
作者&投稿:聂勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



“Victory”(“胜利”)是The Jacksons乐队最后一次巡演,其在5个月时间内横跨美国和加拿大,共举办55场演唱会,吸引200万观众到场观看。The Jacksons的“Victory”巡演是当时最大规模的乐队巡演。
“Bad” (“真棒”)世界巡演是迈克尔·杰克逊第一次个人巡回演唱会。



1996年9月7日: HIStory”巡演


现今日本摇滚乐坛的班霸,日本的“国民乐队”,曾创造单张专辑487万张销量的历史记录,也曾开20万人演唱会的先河。并且,Glay也相当关注中国市场:发行面向中国的专辑,到上海拍摄广告,在北京召开万人级的演唱会。1990年乐队正式成型,93年在Yoshiki监制下录制第一张专辑;94年步入主流乐坛,此后发展十分顺利;97年的精选集《Review》销量487万张,Glay跃身为日本主流摇滚界大哥大。乐队四人司职主唱、吉他、贝斯;鼓手由外援支持。Glay的歌涵盖面极广,亲情、友情、爱情都有涉及,也有激励国民之歌,更有思念家乡的《Winter Again》。在摇滚已不复当年之勇的今天,Glay仍坚持着自己的理念,继续着音乐创作。


主要作品: 《Beloved》、《口唇》、《Winter Again》等。

小乐个人觉得 最经典的演唱会应该是磨岩三杰在香港红磡体育馆举行的那场中国摇滚演唱会呢。



1、摇滚巨星Rod Stewart在Copacabana海滩上的公开演唱会

It was December 31st, 1994 and the people of Rio de Janeiro were prepared to kick off the New Year in style. In the Guinness Book of World Records ' largest free rock concert of all time, Rod Stewart did things differently.

Instead of opting for a traditional venue like a stadium -- and those Brazilian soccer fans sure have large ones -- Stewart performed, his way, and staged the concert at Copacabana Beach as a gift to the many poor people of Rio. An estimated 3.5 million people showed up to listen to this rocker's greatest hits.

Highlight: Three and a half million Brazilians counting down seconds to the New Year with Rod Stewart is simply phenomenal. Statistically, that's almost two million women awaiting the stroke of midnight, and the ensuing kiss. Tempting...


The New York Philharmonic orchestra has a long tradition of offering its music to people worldwide. In the summer, it often plays free concerts in New York City's Central Park. But on July 5th, 1986, it broke records.

During this time, the people of New York were celebrating Statue of Liberty Weekend and the New York Philharmonic played under the direction of Zubin Mehta. To this day, the 800,000 people in attendance form the largest audience for a classical concert, which at the time was the largest concert crowd ever.

Highlight: Come on, it's a classical music recital; getting 800,000 New Yorkers to sit down for it is a highlight on its own!

3、乡村音乐之王Garth Brooks中央公园演唱会

Who would have thought a country star could pull in such a crowd? On August 7th, 1997, Garth Brooks became one of the rare performers to be granted access to Central Park for a concert. Not only was the show broadcast live on HBO, but it was also free for anyone who wanted to attend.

In addition to performing some of his most popular songs, the crowd was given a rare treat. While no one was expecting it, two surprise guest stars appeared on stage with Garth: Billy Joel and Don McLean. Together they offered an acoustic version of the McLean hit "American Pie." Needless to say this brought down the house, or in this case, the park.

Highlight: As a treat to New Yorkers, Brooks and Joel got together and sang "New York State of Mind."

4、Steve Wozniak 1983年美国音乐节

Steve Wozniak is one of the co-founders of Apple Computers and he wanted to give something back to the community for having made him rich beyond his wildest dreams. In 1982 and 1983, he organized the US Festival, which was a musical and technological orgy of every imaginable style.

In 1983, it was held from May 28th to May 30th, with a country music day on June 4th, in Devore, California. All the greatest performers of the era were there such as Flock of Seagulls, Willie Nelson, Motley Crue, Hank Williams Jr., Wall of Voodoo, Scorpions, INXS, U2, Stevie Nicks, Van Halen, and David Bowie. That second and last year the festival was held, 670,000 people showed up although Wozniak needed 800,000 people to break even.

Highlight: On the 1983 festival's second day, hard rock acts like Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Triumph, and Quiet Riot took to the stage. That day is regarded by some as the best metal concert in history and became known as the US Festival's "Heavy Metal Sunday."

5、Watkins Glen举办的Summer Jam音乐会

Although the hippie movement was dying out in 1973, rock music certainly wasn't. A huge concert called Summer Jam was organized and held on July 28th, 1973 at the Grand Prix auto circuit in Watkins Glen, New York. For some reason, 137,000 tickets were sold although, as concertgoers would eventually find out, the show was free.

It featured the Grateful Dead (who opened the gig by playing for five hours), the Allman Brothers, and the Band. It was a concert filled with long riffs and solos. On this hot and rainy day where naked chicks were a common sight, 600,000 people turned out. There were planes constantly flying overhead and a skydiver even lost his life while attempting a dangerous stunt involving explosives. This concert is often forgotten because the Grateful Dead would not allow the show to be made into a movie.

