
作者&投稿:展寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Me, in Ten Years Later

   When we have nothing to do and are in a daze, many of us would have thought about how we would be in ten years. Looking the rain outside the window, I couldn’t help imagining myself ten years later. Ten years later, I don’t need to wear school uniform any more, instead of many beautiful dress and some sexy clothes. I would be a famous fashion designer. It must be very wonderful to go around the world, hold large number of fashion show. How great it is!


二: Me in Ten Years

   Now, I am sixth grade student. After ten years later, I will be a college graduate and apply for the first job in my life. I think I will be a teacher, because it’s my dream. I will teach my students all I know. Maybe I will meet some problems and challenges in my new job, but they can’t beat me. Besides, I can earn money and support myself at that time. Therefore, I can do a lot of things I like. For example, I can travel in summer or winter vacation. Or I can go to see a movie at weekends. It seems so wonderful.


20 years later I
Night, quietly, only the alarm clock is ticking loudly. I sit at the window, through the window, gazing at the stars twinkling in the sky, in the future. 20 years later today, I will be what appearance? What are you doing?
At that time, I may be a people's teacher. Like my teacher in charge of the same, with a sincere heart, I do not know the knowledge of the students to teach me. I will study hard, and work out a lot of good teaching methods, so that my students can be faster and better, more relaxed and happy to master knowledge. Although my salary is not high, but I am a rich knowledge, communication, I will be the sacred profession and feel proud and proud.
Perhaps, I will become a calligrapher, but also a knowledgeable professor. I will use my hard brush, teaching and educating people, to write a more beautiful life. I will hold my calligraphy and painting exhibition in the country, open the calligraphy class, and more foreign friends for cultural exchanges, so that our country's calligraphy culture is widely spread, to the world. I will use my calligraphy and painting, to finance the poor students in the mountains, so that they can better complete their studies.
Maybe, I will become a doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. Through my study assiduously, can treat a variety of Difficult miscellaneous diseases in the world. What cancer, leukemia, AIDS, non iodine pneumonia, will be I overcome. I will put my medical experience summary, written in a book published, so that more people can master it, use it to serve more people.
Perhaps, I will become a famous architectural master. I will build more tall buildings in the land of my country. I will build up a beautiful sky garden, clean air, beautify the environment, and make our city and countryside more beautiful. I will also be in the city to design and build more of the overpass, so that the city's traffic more smooth, never a traffic accident.
Maybe, I'll be a soldier. I will master the most advanced weaponry and equipment, and guard the frontier outpost in the motherland day and night to defend the homeland security. We want to achieve the reunification of the motherland, the island of Taiwan to return to the embrace of the motherland. We want to help the world by bullying the country from invasion, as the United States against Iraq and Afghanistan that events are not repeated. Make our ambassadors museum will no longer be fried, the aircraft is no longer others hit down, make our Wang Wei martyrs smile in the underworld, rest in peace forever!
I want to do a lot of things to do. But I know that after twenty years, no matter what I do, it takes culture and knowledge. People who have no culture or knowledge can't do anything. Therefore, from now on, I must study hard, and strive to master all kinds of knowledge, with knowledge to achieve my ideal.

I will be a good teacher in ten years . I would teach English because I work hard on my English class all the time. I will be very nice to my students and I hope I can be a friend to them. I will be busy from Monday to Friday and I will go out with my friends on Weekends. Sometimes I will invite some of my friends to my house to have meals together.
十年后我将成为一名优秀的老师。因为我一直在英语上很努力,我会成为一名英语老师。我会很和蔼的对待我的学生,我希望我能成为他们的朋友。周一到周五,我会忙于工作,周末的时候我会和朋友们一起出去。 有时候,我会请我的一些朋友来我家一起用餐。

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我还要在陆地和海洋之间,建立一个透明的通道,让勤劳的人们能在劳作之余,能通过透明通道尽情地欣赏海底那神奇的世界。 十年后的我,也许成为一名…… “叽叽喳喳”一阵清脆的鸟叫声把我从沉思中惊醒,我抬头看了看那可爱的小鸟,望了望那蓝蓝的天空、洁白的云朵,觉得那小鸟更可爱,天更蓝、云更白。我坚信,十年后...

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