
作者&投稿:辟友 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw. Admit it; it has frequently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie repeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeling about the movie. The hysteria and invincibility that Bollywood makers manage to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the latest of such hysterical movie with such aura around it.

Rajkumar Hirani's latest offering is based on a popular cult novel '5 point someone' by Chetan Bhagat'. So, it's easy to have lot of expectations for this film right? Wrong! See, this is not Chetan Bhagat's first novel adaptation to the big screen, it's his second. The first one was a disaster called 'Hello' based on his book 'One night at a Call Center'. Hence, there were lots of apprehensions about his latest book to screen adaptation. But hopes were there for the creative team for the film production and the star of the film Aamir Khan. Both Rajkumar and Aamir have impeccable record and status in the industry. Hence, the opening they got for this film was not surprising, even with the steep Ticket prices. But, when the word of mouth began that this is the best bollywood movie ever made, the expectations crossed the limits. And the film about three engineering students in Imperial College of Engineering (a.k.a. a reference to Indian Institute of Technology) does not disappoint. The story is with difference, but the characters are clichéd and true stereotypes of their species. Even the several of the movie sequences that make us laugh in the movie are far beyond being original. But the story is new and relevant to today's youth. Engineering and medical fields of study has started to take a toll on today's youth and the more than half a dozen student suicides that you would witness and hear in the movie is not at all a overreaction. It is turning into an epidemic; hence this film is definitely important. The young India is lapping up the support this film provides to their cause with great hysteria and is enjoying the many jokes and potshots the movie takes on the countries rigid educational system and social norms. The quirky and over the top turns that the lives of these idiots take is bringing joy and happiness to the young India. I should mention the best written character and surprisingly the best actor of the film 'Chatur'. Chatur is the typical Indian student that one sees around the campuses of Indian Colleges. Played by newcomer Omi Vaidya, it is the character the audience loved to see fail. Though he does not, his sequences have brought cheers across college campuses in India. The hysteria of '3 Idiots' becomes easy to decipher for the Indian audience and hence they are flocking the theater with large numbers and are cheerfully encouraging the next person to go watch the film.

For rest of the world this film is irrelevant and has nothing new to offer in terms of the movie flow and character development. But if they are able to put that aside, they would too probably enjoy the funny moments that this movie provides and would end up saying that this is the best Bollywood film they have ever seen.

当是上次你感觉在观看宝莱坞电影,你看最好的电影,然后突然在电影后会在你开始了解你看到电影的感觉。承认;它经常是这样。然后你做什么,你去看电影了多次恢复你先前对这部电影的感觉。宝莱坞者设法在讲故事,创造歇斯底里和不可战胜的,是什么使得它如此特别。”3个傻瓜是最新的歇斯底里的电影这样的光环。拉库玛Hirani的最新作品是基于一种流行的邪教小说5点人”阿赫亚毅嘉”。因此,有很大的期望,这部电影就很容易吗?错误的!看,这是不是阿赫亚毅嘉的第一部小说改编的大屏幕,这是他第二次。第一个是一个灾难,称为'你好'基于呼叫中心的一个晚上,他的书”。因此,有关于他最新的书改编的顾虑很多。但希望有对电影制作和电影明星阿米尔汗的创意团队。两Rajkumar阿米尔在业内拥有无可挑剔的记录和状态。因此,他们把这部电影的开放并不令人惊讶,即使有陡峭的机票价格。但是,当口碑开始,这是有史以来最好的宝莱坞电影,期望越过界限。和膜工程在帝国工程学院三名学生(又名参考印度技术学院)并没有失望。这个故事是有差异的,但人物都是陈词滥调éD和其物种的真正的刻板印象。即使是一些使我们发笑的电影序列是远远超出原来的。但故事是新的,今天的年轻人有关。工程和医学领域的研究已开始采取收费对今天的青年和超过一半的学生自杀事件,你会看到和听到的这部电影一点都没有反应过度。它正在变成一个流行;因此,这部电影是非常重要的。年轻的印度是研磨的支持这部电影提供了巨大的歇斯底里的原因和享受着许多笑话和对电影的国家僵化的教育体系和社会规范。古怪和上方打开,白痴的生活将是年轻的印度带来的快乐和幸福。我要提到的最好的文字,令人惊讶的是这部电影的chatur最好的演员。chatur是典型的印度学生,看到周围的印度大学校园。由新人OMI Vaidya玩,它是观众最喜欢看失败的特征。虽然他不,他带来了在印度的序列在大学校园里的欢呼声。歇斯底里的“3个”变得容易破解为印度观众,因此他们有大批涌入电影院是愉快的鼓励下一个人去看电影。在世界的这部电影是无关的,没有任何新的电影流和个性发展方面提供。但是如果他们能把这放到一边,他们也会喜欢这部电影提供了可能和有趣的时刻会说这是他们见过的最好的宝莱坞电影。

When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw. Admit it; it has frequently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie repeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeling about the movie. The hysteria and invincibility that Bollywood makers manage to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the latest of such hysterical movie with such aura around it.

