Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school,为什么前面个go要加es,而后面的不加?

作者&投稿:栾往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school,childredn也是第三人称,为什么不用goes的?~

children是第三人称没错, 但是它是复数指孩子们, 单数是child. 所以children 后的go要原型。

take是有送的意思。 Their father takes them to school everyday。 everyday是连在一起写。 他们的爸爸每天送他们去上课。

具体的说就是在it, he ,she 以及一个人的名字后面,比如这个Mr.Sawyers ,后面的go要加es。
其他人称,比如I you they 或者复数,比如the children ,后面的go不加es。


前边是第三人称单数 ,一个人罢了

Mr.Sawyer 单三

children 复数 单数是 child 特殊变化


Mr.Sawyer 是一个人 ,是单数形式,要加es,children是复数形式所以不加

宿豫县15853629069: 求新概念英语第一册55课课文 -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] 55 索耶一家人 391.The Sawyer live at 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在国王街87号. 392.In the morning,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. 早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子们去上学. 393.Mrs.Sawyer stays at home every day. 索耶夫人每天...

宿豫县15853629069: Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school,为什么前面个go要加es,而后面的不加? -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] 前面是单数 于是宾格 后面CHILDREN是复数,所以就不加了

宿豫县15853629069: Mr.sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.前面为什么是goes后面为什么是go to..... -
睢怀佳诺: Mr.sawyer是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也要用相应的单数形式(goes),而后面的children是child的复数形式,所以后面的谓语动词要用复数形式(go).

宿豫县15853629069: 新概念第一册55课课文~hurry up -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] Lesson 55 The Sawyer family The Sawyers live at 87King Street.In the morning,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and cht children go to school.Their father takes them to school every day.Mrs.Sawyer stays at home every day.She does the housework.She always...

宿豫县15853629069: Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school,childredn也是第三人称,为什么不用goes的?还有,Their father takes them to school every day. take有... -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] children是第三人称没错, 但是它是复数指孩子们, 单数是child. 所以children 后的go要原型. take是有送的意思. Their father takes them to school everyday. everyday是连在一起写. 他们的爸爸每天送他们去上课.

宿豫县15853629069: In the morning ,Mr.sawyers goes to work and the children go to shcool.什么前面GO+ES 后面不加? -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] 第三人称单数后面的go加es,其他人称不加. 具体的说就是在it, he ,she 以及一个人的名字后面,比如这个Mr.Sawyers ,后面的go要加es. 其他人称,比如I you they 或者复数,比如the children ,后面的go不加es. 祝你学习进步!

宿豫县15853629069: the children ——(go还是 goes)to school为什么 -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] child是单数,children是复数,所以可以用go,而不是goes.

宿豫县15853629069: 外语:a simple questionIn the morning,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the chlidren go to question is:the children go to school.why not use"the children ... -
睢怀佳诺:[答案] children 是child的复数形式啊

宿豫县15853629069: mr sawyer goes to work and the children go to school ?为什么children 后面的go不加es呢and不是前后时态 -
睢怀佳诺: 那是当and后面没有主语的时候.这个句子中有主语——children.children是复数.所以后面的go不加es.如果按你说的and 前后一样就是这种情况————mr sawyer goes to work and goes to school everyday. 【两件事说的都是一个人的时候】

宿豫县15853629069: 为什么children前面要加the -
睢怀佳诺: children 是指Mr Sawyer的孩子们,特指,所以需要定冠词 the. 意思: 索耶先生上班,而孩子们上学

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