
作者&投稿:太衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
您还有绝对计划的背景音乐吗 有的话发给我吧 急求~

part of a fool(插曲)
all the things she said(主题曲英文版)
Aagainst all odds(插曲)


《Part of a fool》
I've been there before And I Just can't let go
The memory and pain of the hurt I know
Now deep in the night And there's pseeion inside
Dare I follow my heart An innocent smile
Then a walk in the night There it's dinner at home
served with candle light And It's quite a while
Since I felt good inside Dare I follow my heart
Do I feel something special inside of you
Do I know what you're really think of me
And the raindrops keep falling into my heart
And I just can't deny what feels so right
Do I let myself go and feel the rain
Or should I play with caution and refrain
whatever I do when it comes to you
I know sometimes love plays the part of a fool
I know what's in store Though I can't say much more
A chance worth the taking has open its door
And I can't say I love you And I can't say I don't
But I do wish I knew

part of a fool(插曲)
all the things she said(主题曲英文版)
Aagainst all odds(插曲)

《Part of a fool》
I've been there before And I Just can't let go
The memory and pain of the hurt I know
Now deep in the night And there's pseeion inside
Dare I follow my heart An innocent smile
Then a walk in the night There it's dinner at home
served with candle light And It's quite a while
Since I felt good inside Dare I follow my heart
Do I feel something special inside of you
Do I know what you're really think of me
And the raindrops keep falling into my heart
And I just can't deny what feels so right
Do I let myself go and feel the rain
Or should I play with caution and refrain
whatever I do when it comes to you
I know sometimes love plays the part of a fool
I know what's in store Though I can't say much more
A chance worth the taking has open its door
And I can't say I love you And I can't say I don't
But I do wish I knew

〈Aagainst all odds〉
How can I just let you walk away,
just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here taking every breath with you ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me,
when all I can do is watch you leave
Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain,
and even shared the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now,
there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face

Take a look at me now,
there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against all odds
and that's what I've got to face

I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
so many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now
there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,
just the memory of your face

Take a look at me now,
there's just an empty space
But to wait for you,
well that's all I can do
and that's what I've got to face

Take a good look at me now,
I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
That's the chance I've got to take, oh, oh
Just take a look at me now

《Part of a fool》


〈Aagainst all odds〉MP3格式




张悬 《宝贝》

《part of a fool》
《all the things she said》



《美丽》--曹晓芙 《倾城之恋》 主题曲《My Heart Will Go On》-- 席琳·迪翁 《泰坦尼克号》 主题曲《攻心计 》-- 关菊英 《宫心计 》 主题曲《...19. 太早 (绝对计划) 20. 上海滩 (上海滩) 21. 曾经最美 (维纳斯之恋)22. 红颜 (荆柯传奇) 23. 希望 (大长今) 24. 一直很安静 (仙剑奇侠传)...

《Jenny》(泰剧)《偷偷爱上你》饰徐翊 《少年张三丰》饰张翠山 《绝对计划》饰铁雄 《Lonely Dragon》(泰剧)《Kun chai jum lang》(泰剧,中文名是《穷人变王子》《聊斋之小谢》饰陶望三 《恶灵05》饰师宇文 《新九品芝麻官》《天外飞仙》饰傅元宝 《胎教》《天使情人》饰sunny 《聊斋奇女子...


1。《无业楼民》(21)(刘松仁,伍咏薇,江华) 2。《梦想成真》(20)(吕方,梅小惠,宣萱,吕颂贤) 3。《挞出爱火花》(15)(谢霆锋,梁佩玲,元华) 4。《...他设立赌场,有计划有预谋地拉拢腐蚀天都市的干部队伍,并利用父亲的市长背景,大肆收买海关各级人员,走私贩私,牟取暴利。他的副手张峰更以为人阴损、手段毒辣...




