
作者&投稿:天田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2007年10月18日.我们学校有一个野餐.我们去了Shek O.
October 18th, 2007. Our school had a picnic. We went to the Shek O. We gathered in the classroom at 8:05 pm on Oct.18th. But our bus wasn't ready until 9 o'clock.
当我们到达我们的目的地.有人开始准备炉子.有人把食物拿出来 因为我们要吃火锅.而我则是要去洗手间.因为坐了太久的车了.
When we reached the destination, some people began to prepare the stove and some people took out the food because we wanted to have hot pot. And I annted to go to the washroom because I had been riding too long.
就在我们吃的正开心的时侯.有人尖叫起来.因为我们发现在我们的脚下有很多群蚂蚁.这吓坏我们了 也影响了我们的食欲.有人开始用力踩那些蚂蚁 但还是很多。
Just when we were enjoying our food, someone gave a scream because we found that under our feet there were many ants. We were frightened and our appetite was affected. Some people began to tread hard on the ants, but there were still many of them.

Japan the nearby areas have north Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, and the Philippines.

Japan's total area of 377,835 square kilometers, including land area of more than 37 million square kilometers, the waters area 3,091 square kilometers, the territorial sea area 310000 square kilometers.

Japan is the world sea reclamation most populous country, sea reclamation area up to 1600 square kilometers.

1. Sunny skies today, I also feel very good. Holiday to be busy because a lot of things so formulated a plan for himself, get up at 8:00 in the morning two hours practicing After learning one hour after lunch to go to school at night watching TV And reading, every day I have very happy
2. Today, I and my father were aunts and uncles units to the swimming. We play in the water very happy. There are slides, pools and beaches. But the really hot !
3. One of the fast month, the teachers miss school students, the school in the days me and my good friend, always joking together, although the daily operations Tingduo However, we are very happy, I really hope to quickly To see them.
4. Today I have a sister to ask for directions, I said to her first Zhizou you would like to see post offices in the Street, take the left side you will see a supermarket, you have to place in the supermarket opposite. That the older sister Smiling, I take the
5. You have a friend like you, like the English teacher? «It to you to let me talk about my school English teacher Kelly bar. Lelly is a 25-year-old female teacher, she was A beautiful curly hair. She likes to laugh and the story, we like her.
6. Approaching autumn, and this is always a few days of rain, thick clouds covered the sky. Listen, are outside the afternoon. Yard of trees were blown over, and this somewhat frightening. Thunder from time to time there are the voices of I do not like heavy rain
7. Autumn to the (use beginning of) all with slightest cold wind, the sun is now not so strong summer, but some moderate. I like autumn because of its people feel very comfortable , As if to see what a beautiful Qiujing can forget the troubles.

1. The sky is fine and cloudless today , my state of mind is also very good. Because of vacation needs to be bustling about many things therefore having worked out plan for self li, 8 o'clock is going to go to give lessons watching TV and reading a book in the evening after getting out of bed mimicking an hour two studying hour practising the musical instrument being completed lunch , I all live with every day in the morning to feel happy very much. 2. Today I aunts have gone for a swim with father unit uncle. We play in Shui Li very joyful. There has the children's slide , sandy beach and pool. But have heated up in fact very much! 3. Have had holiday approximately one moon , have missed the school teacher schoolmates, my and my good friend always is in a chatting and laughing in the day being at school , everybody is all very joyful although in every day school assignment is quite many , true hope can hurry up and see them. 4. Have an elder sister to ask me about a road today, I criticize you to her passing through your across the way that can see that in the supermarket as soon as supermarket , you want the place arriving at first on and on by the street walking seeing post office think of the left crutch. That elder sister had been laughed at to me having left. 5. Do you have resembling your friend-like English teacher? English teacher Kelly that lets say my class for supplementary schooling to you coming me. Lelly is the 25-year-old or so daughters teacher , she is very beautiful long hair having crimp. She likes to laugh at sum with the story very much , we are fond of her all very much. 6. Have arrived at autumn quickly, this several day always rains , say that thick coverage is burning sky. Listen to , be outside afternoon. The quilt has all blown down tree inside the courtyard , this has been a little bit dreadful. Still have the sound thundering often. I do not like to heavy rain fall. 7. Have done wind in autumn being wearing a thread of frigidity, sun now is neither as intense as summer , some are on the contrary mild. I am fond of autumn very much because of it makes person feeling very comfortable , see beautiful autumnal scenery being able to forget as if what is vexed.

my father 's mate who in his unite and i came to swam today,we are enjoyed in the water .there are water-incline ,man-made beach and swimming pool here. but what a hot wheather~


80分 偶也不干!!!!!


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乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译成英文阿~ -
严顺疏尔:[答案] And if you can be together.Starlight I prefer my all fallen,because your eyes are my life,the brightest shine!

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我翻译成英文 -
严顺疏尔: 1.make up the final exam2.make up the disadvance of intelligence/parting time

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我译成英文,这两句:1、只为心中最重要的人!2、给心中最重要的人!麻烦帮我翻译成英文, -
严顺疏尔:[答案] 可翻译为:Only for the most important person in my heart. To the most important person in my heart.

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我翻译成英语 -
严顺疏尔: The problem you metioned has already been exsisted for a long time, it happens twice or threee times a day, and each time lasts 5 to 10 minites. I've talked with CNC about this...

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我翻译个英语 -
严顺疏尔: Your world may not hold me up, and my world is still very wide , so I didn't need to squeeze the little world.望采纳了,谢谢! 还有什么其他的还可以问我Q809472005

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译下, -
严顺疏尔:[答案] 最好直接致电问一下,如果不能得到确切答复,可以用下面的译法: Shenzhen Huaxinhui Electronics Co.,Ltd.

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我翻译成英文,谢谢!请用逗号隔开 -
严顺疏尔: try one's best to do decide to do 或 make up one's mind to do make inventions laugh at make use of 或 take advantage of be friends with 或 make friends with make a decision make preparations for 或 be prepared for

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 英语翻译都是几句简单的话,麻烦帮我翻译成英文.1,亲爱的们,我要回来了.(注意哦,是将要回来,不是已经回来了)2,终于还是放你走了.3,不可以有... -
严顺疏尔:[答案] 1,亲爱的们,我要回来了.(注意哦,是将要回来,不是已经回来了) Dear all,I am coming. 2,终于还是放你走了. Finally,let you go. 3,不可以有期待. No expectation is permitted.

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我翻译下英语
严顺疏尔: 爱上了 fall in love with sb是爱上了某人

乳源瑶族自治县15780033678: 麻烦帮我译成英文谢谢......
严顺疏尔:(喜欢你身上淡淡的味道,好亲切的感觉) Wish the slight flavour of you ,so amiable feelings. 问题补充: (喜欢你身上淡淡的味道,好亲切,好舒服的感觉)Like the slight flavor of you ,so amiable ,so comfortable feelings.

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