
作者&投稿:舒垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

注:had better是一固定词组,表示"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。常用had better do sth.
at once 表示立刻、马上。


1. Tom is very speedy of get up, finish eating a breakfast post - to stand to by the roadside wait for traveling the connecting of car to send.Led a short while, the tour car came, Tom and the classmates together happy that the earth traveled.
Mary is reading in the library, side have two kids in the clamoring of horselaugh, hence Mary makes them don't want noise and lets them pipes down to read.
Other classmates at write operative of time, Tom after running to last leg-pull in the platform, being as a result seen by the teacher, scolding Tom, Tom doesn't dare pull a prank, but quiet writing industry.
The Tom school holds a volleyball game today.After game begins, the Tom very aggressive earth bounces ball and carelessly hits a prinipal as a result, hence the game stopped.




大足县13739974400: “抗洪救灾精神”用英语怎么说? -
成王紫泪然: Fight floods and provide disaster relief 例句;1.Fight floods and provide disaster relief 抗洪救灾2.Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work. 抗洪救灾取得全面胜利.3.The people of Hong Kong organized ...

大足县13739974400: 2021的英文翻译 -
成王紫泪然: 有两种译法:一种是 two thousand and twenty-one, 第二种是 twenty twenty-one. 写作中可不译,读的时候是以上两种读法.

大足县13739974400: “炎黄子孙”用英文怎样翻译 -
成王紫泪然: 炎黄子孙的译法则有以下几种,且多出自新华社的英文外电:- the descendants of "Yandi and Huangdi Emperors", the "Dragon"and the "Cathay",- the offsprings of Huangdi and Yandi, who are regarded as the commom ancestors of all ...

大足县13739974400: 听了这个消息,我就放心了的翻译是:什么意思 -
成王紫泪然: 听了这个消息,我就放心了.翻译为: 1. After hearing the news, I felt relieved.2. After hearing the news, I was at ease.

大足县13739974400: 《那些花儿》中的英文那段是什么意思? -
成王紫泪然: where have all the flowers gone? 所有的花都去了哪里? where the flowers gone? 花去了哪里? where have all the young girls gone? 所有年轻的女孩去了哪里? where did they all gone? 她们都去了哪里? where have all the young ...

大足县13739974400: 《李世民畏魏征》的翻译
成王紫泪然: 原文 征状貌不逾中人,而有胆略,善回人主意,每犯颜苦谏;或逢上怒甚,征神色不移,上亦为霁威.尝谒告上冢,还,言于上曰:“人言陛下欲幸南山,外皆严装已毕,而竟不行,何也?”上笑曰:“初实有此心,畏卿嗔,故中辍耳.”上尝...

大足县13739974400: 欲戴王冠 必承其重翻译成英文 -
成王紫泪然: 这句话是来自由李敏镐,朴信惠主演的韩剧《继承者们》 剧的全名就是《欲戴王冠 必承其重-继承者们》 英文翻译The one trying to wear the crown must withstand/bear the weight

大足县13739974400: 寒松赋的翻译 -
成王紫泪然: 无地势以炫容,炫容:夸耀外形.炫,夸耀 穹石盘薄而埋根,穹,高、大盘薄:牢牢地埋根:扎根 林野惨栗,栗:颤抖 山原愁悴.悴:憔悴 彼众尽于玄黄,玄黄:天地,指大自然的变化 然后知落落高劲,落落:孤零的样子高劲:高大峻...

大足县13739974400: 大明湖并称为济南三大名胜.的翻译是:什么意思 -
成王紫泪然: 大明湖并称为济南三大名胜.的翻译是:Daming Lake and known as Jinan three attractions.

大足县13739974400: 辛亥,皇帝即阼,谒皇帝的翻译 各位大神帮帮忙 -
成王紫泪然: 语出:史记卷十 孝文本纪第十 .原文是:辛亥,皇帝即阼,谒高庙.意思是:辛亥年,孝文皇帝登基帝位,拜祭宗庙

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