
作者&投稿:郅子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

eager 渴望的、eagerness 热心、eagle 鹰、ear 耳朵,听力、early 早等。
英 ['iːgə] 美 ['igɚ]

adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的
例:Robert was eager to talk about life in the Army.
英 ['iːg(ə)l] 美 ['igl]

n. 鹰;鹰状标饰
例:She looked down at her Viennese fan of eagle feathers.

英 ['iːgənəs]

n. 渴望;热心
例:Her eagerness moved all the people.
英 [ɪə] 美 [ɪr]

n. 耳朵;穗;听觉;倾听
vi. (美俚)听见;抽穗
例:He whispered something in her ear.
英 ['ɜːlɪ] 美 ['ɝli]

adj. 早期的;早熟的
adv. 提早;在初期
例:I decided that I was going to take early retirement.


To see the letter Y in your dream, indicates some decisions that you need to make. It may represent a fork in the road or path you need to choose. The letter Y may also be a pun on "why". You need to start questioning things.


To see a yacht in your dream, symbolizes wealth, pleasure, and luxury. You are worry-free and pursuing a life of ease. It may also indicate your desire to devote more time to recreational pursuits. You need to take it easy for a while.


To see a yak in your dream, represents your uniqueness and dependability. The yak may also be pun on yakking too much. Maybe you should stop talking and listen more.


To see yams in your dream, signifies memories of family gatherings and celebration.


To dream of being called a Yankee in your dreams, foretells that your lover could be less than true.

To call someone else a Yankee in your dreams, foretells that your plans will go accordingly without a hitch.

To see Yankees in your dream, signifies happiness, possible gains and loyalty to your duty and promise.


To see a neat and well-kept yard, reflects your ability to maintain and organize aspects of your outside life, such as work and your social activities.

To see a messy and un-kept yard, denotes that aspects of your life are out of your control.

Yard Sale

To hold or be at a yard sale in your dream, indicates that you are recycling past experiences and finding use for your old skills and ideas. You are learning from your past and making productive use of the lessons you have learned.

Yard Stick

To see a yard stick in your dream. foretells much anxiety over your business and/or personal affairs.


To see yarn in your dream, symbolizes your connections and creativity. It may also mean that you are stuck in a rut and going about your daily life in the same old pattern. If the yarn is tangled and knotted yarn, then it signifies emotional distress or confusion you may have with a situation.


To dream that you or someone is yawning in your dream, suggests that you need to be emotionally and intellectually stimulated. Your are lacking energy and vitality in your life.


To dream that you are being yearned for, indicates that you will soon be greeted with a proposal for marriage.

To dream that you yearn for someone, foretells that you will find joy and contentment with your present love.


To see yeast in your dream, indicates a spiritual quest. You may need to do some soul searching and/or self-improvement. Alternatively, yeast is symbolic of your renewed energy or increased enthusiasm for an idea/project.


To dream that you or someone is yelling, represents repressed anger that need to be expressed.


To see a yeti in your dream, suggests that you need to learn to find balance between your reasonable, rational side and your emotional, instinctual nature.

Yellow Bird

To see a yellow bird in your dream, foretells good luck in financial affairs, but not so good in affairs of the heart.

To see a yellow bird land on your, denotes misfortune.

To see a dead or sick yellow bird, foretells disaster in your affairs.

Yew Tree

To see a yew tree in your dream, symbolizes mourning and death.


To dream that you yield to another in your decision-making, denotes your willingness to sacrifice your authority to secure peace in the family.

To dream that others yield to you, denotes an enhancement in your present business position.


To dream that you are performing, symbolizes calmness and control of mind and body. You have great self-discipline.


To see or eat yogurt in your dream, suggests that you need to learn to behave appropriately for the different situations and circumstances you find yourself in.


To see a yoke in your dream, signifies your unwillingness to conform to the customs and wishes of others..

To dream that you are yoking an oxen, indicates that your advice and counsel will be accepted by a friend or family member.

To dream that you fail to yoke an oxen, indicates your worry for someone in your life.


To see young people in your dream, symbolizes an end to your worries and a fresh outlook on life will be gained. It may also represent the younger aspect of yourself.

To dream that you are young again, symbolizes your failed attempts to rectify past mistakes and lost opportunities.


To see yourself in your dream, is a reflection of how you act and behave in your waking life.

Yule Log

To see a Yule log in your dream, signifies a positive turn of events in the coming year.

To dream of burning a Yule log, warns that you should not set your sights too high.


