
作者&投稿:吉路 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the national games.
the national games,音标:[ðə ˈnæʃnəl geɪmz]
After running in the national games, she was flat out for a week.她参加全国运动会后一星期都疲惫不堪。
ur province got twelve gold medals in the National Games.
Reform and perfect the competition system of athletic sportswith the National Games as the core.
When the championships over, the National Games beginsright away.
In terms of its scale, the National Games are the most important sports games in China.
Grey-Thompson first competed in 1984 for Wales, winning the 100m as a 15-year-old at theJunior National Games. ---BBC: Tanni Grey-Thompson has won 11 Paralympic gold medals
Their idea was that people want to watch their local team more than they want to watch one of the big national games, but that you need a national brand to sell advertising. ---ECONOMIST: Sports networks
It has also bought the rights to games by the National Basketball Association, the NationalHockey League, the NCAA men's basketball tournament and English Premiere League soccer, and such personalities as sportscaster John Madden , skateboarders Bam Margera and Tony Hawk , cyclist Lance Armstrong and political commentators Bob Dornan and Michael Reagan . ---FORBES: Satellite Radio Days

The 11th National Games will be held in Jinan of Shandong province.It is reported that this year our province will invest four body-building bases(全民健身基地) ,30 basketball,table tennis,football fitness Square.130 townships and sports activities center(乡镇文体活动中心),In addition,the government will renewal the body-building path (对全民健身路径进行改造),so that all the people of our province the size of the formation of body-building system to better facilitate the provision of fitness for the masses(为群众健身提供方便).Many teen-age volunteers from all over the contry are willing to offer their help to share contributions ,The slogan of the National Games is " Harmonious China,National Games"(和谐中国,全民全运)
The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing,China on August 24,2008,which has left performed so well that they won 51 gold medals in one Olympic Games .From the very Games ,we have proved that our goverment not only has the ability to hold the Olympic Games successfully ,but also we can perform well !
The fact has showed everything to the world !Days when we were looked down upon have gone forever !It is our athletes' intelligence and other qualities that have won the great honor for us Chinese all !It is the successful 29th Olympic Games that destroys the saying of those who doubted about it years ago !What a great ,successful and impressive Olympic Games !
This time the National Games held in Shandong,Jinan is the main theme of the slogan of the host city is a harmonious China,all the people the whole operation,the mascot is the Mountain Boy.Mascot "Tarzan Boy" to a culture,natural content and moving story based on the Mountain ,combined with modern sports concepts,new prime minister to create an auspicious meaning,so that the whole sky continuously transported flash flame burning planet,we gazed,waiting,cheering,applause

Transported together with brilliant peers

As the Olympic torch flame of the sunset as people left a bright and charming movement of the United States, so that we feel is full of country charm and bravery. Full of harmony of the whole of the United States have been shipped to us.

This time the National Games held in Shandong, Jinan is the main theme of the slogan of the host city is a harmonious China, all the people the whole operation, the mascot is the Mountain Boy. Mascot "Tarzan Boy" to a culture, natural content and moving story based on the Mountain , combined with modern sports concepts, new prime minister to create an auspicious meaning, so that the whole sky continuously transported flash flame burning planet, we gazed, waiting, cheering, applause. Not to mention the sports teams will superhuman athletes, as well as the flashing golden glory, that they do not have to sweat and hard work paid on only the most intuitive for our vision of the body brought on the blood boiling. They are transported across the burning flame, the waving arms to pursue their own goals and ideals. Tough action, super-time training, the honing cross-intensity, positive sense of ... ... them with the Superman of the times and the cost of the significance of the historical process has not indelible contribution. We may not have his strong physique, but their dedication to honor the feelings of the motherland as well as the kind of "suffering of their mind, workers of their bones," the spirit of what we admire

Three to four decades on behalf of the last century, when the Chinese invaded into the middle of the enormous suffering that our ancestors did not yield, but in a "up and people do not want to be slaves ... ..." for the students, the one heart and one mind, with their strong will to resist oppression and blood, and ultimately allow the Chinese people took to the road of rehabilitation. 1978, China embarked on the path of reform and opening up, people of all ethnic groups, "one heart and one mind" to develop the economy and 30 years of reform and opening-up process of China's economy has witnessed rapid development. Practice has proved that the Chinese people have the ability not only embark on the path of national independence, but also have the ability to embark on a strength and prosperity. When Juan Antonio Samaranch announced that Beijing won, the moment, all the Chinese people are cheering. Beijing's successful Olympic bid was the result of joint efforts of one mind, it is one of the world's trust in Beijing, it is sure to China. Snow disasters, destruction of separatist forces, Wenchuan earthquake, floods ... ... 2008 China has undergone many twists and turns, can be difficult for the Chinese nation is not intimidated by any of the people across the country one heart and one mind "carry" over the difficulties one after another. Win and the whole of this year's National Day held at the same time 60 years, made us feel the blood boiling.

