求人教版英语九年级一单元saction B的2b原文

作者&投稿:冷儿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

pomp or is, smiling again

好的学习者会考虑什么是他们擅长的,和什么需要多些练习。请记住,“用进废退!”即使有些东西你学得很好,除非你学以致用,否则就会忘记,所谓「熟能生巧」。好的学习者也不怕犯错误。亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔( Alexander Graham Bell)也不只是一天就发明了电话。他的成功是经过很多次的尝试及从错误中学习。

How Can You Become a Successful Learner?
Everyone isborn with the ability to learn.
But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Research
shows thatsuccessful learners have some good habits in common.
Creating an interest in what they learn
Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is moreactive and
it is alsoeasier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often
connect what they need to learn with something they are interested in. Forexample,
if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they canlisten to English
songs or watchsports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.
Practicing and learning from mistakes
Good learnersthink about what they are good at and what they need to practice
more.Remember, “use it or lose it”! Even if you learn something well, you will
forget it unless you use it. Practice makes perfect. Good learners arealso not afraid
of making mistakes. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephoneovernight.
He succeededby trying many times and learning from his mistakes.
Developing their study skills
It is not enough to just study hard. You have to know how to study. Goodlearners
find out thebest ways to learn well. For example, they may take notes by writing
down key wordsor by drawing mind maps. Good learners also look for ways to
review what they have learned. They may do this by reading their notesevery day or
by explainingthe information to another student.
Asking questions
Good learnersoften ask questions during or after class.
They even askeach other and try to find out the answers.
Knowledgecomes from questioning.
Learning is alife-long journey because every day brings
something new.Everything that you learn becomes a
part of youand changes you, so learn wisely and learn

MOdule 1/wonder/奇迹band/乐队review/评论ancient/古老的,远古的composition/作文grades/成绩,年级pyramid/金字塔pupil/学生meeting/会义listen up/注意听call/叫做,名为:打电话event/事件,比赛项目natural/自然的get out of /从…内出来/离开light/明亮的光线,灯reply/回答clear/〔云...

九年级上册人教版英语第一单元重点语法 1. 动词+ by doing”结构的用法;例:I learn English by listening to tapes.2. 现在完成时的用法。例:I have learned a lot that way. 用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西。3. how引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。例:How do you study for a test? 你...

一份好的英语教学设计能以极大地刺激学生的学习情绪,满足他们的学习欲求,构成师生之间和谐愉悦的课堂氛围。下面是由我为大家整理的“九年级上册英语教案人教版”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。 九年级上册英语教案人教版(一) 教学目标 1. 能力目标 能听、说、认读一些常见的动物单词cat,dog, monkey, duck, pand...

Unit 1 词组归纳 1. not at all = not in the slightest 根本不 2. end up doing sth 以…结束 3. make mistakes in sth 在某方面出错 4. later on 随后 5. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth\/sb 害怕……6. laugh at sb 嘲笑某...

抽认卡flashcard 名词 词汇vocabulary 名词 高声的aloud 副词 发音pronunciation 名词 明确的specific 形容词 记忆memorize 动词 语法grammar 名词 不同地differently 副词 使失望frustrate 动词 令人沮丧的frustrating 形容词 快地quickly 副词 激动的excited 形容词 根本不not...


east 东方的、eagerness 热心、eagle 鹰、ear 耳朵,听力、early 早等。词汇解析 一、east 英 [iːst]   美 [iːst]adj. 东方的 adv. 向东方 n. 东方;东部 1、east的基本意思是“东,东方”,指与西方相对的一个特定的方向,即日出的方向。2、east可与介词at, in, on,...

三、eagerness:英 ['iːgənəs];n. 渴望;热心。四、ear:英 [ɪə]、美 [ɪr];n. 耳朵;穗;听觉;倾听。五、early:英 ['ɜːlɪ]、美 ['ɝli];adj. 早期的;早熟的;adv. 提早;在初期。英语翻译技巧:1、省略翻译法 ...

1. on time 准时,及时。2. best wishes 最好的祝愿 3. give a talk 4. for example 比如,例如 5. be short for ...的缩写,简称 6. a waste of time 浪费时间 7. go on a field trip 去野外履行。8. go fishing 钓鱼 9. I agree 我同意 10. next week 下周 1...

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瞿昭安来:[答案] 1.by making flashcards 2.ask sb.for help 3.read aloud 4.that way = in that way 5.improve my speaking skills 6.for example 7.have fun doing sth.8.have conversations with friends 9.get excited about 10....

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瞿昭安来: 1.by making flashcards 2. ask sb.for help 3. read aloud 4.that way = in that way 5. improve my speaking skills 6.for example 7. have fun doing sth. 8.have conversations with friends 9.get excited about 10.end up speaking in Chinese 11. do a survey ...

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瞿昭安来:[答案] how do you learn best 如何学得最好? 本周我们就关于学习英语的最好的方法调查了新星中学的学生.好多学生都说他们是在用英语的过程中学习的,还后好多学生给学了更具体的办法,比如说,李丽莲说学习英语单词最好的办法是看英语杂志,他还...

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瞿昭安来: 1.本文记叙了他为了兑现当年在兄弟小虎面前承诺的话,16年来照顾小虎弟弟小江,直至小江结婚的事. 2.使文章读起来像故事,悬念层叠,让人更想读完文章. 5.因为以他年龄为线贯穿全文,烘托出他照顾小江的时间之长、感情之深、用心之苦. 4.一定要找一个能够接受哥哥的女子做妻子. 3.示例:值.这种做法体现了他是一位一诺千金、重兄弟情谊的人.既然是兄弟,就要有同生死共患难的思想意识,特别是要信守许下的诺言,兑现诺言.

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瞿昭安来: Unit 1 flashcard<>快闪存储器卡 Vocabulary<>字汇 aloud<>大声地 pronunciation<>发音 specific<>特性 memorize<>记住 grammar<>语法 differently<>不同的 frustrate<>挫败 frustrating<>挫败 quickly<>很快的 add<>增加 excited<>兴奋 not at all<>...

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