Highlight: After 2 a.m., members of the three bands jammed together onstage to conclude the show, finishing with their cover of "Johnny B. Goode."

The greatest heavy metal concert and the three most highly attended concerts of all time...

6、Isle of Wight音乐节

In 1970, Woodstock was still fresh on everyone's mind and everybody wanted to jump on the bandwagon. This fiesta is to this day the biggest concert ever held in the United Kingdom. Although tickets were sold for the event, the area where it was held was overlooked by a hill. Consequently, anyone who wanted to come without paying had a terrific view of the show from this knoll.

The event was reportedly badly organized and crawling with activists and troublemakers, and the feeling of peace and love had seemingly vanished. Nevertheless, the festival attracted acts like The Who, Joni Mitchell, Miles Davis, Jethro Tull, The Doors, Leonard Cohen, Joan Baez, and Jimi Hendrix. Never was a time more prototypical of the era of sex, drugs, and rock 'n'roll.

Highlight: Of note, this was Jimi Hendrix's last performance, as he died shortly after.

7、音乐传奇Simon & Garfunkel中央公园演唱会

It was on September 19th, 1981 that Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel reunited for the second time after their initial breakup. Never doing things at half measure, they performed in New York's Central Park and drew a crowd of 500,000.

What was phenomenal about this free concert was that they not only found a new way to sing their beloved classics (not opting to simply copy the recorded versions), but their performance totally recreated the camaraderie that had once existed between them. It was a virtual renewal of the cultural experience they had launched in the '60s.

Highlight: Although it's obvious that everyone in the crowd


In 2003, a new disease called SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) swept through Asia and the city of Toronto, Canada. The disease took its toll on tourism and hence the Canadian metropolis' economy, so city officials decided to put together a benefit concert (dubbed SARS-stock) on July 30th, 2003, to revive the economy.

Not only were Canadian acts like Rush, Tea Party and Blue Rodeo featured during the show, but international mega-stars such as the Rolling Stones, AC/DC and Justin Timberlake also performed. The latter's presence was rather controversial as fans didn't believe his brand of music fit the bill. As a result, some people in the crowd pelted him with water bottles and garbage.

Highlight: During a performance of "The Jackyl," Angus Young, the lead guitarist of AC/DC, lowered his pants to reveal "Canadian flag" underwear, to the crowd's utter delight.

A free concert in Central Park and Jimi Hendrix's final performance...

9、1969年 伍德斯托克音乐节

In 1969, the world was still deeply involved in the peace and love movement. As a celebration of the hippie culture, the three-day music festival of Woodstock was organized in upstate New York. Thirty-one performers were invited to Woodstock; among them were Joan Baez, the Grateful Dead, Joe Cocker, Janis Joplin, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, The Who, Santana, and Jimi Hendrix.

Two babies were born during the festival, 100,000 people camped out on the site, and the average person was parked 15 miles away. It is estimated that 90% of concertgoers were making liberal use of marijuana (among other drugs), which must have been the reason why many of the babes present decided to dance in the nude. To the pleasure of many, some of these intoxicated women were too eager to experiment with new things. The event was so successful, drawing 400,000 people, that two more Woodstock festivals were held in 1994 and 1999.

Highlight: Jimi Hendrix offered one of the festival's best performances, most notably with a feedback-heavy rendition of "Star Spangled Banner" and "Voodoo Child." Since he was the closing act, there were only about 30,000 fans left at the time.

10、Blockbuster摇滚音乐节 1997

On June 21st, 1997, the TBA Entertainment Corporation decided that what Fort Worth, Texas needed was a major rock concert, an event that would last more than 15 hours and blast over a million watts of sound. Approximately 385,000 fans bought tickets and showed up to enjoy this music-filled day. Can you just imagine how many of those were groupies? Gosh, am I ever in the wrong profession!

Held at the Texas Motor Speedway, which is usually reserved for auto racing, the Blockbuster RockFest featured 16 of the hottest performers of the era including No Doubt, Collective Soul, Matchbox Twenty, Bush, Jewel, the Wallflowers, and Counting Crows. Because fans started arriving the night before, VH1 organized a kickoff concert on that Friday night.

Highlight: Matchbox Twenty and their performance of the hit song "Push" was what most people in attendance regard as the concert's high note.


7. 1983年7月5日,在奥地利维也纳国家歌剧院上演普契尼的歌剧《波希米亚人》,世界著名男高音歌唱家帕拉契多·多明戈的表演格外出色。他的独唱结束后,观众报以持续一个半小时的雷鸣般掌声,多明戈共谢幕83次,创造了歌剧史上歌唱演员获得的最高荣誉。8. 1844年,在英国的一场音乐会中,亨德尔的一首...

Glastonbury音乐节是世界上规模最大的露天音乐节,每年吸引了超过10万乐迷前来观看,是世界上许多乐迷心中的“朝圣圣地”。雷丁利兹音乐节(Reading and Leeds Festival)地点:英国雷丁、利兹 时间:8月 Reading and Leeds音乐节与Glastonbury音乐节并称英国夏日两大音乐盛事,每年8月,音乐节会在雷丁和利兹...