Short-term and youth life to remind us of the perishable must be cherished. Always look forward a long way to go endless, but between,recalled a dream. Athletes with long-lasting endurance, the rock layers to gradually ground into fine powder,to his mind the image. They have life in the sports arena of struggle were to have fought a battle against them is taken cried too, in their eyes, the day on a blue flicker of the numerous flash, we have a total cover up or try to gloss over their own laziness and evasion is Games never admit defeat the spirit of this activation, we indulge in the heart without realizing it, is the National Games flame lit the beacon of our pursuit of this life-like vibrant Zhuo in recovery, how life should be a powerful force.

Castle Peak is still in, We need to continue to learn life, as amended, to make their own minds to achieve the desired standards. Life, the inevitable rough thorns, as long as loyal to their own beliefs, we will see a sunny Avenue. Do not experience wind and rain, how can Life in the rock in the turbulent rapids through, only to build many beautiful beyond description. "Good people who live day。no hardships, can swallow a 3000 Miss Vietnam: "where there, things become the" most drastic Xiang Yu, Qin Bai Chu is the final clearance. The same solution of bovine small blister cooks "easily", and this is the will and temper of the day-to-day! Athletes is in this spirit have created the value of life.

God is fair, as long as we fight, he will not be stingy, because Win the whole flame is red Peak mountain air, for our specified goals; the whole spirit of tolerance transported along the Great Wall, gives us the courage of the chivalrous. To have the courage to come up with the momentum to find a window of their own mountains, as we should be together is magnificent scenery!

Hot flame flashing stars - all delivered the flame, life and bright because of your life because you are a color-hyun; as you never burn, live, but also our own blessings. In the "missing fog up the house, maze degree on" the time will never forget you! Games would like a complete success.

与全运同行 共创灿烂辉煌

这一次的全运会山东举行,济南是主要的举办城市主题口号是和谐中国,全民全运,吉祥物是泰山童子 .吉祥物“泰山童子”以充满文化、自然内涵和动人传说的泰山为基础,并结合现代体育理念、国泰民安的吉祥寓意进行创作,全运火焰使天空不断闪现燃烧的星球,我们在凝望、等待,欢呼、鼓掌。不必说运动队健儿们超人的意志以及那闪着金光的荣誉,不必说他们付出的汗水和努力,就单单对于我们最直观的视觉带来的体味就热血沸腾。他们在全运火焰的熊熊燃烧之下,挥动自己的双臂追求着自己的目标和理想。高难度的动作,超时间的训练,跨强度的磨炼,积极的意识……他们凭借超人的代价对时代和历史进程的意义有着无法磨灭的贡献。我们或许没有他强健的体魄,但他们为祖国荣誉奉献的情怀以及那种“苦其心志,劳其筋骨”的精神多么令我们钦佩
上世纪三四十年代,当中华民族陷入被侵略的深重苦难中时,我们的先辈没有屈服,而是在一声“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们……”的怒吼下,万众一心,用他们的坚强意志和鲜血反抗压迫,最终让中华民族走上复兴之路。 1978年中国走上了改革开放的道路,全国各族人民“万众一心”发展经济,30年的改革开放历程见证了中国经济飞速发展的道路。实践证明,中国人民不但有能力走上民族独立的道路,同样也有能力走上一条富强之路。 当萨马兰奇宣布北京胜出时,那一刻,所有的中华儿女都在欢呼。北京成功申奥是万众一心共同努力的结果,它既是世界对北京的信任,更是对中国的肯定。 冰雪灾害、分裂势力破坏、汶川地震、洪涝灾害……2008年的中国经历了太多的曲折,可中华民族没有被任何困难吓倒,全国人民万众一心“扛”过了一个又一个的难关。今年全运和60年国庆同时举行,更让我们感到了热血的沸腾。
闪着炽热火焰的星—全运火焰,生命因你而亮丽,生命因你炫出色彩;视你永远燃烧,生生不息,也祝福我们自己。在“雾失楼台,月迷津度”之时不会忘记你! 愿全运会取得圆满成功。

and prepare for the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics to be held in China.原文翻译:2021年第31届夏季大学生运动会(2021 Chengdu Summer Universiade),简称成都大运会,是由国际大学生体育联合会主办的一项全球性大型综合性体育赛事。本次比赛将于2021年8月18日至29日在中国四川省成都市举行,预计将...

大学生运动会 大学生运动会,通常被称为世界大学生运动会,是由国际大学生体育联合会(FISU)为大学生运动员组织的国际多项运动赛事。比赛每两年举行一次,参加国家和地区的运动员超过170个。大学生运动会对大学生运动员来说是一个重要的比赛,因为他们有机会与来自世界各地的大学生运动员竞争。这个比赛...

篇三:初中学校运动会英语作文 In October, the light of the sun, a brilliant in October, a bright October harvest auspicious October.Signature -- Along with wind chill, we have annual fall sports. The sun is shining in the opening day. See, the pace of neat, Listen, colorfully...