Rajkumar Hirani's latest offering is based on a popular cult novel '5 point someone' by Chetan Bhagat'. So, it's easy to have lot of expectations for this film right? Wrong! See, this is not Chetan Bhagat's first novel adaptation to the big screen, it's his second. The first one was a disaster called 'Hello' based on his book 'One night at a Call Center'. Hence, there were lots of apprehensions about his latest book to screen adaptation. But hopes were there for the creative team for the film production and the star of the film Aamir Khan. Both Rajkumar and Aamir have impeccable record and status in the industry. Hence, the opening they got for this film was not surprising, even with the steep Ticket prices. But, when the word of mouth began that this is the best bollywood movie ever made, the expectations crossed the limits. And the film about three engineering students in Imperial College of Engineering (a.k.a. a reference to Indian Institute of Technology) does not disappoint. The story is with difference, but the characters are clichéd and true stereotypes of their species. Even the several of the movie sequences that make us laugh in the movie are far beyond being original. But the story is new and relevant to today's youth. Engineering and medical fields of study has started to take a toll on today's youth and the more than half a dozen student suicides that you would witness and hear in the movie is not at all a overreaction. It is turning into an epidemic; hence this film is definitely important. The young India is lapping up the support this film provides to their cause with great hysteria and is enjoying the many jokes and potshots the movie takes on the countries rigid educational system and social norms. The quirky and over the top turns that the lives of these idiots take is bringing joy and happiness to the young India. I should mention the best written character and surprisingly the best actor of the film 'Chatur'. Chatur is the typical Indian student that one sees around the campuses of Indian Colleges. Played by newcomer Omi Vaidya, it is the character the audience loved to see fail. Though he does not, his sequences have brought cheers across college campuses in India. The hysteria of '3 Idiots' becomes easy to decipher for the Indian audience and hence they are flocking the theater with large numbers and are cheerfully encouraging the next person to go watch the film.

For rest of the world this film is irrelevant and has nothing new to offer in terms of the movie flow and character development. But if they are able to put that aside, they would too probably enjoy the funny moments that this movie provides and would end up saying that this is the best Bollywood film they have ever seen.

   影片开头带有戏剧化的场面,让人不经会心一笑。法尔汉接到一个电话后以幽默的方式从飞机上逃离开与栾邱碰面,在爬上高塔之后,与查图尔开始展开了一段回忆之旅。而一个名为“兰彻”的神秘人物,让我们不禁开始对此影片产生了好奇心。本片所阐述的是一所印度传统的名校,这里检验学生的标准就是成绩第一。而校长为无数新生所讲述的“陈词滥调”,让学生们感受到了现实的残忍和学习的压力。那就是“杜鹃从来不自己筑巢,他只在别人的巢里下蛋,要孵蛋的时候他们会怎样?他们会把其他的蛋从巢里挤出,竞争结束了,他们的生命从谋杀开始,这就是大自然——要么竞争,要么死”。 如此犀利的话语让不少学生生活在水深火热中。如果说校长的人生观就是“成绩不好意味着没有未来”,那么,兰彻的想法彻底打破了传统与现实的观念。他所追求的精神自由,学习自由,爱好自由,在老师眼中成为了异类。他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学生,他用智慧打破了学院的墨守成规的传统观念。他不仅鼓动身边的两位好友一起勇敢追求理想,竟还劝说校长的女儿离开满眼铜臭的未婚夫。他的特立独行,使得影片产生了不一般的化学效果。
   “你的朋友不及格,你感觉很糟;你的朋友考第一,你感觉更糟。”生活就是如此。我们会因为朋友的失败而感到失落,但又会因为朋友的成功而感到自己的失败。我们并不知道友情的真正定义。在父母眼里,一个能辅助你成功的人那才是朋友。在老师眼里,一个能让你不断学习进步的那才是朋友。在同学眼里,一个能同甘共苦的那才是朋友。看了《三傻大闹宝莱坞》你会感受到这些思想的肤浅。一个真正的朋友他不定能辅助你成功,因为他不是你,路是要靠自己走。一个真正的朋友他不定能让你和他一样学习第一,因为你不是他,兴趣爱好不同。一个真正的朋友他不定能和你同甘共苦,因为你们不一样,人生是自己的。但是,真正的朋友,他会告诉你如何找到自我,通过自我找到自己的兴趣爱好,通过兴趣爱好发展成“成功”。 “有位智者说,学习是为了完善人生,而非享乐人生,追求长处,成功就会在不经意间追上你。”往往同样是走向路的最终点,一个为你引路的和一个为你指路的,会产生大不同的本质区别。而真正的朋友就是指路人,他不会告诉你路该怎么走,他会告诉你如何走正确的路。只有找到了正确的路,这样的成功才是自己想要的。