歌名:宝贝 原唱:张悬 填词:张悬 谱曲:张悬 歌词:耶,哒啦哒啦哒 我的宝贝宝贝,给你一点甜甜 让你今夜都好眠,我的小鬼小鬼 逗逗你的媚眼,让你喜欢这世界 哗啦啦啦啦啦,我的宝贝 倦的时候有个人陪,哎呀呀呀呀呀 我的宝贝,让你知道你最美 我的宝贝宝贝,给你一点甜甜 让你今夜很好眠,...


慢歌抒情,女子独唱> 12. s - des maux mal soign <法语,女子独唱,绝对好听> 13. jtl - a better day <快歌,男女合唱,韩语?> 14. eminem、阿姆 – stan <说唱乐,男RAP,女高潮> 15. emilie simon - chanson de toile <女子独唱,女声很空灵,很赞> 16. groove coverage - far away from...

铁锋区13755421175: 急求《绝对计划》背景音乐!!!追加100分重谢!!! -
载饺护康: 萧潇-我要往前飞(主题曲) 刘允乐-太早(片尾曲) 张悬-宝贝(插曲) part of a fool(插曲) all the things she said(主题曲英文版) Aagainst all odds(插曲) 就是一首没有人唱的背景音乐,很伤感的!拜托了~ 这是剪切出来的,《Part of a ...

铁锋区13755421175: 您还有绝对计划的背景音乐吗有的话发给我吧急?您还有绝对计划的背景
载饺护康: 萧潇-我要往前飞(主题曲、)刘允乐-太早(片尾曲)、张悬-宝贝(插曲)、part of a fool(插曲)、all the things she said(主题曲英文版)、Aagainst all odds(插曲)

铁锋区13755421175: 绝对计划片花中的背景音乐是什么?
载饺护康: 不知道你说的是哪一首 全给你了 主题曲: 片尾曲: 插曲: 《part of a fool》 《若没有你》 伊能静(插曲) 《scream》张悬(插曲) 还有戴佩妮的

铁锋区13755421175: 绝对计划片花中的背景音乐是什么 -
载饺护康: 不知道你说的是哪一首 全给你了 主题曲:<我要往前飞> 片尾曲:<太早> 插曲:<宝贝> 《part of a fool》 <Against All Odds> <All the Things She Said> 《若没有你》 伊能静(插曲) 《scream》张悬(插曲) 还有戴佩妮的

铁锋区13755421175: 急求《绝对计划》中白发女子唱的有“我的宝贝”的歌名
载饺护康: 《宝贝》张悬

铁锋区13755421175: 急求《逆战》游戏的背景音乐,目前游戏中能听到的几首.
载饺护康:《逆战》大厅背景音乐 1.少女时代 - mr.taxi 2. 听不到--Namolla Family 3. boa - game 4.motorhead - the game 5.金贤重 - break down 6. sum 41 - still waiting 7.sum41 - over my head .8.nightwish - she is my sin 1.Over my head—Sum41 2.Still ...

铁锋区13755421175: 急求《姥姥的剪纸》朗诵背景音乐,谢谢 -
载饺护康: 其中一段是班得瑞的童年,还有一个是A Time For Us_David Davidson.后面 第一段是《罗密欧与朱丽叶》小提琴曲

铁锋区13755421175: 急求 逆战 游戏中最新歌曲!! -
载饺护康: 《逆战》的背景音乐中,玩家们可以听到许多精彩而富有战场意味的劲爆歌曲,在《逆战》的大厅背景音乐中,歌曲曲目分别是1.少女时代 - 《mr.taxi》 2. 听不到--《Namolla Family》 3. boa - 《game》 4.motorhead - 《the game》5.金贤重 - 《break down》 6. sum 41 - 《still waiting》 7.sum41 - 《over my head》 8.nightwish - 《she is my sin》 9张杰- 《逆战》.

铁锋区13755421175: 新电影《独行侠》的背景音乐是什么?急求! -
载饺护康: 这首音乐原曲的确是《威廉退尔序曲》但电影中是Hans Zimmer重新制作的.是为了配合电影再次创作的.和原曲在某些曲调上略有不同.要注意区分.

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