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方程y"+y=0的通解为:y=C1cosx+C2sinx 具体回答如下:特征方程:r+1=0 可以解得:r1、2=±i 所以通解为:y=C1cosx+C2sinx 所以答案是:y=C1cosx+C2sinx 特征方程的高阶递推:对于更高阶的线性递推数列,只要将递推公式中每一个xn换成x,就是它的特征方程。最后我们指出。上述结论在求...


法语 副代词"y"的问题
y 代替前边说的地方。I.用副代词"y"填空:1. Il travaille chez Citroen; j'y travaille aussi.他在雪铁龙工作,我也在那儿工作。2. Nous avons un appartement en banlieue, nous y habitons depuis 10 ans.我们在郊区有一个房子(公寓),我们在那儿住已经十年了。3. On va dans ce ...



汉语拼音ye怎么拼呀?不是y"衣"与e"鹅"吗?y"衣" 和e“鹅”怎么拼出“夜...
那个是整体认读音节,是一个整体,有自己规定的发音,不能直接分开来拼的,整体认读音节有:zhi 、chi、shi、ri、zi、ci、si、yi、wu、yu、ye、yue、yuan、yin 、yun、ying。就像规定a,读【啊】一样,ye规定读【夜】


求 微分方程y"+y'=2x²+1的通解
r²+r=0 r1=-1 r2=0 Y=C1e^(-x)+C2 y*=x(ax²+bx+c)y*'=3ax²+2bx+c y*''=6ax+2b y*''+y*'=2x²+1 6ax+2b+3ax²+2bx+c = 2x²+1 a=2\/3 b=-2 c=5 y=C1e^(-x)+C2+x(2x²\/3-2x+5)



江海区15394534037: 求“Y”开头的英文名 -
威钓华意: 1 Yadira 雅迪拉2 Yana 雅娜3 Yanina 雅妮娜 4 Yanira 雅妮拉 5 Yaritza 嘉蒂特莎6 Yasmine 雅丝敏7 Yazmin 雅姿敏 Yasha 雅沙 Yahima 雅希玛Yari 雅蕊Yaslynn 雅思琳Yazuri 雅泽蕊

江海区15394534037: 以Y开头的女子英文名 -
威钓华意: yalding耶尔丁 yale耶尔 yeats耶茨 yerkes耶基斯 york约克 yost约斯特 youmans尤曼斯 young扬 younghusband扬哈斯本 yvette仪维特 yvonne伊冯 这是所有的了

江海区15394534037: "Y"开头,发[i]或[i:]的女生英文名有哪些? -
威钓华意: ……英文字母都是从a到z排序的,一般都是靠前的字母开头,initial y的,还意思美好的……

江海区15394534037: 含有字母"y"并发"ai"的单词 -
威钓华意:[答案] Yeah

江海区15394534037: 求视频:9小时学会英语音标,傻瓜国际音标"ee"怎么读?
威钓华意: 这个音标相当于国际音标里面的i: 如meet /mi:t/ 此音是长元音,一定注音把音发足.其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平. 李阳疯狂发音秘诀: 1.发音时,上下唇微开,嘴唇扁平. 2.上下齿分开,距离约能...

江海区15394534037: 英语中"last name","first name","family name","middle name"的区别
威钓华意: TONY是名,WILLIAM是姓氏,外国人通常把姓放在名的后面, FAMILY NAME是本人的姓氏,是自己爸爸妈妈,爷爷奶奶的姓氏,就和中国的一样,跟祖上姓 HERRY要具体情况具体看,有可能是母亲的姓氏,也就是MIDDLE NAME

江海区15394534037: "翊"怎么读啊 -
威钓华意: 翊yì<形>(形声.从羽,立声.本义:飞的样子)同本义 [flying]翊,飞貌.——《说文》同“翌”.明日(年) [next]越若翊辛丑,诸生庶民大和会.——《汉书·王莽传上》.颜师古云:“翊,明也.”又如:翊日(明日) 翊yì...

江海区15394534037: an 和 a ,字母归类 -
威钓华意: a 和an的归类是看他后面的单词发音是元音音标开头还是复印音标开头 你要注意的是音标 而不是字母 所以才有an hour 却是a horse,a university 而不是an university你的分类完全没错 但是你要是记住上面的原则 就是单词也好分类了 对吧~~

江海区15394534037: &quot;Z&quot;开头叫什么英文名好? -
威钓华意: 你是男孩还是女孩,如果是女孩的话可以叫Zoe/Zoey(佐伊也有叫偌依的好听吧).如若是男孩的话,那对不起,你换个别的开头的吧.很少有人用Z开头的男子名的.人名是不能乱叫的.有他的规矩.总不能叫zebra,Zulu一类的吧.那样行家会笑你的.

江海区15394534037: l开头的英文词 -
威钓华意: S.LIAN 思恋,最直接

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