When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw. Admit it; it has frequently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie repeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeling about the movie. The hysteria and invincibility that Bollywood makers manage to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the latest of such hysterical movie with such aura around it.

Rajkumar Hirani's latest offering is based on a popular cult novel '5 point someone' by Chetan Bhagat'. So, it's easy to have lot of expectations for this film right? Wrong! See, this is not Chetan Bhagat's first novel adaptation.to the big screen, it's his second. The first one was a disaster called 'Hello' based on his book 'One night at a Call Center'. Hence, there were lots of apprehensions about his latest book to screen adaptation. But hopes were there for the creative team for the film production and the star of the film Aamir Khan. Both Rajkumar and Aamir have impeccable record and status in the industry. Hence, the opening they got for this film was not surprising, even with the steep Ticket prices. But, when the word of mouth began that this is the best bollywood movie ever made, the expectations crossed the limits. And the film about three engineering students in Imperial College of Engineering (a.k.a. a reference to Indian Institute of Technology) does not disappoint. The story is with difference, but the characters are clichéd and true stereotypes of their species. Even the several of the movie sequences that make us laugh in the movie are far beyond being original. But the story is new and relevant to today's youth. Engineering and medical fields of study has started to take a toll on today's youth and the more than half a dozen student suicides that you would witness and hear in the movie is not at all a overreaction. It is turning into an epidemic; hence this film is definitely important. The young India is lapping up the support this film provides to their cause with great hysteria and is enjoying the many jokes and potshots the movie takes on the countries rigid educational system and social norms. The quirky and over the top turns that the lives of these idiots take is bringing joy and happiness to the young India. I should mention the best written character and surprisingly the best actor of the film 'Chatur'. Chatur is the typical Indian student that one sees around the campuses of Indian Colleges. Played by newcomer Omi Vaidya, it is the character the audience loved to see fail. Though he does not, his sequences have brought cheers across college campuses in India. The hysteria of '3 Idiots' becomes easy to decipher for the Indian audience and hence they are flocking the theater with large numbers and are cheerfully encouraging the next person to go watch the film.

For rest of the world this film is irrelevant and has nothing new to offer in terms of the movie flow and character development. But if they are able to put that aside, they would too probably enjoy the funny moments that this movie provides and would end up saying that this is the best Bollywood film they have ever seen.


1989年,出演文艺片《灰飞烟灭》,饰演复仇男子。1999年,在《义无反顾》中出演印巴边境的抗暴警察阿贾伊。2002年,阿米尔凭借剧情爱情电影《印度往事》获得zee电影奖最佳男主角奖 。2008年,凭借导演 《地球上的星星》获得宝莱坞人民选择奖最佳导演奖。2009年,出演了励志喜剧电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,...


《三傻大闹宝莱坞》是一部由印度导演拉吉库马尔·希拉尼执导的电影,讲述了三个大学生对传统教育的质疑和对自由思考的追求。他们通过自己的努力和勇气,最终改变了自己的人生和整个社会的观念。这部电影深刻地反映了印度社会的教育问题,也引起了全球观众的共鸣,成为了一部经典的教育电影。故事梗概 在印度...

三傻大闹宝莱坞的影评 中文 不要太长


三傻大闹宝莱坞影评篇三: 在写影评之前,我情不自禁要大喊三声“谢天谢地”,我庆幸自己没有因为《三傻大闹宝莱坞》这个没气质的名字而错过了这么一部有气质的电影。我是有着苛求优雅本能的 天秤座 ,有时连好莱坞的经典大片,我都嫌它太过凌厉,而宝莱坞式的歌舞,那种喧嚣,于我而言,更是缺乏小资的浪漫,我总...