举行奥运会虽然是一件很光荣的事情,但是也并不一定全是益处,下面是作文网我为您带来的《关于举办奥运会利弊英语作文》,希望能对大家有所帮助。篇一:Economic Benefits of the Olympics 1. Encourages Investment in Transport and Infrastructure.Major sporting events usually require upgrades to tra...

介绍奥运会的英语作文带翻译如下:"The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."“2008年第29届奥运会授予北京市。”The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 2008 host in Friday's vote during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC...

At the elementary school today it is a sports day; all the parents and friends were invited to attend. Each class in the school was peting in one or more sports events such as relay races, distance races, ball games, parades, and so on. All the guests had *** all chairs...

【 #英语资源# 导语】奥运会开幕式是奥运会开场的环节之一,历来都是奥运会的重头戏,是万众瞩目的焦点。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.观看东京奥运会的开幕式英语作文 The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games should not only reflect the Olympic spirit aimed at peace, ...

篇二:初中学校运动会英语作文 In October, the light of the sun, a brilliant in October, a bright October harvest auspicious October.Signature -- Along with wind chill, we have annual fall sports. The sun is shining in the opening day. See, the pace of neat, Listen, colorfully...

【 #英语资源# 导语】第32届夏季奥林匹克运动会,简称2020年东京奥运会,是由日本奥林匹克委员会举办的国际性运动会,于2021年7月23日开幕、8月8日闭幕。参赛国家或地区总数达204个,共11669名参赛运动员;共有33个大项、339个小项。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.关于2021年东京奥运会英语作文 ...

Our people have a good tradition of hospitality and etiquette.我国人民有着热情好客讲究礼仪的优良传统。During the Olympic Games, many foreign friends will come to our country. They come from different countries and races.在奥运会期间一定会有很多外国朋友来到我们的国家,他们来自不同的国...

孝昌县17638478609: 11全运会英语作文四级水平,字数120左右,不要复制的,只要自己写的,不要有严重的语法错误 -
仁狄白葡:[答案] The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing,China on August 24,2008,which has left performed so well that they won ... so that the whole sky continuously transported flash flame burning planet,we gazed,waiting,cheering,applause 以上是全运会的...

孝昌县17638478609: 关于11全运会的英语作文 -
仁狄白葡: The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing, China on August 24,2008, which has left performed so well that they won 51 gold medals in one Olympic Games . From the very Games , we have proved that our goverment not only has the ability ...

孝昌县17638478609: 关于11全运会的英语作文 -
仁狄白葡:[答案] The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing,China on August 24,2008,which has left performed so well that they won 51 gold medals in one Olympic Games .From the very Games ,we have proved that our...

孝昌县17638478609: 求关于十一届全运会的英语作文(专科水平)有那位可以帮我讨教几篇有
仁狄白葡: With peers to create a brilliant full-Yun Olympic flame as the flame-like glow to the ... workers of their bones," the spirit of what we admire这一次的全运会山东举行,济南是主...

孝昌县17638478609: 谁帮我写一篇关于济南全运会的英语作文
仁狄白葡:The 11th National Games will be held in Jinan of Shandong province. It is reported that this year our province will invest four body-building bases(全民健身基地) , 30 basketball, table tennis, football fitness Square.130 townships and sports ...

孝昌县17638478609: 初三全运会英语作文 急 -
仁狄白葡: I was quite excited when I heard the 11th National Games will be held in the city I live in 2009. My name is XX. I am an 18-year-old boy student in a senior middle school. And I want to be a volunteer for the games. I like English and sports very much. ...

孝昌县17638478609: 求关于第十一届全运会的英文小短文!!(和全运会的英语写法)如题 谢谢了 -
仁狄白葡: This time the National Games held in Shandong, Jinan is the main theme of the slogan of the host city is a harmonious China, all the people the whole operation, the mascot is the Mountain Boy. Mascot "Tarzan Boy" to a culture, natural content ...

孝昌县17638478609: 求一篇关于09全运会的英语高考示范作文 -
仁狄白葡: As the Olympic torch flame of the sunset as people left a bright and charming movement of the United States, so that we feel is full of country charm and bravery. Full of harmony of the whole of the United States have been shipped to us. This time the ...

孝昌县17638478609: 全运会英语作文 -
仁狄白葡: 你 能 不 能 说 详细点 给你两篇范文好了 小学英语作文范文第一篇 last week, gogo went hiking(去郊游) with his friends. tony and jenny planted trees, gogo helped tony and jenny. mr green washed his boots and mrs green painted a picture. ben ...

孝昌县17638478609: 有关2017天津全运会英语作文 -
仁狄白葡: There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, basketball,travelling and so on. However, my favorite sport is running.In my mind,it is a good activities for people to keep healthy and relieve the pressure. After busy studying,i usually run...

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