我初三 这是我写的英语作文。一直对自己的语法错误很没有自信,麻烦帮我检查下这篇作文谢谢了

作者&投稿:终鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

after 后加v-ing形式
me 改为my homework
the life in 中 in改为 of

To be a qualified volunteer, in my view, several abilities are of great importance. For one thing, I have a good command of English. Not only is speaking fluent English a necessary skill in such an international event, but it can also facilitate me to serve as well as communicate with people from other countries. For another, I’m equipped with some basic knowledge of emergency, which plays a vital role in this type of sports event like Marathon. More importantly, having related experience of being a volunteer, I am completely confident that I am the right person for this job.
Thank you for your consideration. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


it is +adj.+that……这是一个句型
than前面应该用比较级(we are busier with study than ever)
介词后面应该是动词的ing形式(about dealing with stress)
the suggestion is+名词/动名词/从句(作文中的是名词,不用加that)

such as 和 so on不能连用(such as playing table tennis, playing basketball或者playing basketball, playing table tennis, playing football and so on)
It's true that we are busier with study than ever. I feel tired every day. But I have two suggestions about dealing with stress. The first suggestion is doing sports, such as playing table tennis, playing basketaball. The second is listening to music. I think that it is a good way to dealing with stress.
In a word, these suggestions will help you feel better and continue to move forward with a released heart.(我觉得没有with a released heart更好)

你的字母要改改 等高中了 高考改卷的时候看的是字好不好看 好看的字分都会高3--5分 我妈就是英语老师 改过两次卷

dealing with the first suggestion is 后面不用加that

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嬴庾蠲痹: 第一排:in the world; 第二排:建议将第一个the换成Chinese;注意because的拼写; 第三排:be short of意为“缺少”,别忘了of;People find jobs前加that(主语从句);also causes前加it; 第四排:/; 第五排:/; 第六排:has worked well 前加it. 祝学习愉快,望采纳,谢谢!

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