根据法国侦探小说家卡斯顿·勒胡所撰著的爱情惊悚小说《歌剧魅影》改编,1986年首演,于1988年获得最佳音乐剧、最佳导演、最佳戏剧男主角、女主角等七项托尼奖,是史上最成功的音乐剧之一。 3、《邪恶女巫》 音乐剧《邪恶女巫》由著名女编剧威妮·霍兹曼根据格莱葛利·马奎尔的小说《绿野仙踪外传》改编。该剧讲述了桃乐...


维也纳新年音乐会 每年的当地时间1月1日上午(北京时间1月1日18:00),奥地利首都维也纳的“维也纳音乐之友协会”大厅——富丽堂皇的维也纳金色大厅被鲜花装点得分外秀丽,维也纳新年音乐会在全球的瞩目下举行,演出的曲目是被称为“圆舞曲之王”的小约翰·施特劳斯及其家族的音乐作品,由世界历史最悠久、素质最高超的乐团—...

世界十大著名音乐剧:1、《The Phantom Of The Opera歌剧魅影》《歌剧魅影》是百老汇历史上最长的演出剧目,这部剧还曾被改拍成华语电影《夜半歌声》2、《The Lion King狮子王》百老汇音乐剧王者之作《狮子王》灵感源自同名奥斯卡获奖动画电影,累计票房已超过了史上任何一部电影或舞台演出作品。3、《Cats...


莱比锡布商大厦管弦乐团(德语:Gewandhausorchester Leipzig,又译莱比锡布业大厅管弦乐团或音译为莱比锡格万豪斯管弦乐团)是以德国莱比锡为基地的世界知名管弦乐团,现有175名全职乐手,是当今全世界人数最多的专业管弦乐团之一。8、洛杉矶爱乐乐团 Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra 洛杉矶爱乐乐团,美国音乐表演...

Tomorrowland是世界上最受欢迎的电音节之一,每年在比利时举行。自2005年以来,这个节日已经成为电子舞曲音乐场景中的一个重要组成部分。今年,Tomorrowland将迎来它的第15个节日。节日的主要舞台是由设计师建造的人工城市,为参与者营造了一个非凡的体验。3. Coachella - 加利福尼亚的音乐文化 Coachella ...

温岭市15978221718: 世界上规模最大的演唱会 -
茹殃过岗: 应该是MRTALLICA在莫斯科红场的那次演唱会,人数好像高达80万 但是好像没被载入基尼斯和世界记录 真遗憾 没错 就是80万观众

温岭市15978221718: 史上最成功的演唱会 -
茹殃过岗: 应该是 1992的 “Dangerous'世界巡演中的一场在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特 是由流行音乐之王迈克尔杰克逊举办的,有7万人到场,几乎每分钟都有人晕倒,共有几十人死亡 值得一提的是 迈克尔将“Dangerous”巡演的收入全数捐给了他自己的“拯救世界基金会”和其他众多慈善机构.在此表示对已故天王的崇敬.

温岭市15978221718: 世界上最大型的明星演唱会是谁? -
茹殃过岗: 艾微儿、RAIN、

温岭市15978221718: 世界最有名的音乐会是什么! -
茹殃过岗: 美国

温岭市15978221718: 世界上最多人的演唱会是谁的? -
茹殃过岗: 布加勒斯特演唱会被公认为MJ最经典的一场演唱会,全场一共歌迷54万人,整个运动场全部是黑压压一片人....这场演唱会特辑也为HBO创下了有线电视网史上最高收视记录(21.4 %的收视率,34%户率).迈克尔因此获得“有线电视...

温岭市15978221718: 世界上人最多的演唱会是哪场? -
茹殃过岗: 杰克逊的,有15万人,刘德华第二,13万

温岭市15978221718: 世界上演唱会人数最多的是哪场?
茹殃过岗: 迈克尔·杰克逊世界巡演1984年7月6日:“Victory”(“胜利”) “Victory”(“胜利”)是The Jacksons乐队最后一次巡演,其在5个月时间内横跨美国和加拿大,共举办55场演唱会,吸引200万观众到场观看.The Jacksons的“Victory”巡演是...

温岭市15978221718: 全球最成功的演唱会有哪些?
茹殃过岗: Mariah Carey、Avril Lavigne、Michael Jackson... 那些个天王天后级的人物演唱会应该都不差吧?!

温岭市15978221718: 世界上最多人的一个演唱会是哪个歌手的演唱会? -
茹殃过岗: 应该是迈克 尔杰克逊吧!是在2006年的世界音乐大会.不太清楚.

温岭市15978221718: 世界上有哪些著名的大型音乐会?比如,维也纳新年音乐会 -
茹殃过岗:[答案] 1月1日上午,维也纳新年音乐会,维也纳爱乐乐团 上半年不定期,欧洲音乐会,柏林爱乐乐团 5月,布拉格之春音乐节 6月,柏林森林音乐会,柏林爱乐乐团 7月,逍遥音乐节,其中最后一场演出是“最后的一夜”,BBC广播交响乐团 7月,萨尔斯堡...

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