
作者&投稿:苌包 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

given(given name 相当于the first name)
A on earth 究竟(今天你究竟是为什么去学校)

I found this computer games easy enough to play.

1. (常指坏事的)原因,诱因 The cause of an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen.
Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease...
The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.
2. 引起;导致 To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen.
Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems...
This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.
...a protein that gets into animal cells and attacks other proteins, causing disease to spread.
3. 理由;缘由 If you have cause for a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it.
Only a few people can find any cause for celebration...
Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain.
4. See also: lost cause; 事业;追求;目标;理想 A cause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for.
Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause.
5. 因果;因果关系 You use cause and effect to talk about the way in which one thing is caused by another.
...fundamental laws of biological cause and effect.
6. (为了特定目的)与…联手,与…配合 If one group of people makes common cause withanother, they act together in order to achieve a particular aim even though their aims and beliefs are normally very different.
They make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests.
7. 为了公益事业;为了行善 If you say that something is in a good cause or for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity.
The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.




1、As 就是关系代词,指代后面的句子honesty is the bestpolicy。2、As an oldsaying goes 是前置的非限制性定语从句,其结构如下:主语:an old saying 谓语动词:goes【此处的 go 是及物动词,相当于 say 的意思】宾语:as 3、As 也可以用下面宾语从句代替来理解:An old saying goes that "...

1 . possible表示客观上潜在的可能性,也许实际发生的可能性并不大。possible一般不用表示人的词作主语,但若真的要用表示人的词作主语,possible后接不定式,这个不定式动作的逻辑宾语应是句子的主语,但此时的possible已经转意为“容易的”。副词:possibly 2 . probable表示有几分根据的推测,比possible...

1.现在上课是特殊句式 省略主语,是命令句式,所以,总的来说是主谓结构。2.衣服买来了这是情景句子,在上下文中,听的人知道所买的衣服,是明确的,如果用‘一件’,就显得不知道了,变成了随便一件衣服的概念了

而这两个单词的基本发音就应该带有“ba\/bo”“ma\/mo”。因此尽管人类迁徙到世界各地,但这些从很早很早以前就带着的词汇一直保留了它大概的语音。既形成了现在的语言。比如:汉语:爸爸(baba)朝鲜语:abeoji\/abba 蒙古语:aab 撒拉语:abe 英语:father(f是b的清唇音)法语:Papa ...

这个单复数不能根据some 来判断 要根据中心词来判断 中心词是不可数,就是单数,中心词是可数复数,才是复数,some 只是碰巧可以修饰不可数和可数,如果用much,a little 则是明确是修饰不可数 这里的中心词是tea ,因此是不可数,单数,some tea 仍然是单数 第二 不定代词something,是单数,这里因为是...

双关可使语言表达得含蓄、幽默,而且能加深语意,给人以深刻印象。 16.顶真 用前文的末尾作下文的开头,首尾相连两次以上,使邻近接的语句或片断或章节传下接,首尾蝉联,这种修辞手法,叫做顶真,又叫顶针或联珠。 运用顶真修辞手法,不但能使句子结构整齐,语气贯通,而且能突出事物之间环环相扣的有机联系。 17.互文 带...

首先分析这个句子:①The glass itself would be colored using metallic salts during its manufacturing process,先把句子简化一下,把 during its manufacturing process暂时搁置:The glass itself would be colored using metallic salts玻璃本身会因为加入金属盐而变色,using这种ing形式,是表示前后因果...

如果 按照你的理解 like 是介词 那么后面 名词性从句 是不能省略that的 也就是 介词后面 的 宾语从句 不能省略that 所以 这里的 like 不是 介词 是连词 与 as if 意思相似 可以 把 like 引导的从句 看作 表语从句 字典 解释 like conj.像…一样; 如同; 好像; 仿佛 7. CONJ-SU...

您好,But parents (who) have chosen this approach argue that they are meeting their kids where they are and that it takes the parental nagging out of the equation. 感觉这个句子是不是漏掉了(who)?否者句子的谓语动词就不太对劲了。假如有了 who ,那么整个句子可以压缩到最基本的(...

五、宾语补足语:位于宾语之后对宾语作出说明的成分。宾语与其补足语有逻辑上的主谓关系,它们一起构成复合宾语。 返回 名词\/代词宾格 + 名词 The war made him a soldier.\/战争使他成为一名战士. 名词\/代词宾格 + 形容词 New methods make the job easy.\/新方法使这项工作变得轻松. 名词\/代词宾格 + 介词短语 ...

黄石港区13938369368: [英语提问]用英语写10个问题,切合日常生活的就可以了.用来做课堂提问的,请在每个问题下面标好中文意思.摆托勒~ -
常杜血塞:[答案] What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床?May I have your name?能告诉我你的名字吗?Do you want to go with me?你愿意和我一起走吗?What are we going to do?我们将要干什么?How can I fly the kite?我怎么...

黄石港区13938369368: 谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右) -
常杜血塞:[答案] 1.what's your favourite colour my favourite colour is yellow! 2.how many book do you have I have one book. 3.do you know the ... They speak English French and so on. 19.What are the biggest cities in Europe? London,Paris and Moscow are three of the ...

黄石港区13938369368: 向大家征集十五个英语问题 -
常杜血塞: 1:2009 said goodbye to us.Have you thought of sth. you achieved in 2009?2:Today,we'd like to talk about sth. about the alien.Does anyone have some ideas?The aliens' loo...

黄石港区13938369368: 英语问题 -
常杜血塞: His favourite subject is English 形容词favourite修饰名词subject

黄石港区13938369368: 英语问题 -
常杜血塞: 1.There will be schools in the future.(改为一般疑问句)( Will )there ( be ) ( schools )in the future?2.They will send their homework to the teachers (by email).(就括号里的...

黄石港区13938369368: 问一些英语问题 -
常杜血塞: 第一句的意思是“曾有一段时间我很讨厌上学”,这是一个时间状语从句,when作为从句中的状语,不能用that来代换,that一般在从句中是要充当一些名词性或代词性成分. 第二句,由于from是介词,后面接的是名词或代词,which只能作为定...

黄石港区13938369368: 英语常见问题主要分为哪几种? -
常杜血塞: 你好,我是”新东方问吧“的老师,我总结的学英语过程中常见的问题主要有:听力水平差(听不懂);继而影响到说(张不开嘴,不知该如何表达);没有语感,即便单词量不小,有些文章还是读不懂(阅读问题);写作水平提不高;最后就影响到翻译的理解.听说读写译都会受到影响.所以学英语就是要全面提高英语水平,却哪一方面都不行. 如果你还有什么问题的话,欢饮来“新东方问吧”提问

黄石港区13938369368: 英语问题~!~ -
常杜血塞: 问题一应举出例句问题二:这句话的意思是“他毫不困难地解决了这个问题”had difficulty doing sth是固定用法,意为做某事有困难,difficulty后接动词要使用动名词形式,如例句中的working英语中很多情...

黄石港区13938369368: 英语问题 -
常杜血塞: 1.How are 那里的人们怎样? 2. Let us help

黄石港区13938369368: 英语问题 -
常杜血塞: 不对 TO BE REMEMBERED 在这里不正确 .this is a day to be remembered 这里是正确的.we go to USA to be trained 这里不能用TO TRAIN . AS 就是 像这样的意思 BECAUSE 就是因为的意思 毕业院校 香...

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