all involved to explore the theory of systems, but according to my research experience to make a brief attempt to elaborate

The following is a summary of the contents:



"Labor Contract Law" is the adjustment of labor relations in the most direct and important laws, relating to our society every worker and the worker's basic rights and obligations, is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers in an important legal weapon, is to build a harmonious society, create a harmonious labor relations an important basis.

China is actively building a harmonious society and harmonious labor relations is an essential requirement for a harmonious society, a good rule of law to create a harmonious environment is the basis of labor relations. Society is to build stability and prosperity of the nation and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation premise. From the harmony and stability in this sense, study the new "Labor Contract Law" and the protection of legitimate rights and interests of workers is a priority task.

This paper aims to study, "Labor Contract Law" after the introduction of new problems, new situations and workers should be on how to deal with, how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, at the same time the author will be part of the provisions of the law put forward their own personal opinions.

This article does not attempt to "Labor Contract Law," by all involved to explore the theory of systems, but according to my research experience to make a brief attempt to elaborate

"Labor Contract Law" is the adjustment of labor relations in the most direct and important laws, relating to our society every worker and the worker's basic rights and obligations, is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers in an important legal weapon, is to build a harmonious society, create a harmonious labor relations an important basis.
China is actively building a harmonious society and harmonious labor relations is an essential requirement for a harmonious society, a good rule of law to create a harmonious environment is the basis of labor relations. Society is to build stability and prosperity of the nation and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation premise. From the harmony and stability in this sense, study the new "Labor Contract Law" and the protection of legitimate rights and interests of workers is a priority task.
This paper aims to study, "Labor Contract Law" after the introduction of new problems, new situations and workers should be on how to deal with, how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, at the same time the author will be part of the provisions of the law put forward their own personal opinions.
This article does not attempt to "Labor Contract Law," by all involved to explore the theory of systems, but according to my research experience to make a brief attempt to elaborate

"Labor Contract Law" is the adjustment of labor relations in the most direct and important laws, relating to our society every worker and the worker's basic rights and obligations, is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers in an important legal weapon, is to build a harmonious society, create a harmonious labor relations an important basis.
China is actively building a harmonious society and harmonious labor relations is an essential requirement for a harmonious society, a good rule of law to create a harmonious environment is the basis of labor relations. Society is to build stability and prosperity of the nation and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation premise. From the harmony and stability in this sense, study the new "Labor Contract Law" and the protection of legitimate rights and interests of workers is a priority task.
This paper aims to study, "Labor Contract Law" after the introduction of new problems, new situations and workers should be on how to deal with, how to protect their legitimate rights and interests, at the same time the author will be part of the provisions of the law put forward their own personal opinions.
This article does not attempt to "Labor Contract Law," by all involved to explore the theory of systems, but according to my research experience to make a brief attempt to elaborate


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