
作者&投稿:祗佩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to keep safe
As is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different aspects,that is,the safe in school,the safe in traffic and the safe in diet.
Nowadays,students spend most of their daytime in school.That is to say,school play an important role in students' life.As a result.they must be safe in school and the reason is needless to say.
What's more,the safe in traffic is also required.In that most of the students rely on the public transportation everyday.
Last but not the least,the safe in diet can make a real difference in students' daily life at the same time.We can't be too serious to our meal.
To sum up.all the three aspects are responsible for the students' safe.We must focus on every trifle in our daily life.Only in this way can we live in a safe environment every day

Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother.
It's very cold in winter. There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes. The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there.
I will' always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love Harbin.

Looking forward to the summer silently entered our study life, study hard semester certainly give yourself one to one and a half months spent this summer. Summer is our dream of every student, how to spend, but I had planned. Prepare matters are ready, summer is coming, so smoothly. This one and a half months, nor short short said that long nor long. Suddenly, he will start, just like yesterday. This holiday I fruitfully also very happy. One thing I have unforgettable! But don't forget today in this life, I won't forget. A sunset sky evening, we went to the seaside beach to enjoy the pleasure of the sea. With a pleasant mood slowly to the distance from the sea, so far, but the waist, but didn't have swimming while we play in the water. At this time we unexpected happened, some even bigger than the straw beside us again into a jellyfish. I see, I will shout, daddy, this is he feels his leg pain, a look of his leg was labeled as a jellyfish's claw. I'll leave the jellyfish to swim, but the jellyfish has wrapped around my leg, dad told me swim, put the jellyfish. I don't know anything brain blank, is free of jellyfish is hard. About five minutes, we can get rid of the jellyfish. But our hearts, haven't calm down, because really terrible. At last, a foreign shanhaiguan little girl died because of jellyfish. A thought of here, I couldn't help playing a shudder. Think that scene, really scared, I'm afraid is the jellyfish. The scene, if oneself do not experience, absolutely can't imagine how horrible. To return, my heart has been suspended, worry and met the jellyfish. We returned to shore, to those who are experienced fishermen consult, ask by the jellyfish stung? They say that some medicine days will be good. As the saying goes,, so zerronnen. Although the jellyfish stung, very scared. But after this matter, I learned a lesson. Life is precious, only one life, to love your life, because some things should not be lost their lives, there is no more precious than life, so we should cherish their life. Other people's lives, we will cherish!
This is not a half this one thing, say the next morning. In the morning, no, not to say, it should be said early in the morning, mom was to go to the seaside watching the sunrise. Carrying filar silk drowsiness, came to the beach, but the morning breeze can really relaxed! Immediately the filar silk drowsiness, let me out of my wits. In the morning, the tide is lying on the beach in time, a jellyfish greatly small bodies of what happened yesterday, it was all the goose bumps. At this time of the sun grandfather also awake, are slowly climb them knowing you can't have them. Slowly, it was red, the sky, the male magicity red with half the blue sky. With clear blue light red, is really a good picture! Holidays happen a lot of fun, here is really just now. The perfect holiday will have the perfect ending, although the jellyfish stung, but also know to cherish life, holiday soon ended. Save a holiday, to start a new semester, study hard! !

在baidu上搜索英语在线翻译 免费的哦 你输入中文点翻译就自己翻英语

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生活中有语文 作文 。急

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