
作者&投稿:市思 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Editor,
I am interested in the waiter job. I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old. I have been watching English movies since two years ago. I have been watching sports for about five years. And I have been waiting in English since 2001. I love writing. And I hope I can be
a writer for our school newspaper.
Yours sincerely,

P3 :/2a/1.more 2.less 3.fewer 4.less 5.fewer
/2b/The following sentences should be checked:2,5
1.in high school 2,soccer 3、a cat 4、in college 5、the guitar
6、a dog 7、a doctor / married 8、tennis 9、a sports car / a child
A:Ithink there will be more parks in the city.And there will be more trees.
B:Ithink there will be fewer cars in the city.And there will be more buses.
C:Ithink there will be more hospitals.And there will be less pollution.
D:Ithink there will be more colleges 。 And there will be fewer pet dogs.
/1a/Jobs(工作):astronaut(宇航员),computer programmer(电脑程序编制员)
Places to live:house(住宅);apartment(公寓),space station(太空站)
/2b/1、live 2、work 3、am 4、lived 5、took 6、’ll be 7、’ll fly 8、’ll live
Pets---parrot,many others
Places---Shanghai,Hong Kong,Australia
Clothes------smart clothes,probably a suit (during the week),casual clothes(on the weekend)
/1/1、work 2、keep 3、 look 4、wear 5、fly
/3/1、space station 2、computers 3、robots 4、astronaut


11-15 ABCAC 16-20ABCAA 21-25 ACBDC 26-30DAABA
31-35 ACBCA 36-40GFDEC
41-45 BACAD 46-50CADBB 51-55 DACCB 56-60 BADCA
61. of 62.differently
63. who / that 64. to choose
65. was called 66.how
67. a 68.surprised
69. more 70. that
71. ... I become a ... become → became
72. ... quite good in ... good → well
73. ... top student in ...
student → students
74. ... without teachers and ...
75. ... who teach math ... teach → teaches
76. Under his help ... Under → With
77. ... made a great ... 去掉a
78. But most of ... But → And
79. ... when needing. needing → needed
80. How is going ... How → What
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Smith,
I'd like to make use of the summer vacationto work part-time in your company.
I have decided to do this because I want tomake some money to pay for my school fees. What's more, I can get some workexperience, which will be good for my future work. I think I can do it well.I'm good at English and I can speak it fluently, which makes it easy for me tocommunicate with foreigners. Also, I worked part-time in a foreign company lastyear and I think it will help me do better in your company.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua

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