三傻大闹宝莱坞》是一部印度影片。讲的是三个有着不同背景,来自不同家庭的人,在大学的故事。电影开始就以法涵和菜俱去寻找兰彻讲起。并不断回忆着三人在大学的点点 滴滴。兰彻的特行独立,法涵的委曲求全,莱俱的畏畏缩缩。关于现代的教育制度 很多人说这是对现代教育制度的一个很好的讽刺。

奇坦·巴哈特(Chetan Bhagat),1974年生于新德里,《时代》全球最具影响力100人之一,印度最畅销的英文作家。奇坦于2004年荣获“社会青年成就奖”,2005年摘取“出版界优秀作品奖”,他的作品自问世以来一直盘踞在畅销榜单之上,更有几部已搬上电影荧幕。他不仅仅是作家,更是青年人的偶像。他让印度...

快来参考观后感是怎么写的吧,以下是我为大家整理的三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感1000字(通用8篇),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感1000字 篇1 电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的故事发生在印度。两个老朋友拉朱、法汉接到旧时同学查图尔的电话,称他们可以见到寻找多年未见的兄弟兰彻。旅途中,两个...

杭州市15982346187: 求一篇三傻大闹宝莱坞的英语影评 -
蒸虎祥迪: Most of the time when I was watching 3 Idiots, I was feeling like watching a movie from munnabhai series and Raju Hirani hasnt left his itch for munnabhai like stories. Despite that, I can say Raju has love for his cinema and unlike others, he believes ...

杭州市15982346187: 急求电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的英文观后感,200字左右. -
蒸虎祥迪:[答案] When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about the movie you saw.Admit it; it has frequently been this ...

杭州市15982346187: 三傻大闹宝莱坞 英语影评 短的 内容简介、人物介绍、感受就够了 -
蒸虎祥迪:[答案] When did the last time you had the feeling while watching a Bollywood movie that you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings about t...

杭州市15982346187: 急术一篇三傻大闹宝莱坞影评,1500字左右,最好是自己写的,谢谢! -
蒸虎祥迪: 什么样的人生才是真正的成功?这个问题应该是《三傻大闹宝莱坞》希望带给观众的思考,这是一部来自印度的电影,用轻松幽默的喜剧手法讨论了一个严肃而又沉重不堪的现实话题:教育的本质到底应该是什么? 没有惊心动魄的宏大场景,没...

杭州市15982346187: 一篇《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的观后感 150字左右 -
蒸虎祥迪: 读后感是指读了一本书,一篇文章,一段话,几句名言,一段音乐,或一段视频后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章,读后感也可以叫做读书笔记,是一种常用的应用文体,也是应用写作研究的文体之一.简单说就是看完书后的感触.要点...

杭州市15982346187: 帮我写一篇《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的影评... -
蒸虎祥迪: 前几天,看了这部电影,使我深有感触!!! 文中的“兰彻”,····哦,不,是“望杜”!他被迫假冒“兰彻”去读书,但他脑袋瓜很好用,想法新奇,做法特殊!问的许多问题,老师都答不出来! 这虽然很棒棒!,但这尴尬的局面,让很...

杭州市15982346187: 三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感 八百字 -
蒸虎祥迪: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》-----理想主义的梦 刚看完印度电影《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,很久没有看到如此经典的电影了,让我想起了影响很为深刻的《霸王别姬》,至少个人认为这都是比较经典的影片了!这个假期看了很多电影,但有影响的没多少....

杭州市15982346187: 怎么写比较专业的影评?已三傻大闹宝莱坞为例,求指导,告诉我步骤就行. -
蒸虎祥迪: 你看下吧 三傻大闹宝莱坞》,一个很俗的电影名字,但却是创造了许多纪录的作品,包括印度电影票房纪录以及数十项国际奖项.电影的内容快乐而充满激情,貌似在讲述一个喜剧故事,最后却让你哭得稀里哗啦.这是贺岁档的一个惊喜. ...

杭州市15982346187: 跪求三傻大闹宝莱坞的专业影评 -
蒸虎祥迪: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》以其变幻的情节,无数动人的催泪点以及风趣的话语诠释了友谊的宝贵,更重要的是说出了全球的普遍教育现状,因此得到了观看者的普遍认可,其在迅雷看看的评分数高达9.8分,一度达到9.9分,在风行网络电影中是唯一曾高达10分满分之高.在电影网的调查中显示网友将此电影定为“强烈推荐”级别,更有不少人呼吁应在国内公映.

杭州市15982346187: 今天老师给我们看了《三傻大闹宝莱坞》要我们用英语说一下观后感 可以帮忙吗 谢谢 -
蒸虎祥迪: In 2011, one year before, I found a movie on the internet; the film review evaluation is pretty good. I started watching the movie at 11pm. And I considered watching for 1 hour, then I have to go to sleep. But I kept on watching till 2 or 3pm. In fact, I had ...

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