问 英 语、

作者&投稿:盍贺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

呵呵 这个我知道 我的就是这么设的

Hi,this is xx(你的名字)。I can not answer the call right now.Please leave a message.

中国人听不懂美国人说什么 美国人听不懂英国人说什么 英国人听不懂美国人说什么 这就是问候语区别o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓[拍桌狂笑!]o(*▽·)ツ┴─┴[我擦拍反了!]o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓[再来一次!]o(*·▽·)ツ━┓[妈逼!拍断了])╯︵┴─┴[草!我不拍了!]

文章ID: 8475090 作者: wshsm 创作时间: 2003-10-22 21:08
科目: 语文 年级: 初中二年级 文体: 记叙文

There are four seasons in Kunming

There are four seasons in Kunming-Spring,Summer,Autumn, Winter.

Spring is the best season in Kunmujng,the day gets longer and night gets shoter.In the spring trees and crops are growing fast.In Kunming four seasons look like spring,because in Kunming

It is not too hot in summers.It is not too cold in winters.So,people call Kunming is ‘Spring city’.

Summer is from May to August.But July and August are hottest than other mouthes.I don’t like summer,because it very hot,but farmers don’t,they like summer very much,because crops are grow up fast,they are veay happy.Atumn like spring in Kunming。

In the Autumn sky is yellow and land is brown,the days gets shorter and nights gets longer.Farmers can harvest crops in autumn.they are very happen.

Winter doesn’t cold.But in most cities of China winter are very cold.In the winter very clouldy,but very dry.Kunming doesn’t has snow in winter,sometimes snow covers the top of the mountains.Farmers can put crops in fields.They must ready next year.Kunming people needn’t to wear lots warm clothes in winter.

I like kunming,


昆明的四季nowadays,people in growing numbers are beginning to realize a ()phonomenon that all of the four seasons in kunming are beautiful.In spring,().In summer().In autumn().In winter().There is no doubt kunming is a prefect city.括号里自己填合适的词


石城县13670712590: 问的英语怎么读用中文说出来 -
雪堵山玫: ask [英] [ɑ:sk][美] [æsk] vt.& vi.问,询问; 需要; 要求,请求; 邀请; vt.询问; 邀请; 请求允许; 要价; [例句]'How is Frank?' he asked “弗兰克怎么样了?”他问道.

石城县13670712590: 问字英语单词怎么写
雪堵山玫: ask

石城县13670712590: 问英语单词是怎样写的? -
雪堵山玫: 记英语单词要注意以下几点,洛基英语学习分享:1.一定要专注.2.一定要根据发音规则记忆,平时多留心记一些固定字母组合的发音有助于单词的记忆.3.一定要朗读,朗读是高效记忆的关键.4.遇到生词要背例句,通过例句来记单词,同样,也是采用朗读的方式.5.要学会联想,这是高效记忆的诀窍.联想的方式很多,可以想到同义词,反义词,同根词等,例如在记noisy这个单词时,可以想到它的反义词quiet,名词形式noise,以及副词形式noisily,这样就能起到举一反三的效果.6.当然,更有效的方法是在背单词的同时阅读与写作,背单词终究还是一个短期记忆,阅读与写作能够进一步加深你对该单词的认识.

石城县13670712590: 问这个英语单词怎么写? -
雪堵山玫: 我根据声音判断. 你要找的是这个 franco如果不是. 追问

石城县13670712590: 问这两个英语短语怎么写?
雪堵山玫: 1)be richer than例:A is richer than B.(A比B富裕) 2)She seldom be late at school.

石城县13670712590: 关于表示说,问的英语单词能帮我整理一下,并说明他们的区别吗?比如整理出speak,call,并注释,说说区别 -
雪堵山玫:[答案] say 注重说话的内容,有时也可指用某种语言表述例如 He said,"God bless you!"他说:“上帝保佑你!” speak注重说话的方式、说话的地点、说话的能力、说话的人、说话的动作She often speaks Englishi to me.她常对我说英语.tell注重告诉某...

石城县13670712590: 问英语汉意 -
雪堵山玫: 吃米饭;买得起一辆车

石城县13670712590: 英*语*问*题wonderful surprise -
雪堵山玫: 这个字在这种情况属于特殊用法:比如:It is a surprise gift. 意思是 “那是一份惊喜(引发惊喜的、突而起来的)礼物.” 使别人惊喜、引起惊叹的事物可以用 “surprise” 来形容.而 “surprising” 一般只作为 惊奇、使人好奇的动名词,意思有所不同.如果说:a surprising gift, 意思是 使人惊讶、惊奇、特别的礼物.有细微的分别.希望帮到你.

石城县13670712590: 问我问题的英语是什么 -
雪堵山玫: 您好 问我问题是 ask me questions如果理解为自己问自己问题 就是ask myself questions

石城县13670712590: 用英语问什么颜色怎么问 -
雪堵山玫:[答案] 结构是这样的: what +colour+be+你所要问颜色的名词 What+be+the+color+of+ 你所要问颜色的名词 比如说 what colour is the apple? What is the colour of the apple? 这个苹果是什么颜色的?

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