求高三英语的heroes of the north译文

作者&投稿:丰昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我来回答,选择一:Unit 7 Cultural relics(教案设计和课件设计)

Period 2 Reading comprehension
A City of Heroes
Teaching Goals: 1.Talk about cultural relics.
2.Talk about ways to protect cultural relics.
3.Learn about the city St Petersburg
4.Use the Present Perfect Passive Voice
5.Write a letter to the editor to express personal idea
about cultural relics.
Teaching aims: 1.Show the knowledge of the city of heroes to students
2.Enable the students to express their views on cultural relics
3.Learn some new words and expressions
Important Words and expressions:
ruin, burn, restore, rebuild, beauty, photograph, portrait
in ruins, bring…back to life, pull down
Teaching aids: Tape, multimedia
Teaching Procedure
 Step1. Lead-in
Boys and girls, today we are going to learn something about a great city----St Petersburg. First, can you give me some examples of famous cities in the world? Yes, there are
Beijing, Paris, Tokyo and so on. Now, if you are able to go to any city you want to, which city will you choose? Tell me why. In your opinion, what makes a city great?
A long history, famous things happening there, great people, and cultural relics.
 Step2. Showing some pictures about the city and making the students have a brief idea of the history of the city.
The city of St. Petersburg is relatively young if judged by Russian or European standards. Founded in 1703, St.Petersburg celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2003. But despite being a young city it has a rich and exciting history. Known as Peter the Great's "Paradise" and "Northern Venice" in the early days, St. Petersburg has always been a city of myth and mystery.
 Step 3. Listen to the Tape for the first time, then do the True or False exercise.
( )1.The city of St Petersburg was built and rebuilt by Peter the Great.
( )2.Many great palaces in the city, which were large and beautiful, were built after Peter’s death.
( )3.The Germans attacked St Petersburg a hundred years ago.
( )4.When the palaces and buildings were rebuilt, people changed their old beauty.
( )5.A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans.
( )6.It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces.
( )7.Workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city.
( )8.St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before.
 Step4. Fill in the blanks after reading the text carefully.
St Petersburg lies _____ the banks of the river Neva in Russia. ______ hundred years ago, Peter the Great, built a new capital here. Peter the Great was a strong and ______ man. St Petersburg has been the center of many important historical ____. During the World War Two, the people fought hard ________ the Nazis and were determined to _______ the city when the Nazis had left it in ______ . Rebuilding the city was _______ , but the people managed to ______ the city back to ______ . So the people of St Petersburg are the modern_______ , _____ their hero Peter.
 Step 5. Answer the following questions.
1.Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?2.Who are the heroes of the city? Why are the people of St.Petersburg heroes?
 Step 6 Discussion.
Nowadays, many old buildings in Beijing , like Si Heyuan (四合院)are being destroyed and new modern buildings are built there. How do you think about the event? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
 Step 7. Homework
1. Write a similar article about our city.
2. Do exercises on Page 47.

The 2nd period A City of Heroes
Activity1: telling which are cultural relics and which are not
Show the students some pictures of great wall, Stonehenge, pyramids, Cihu Lake, Xizai Mountain, the East Hill
Question: are culture relics important? Why?
Organization: collect the students’ ideas directly
Activity2: completing a picture of St Petersburg
Allow the students 5 seconds to look at a picture of St Petersburg carefully and then get them to complete it again
Say: to restore a picture is easy for you. What about restoring a destroyed city? Yes, very difficult. The city on the screen is called St Petersburg. It was ever destroyed but the people of it brought it back to life. Now let’s go on a trip to the beautiful city.
Activity3: look and say
Q1: What words do you use to describe St Petersburg? Collect the answers directly from the students.( beautiful, attractive...)
 Introduction: St Petersburg has another two names, Petrograd(彼得格勒) and Leningrad(列宁格勒)so it is not a strange name for you. Do you know anything about it?
 It’s the second most important city in Russia.
 It is made up of more than 40 islands and is called “the Venice of the north”
A beautiful city as St Petersburg is, it has a long and great history unknown to many people. Now let’s come to know something about its glorious history.
Activity4. Skimming
Read the passage quickly to find out in what order the passage is written.
Q1: In the passage written in the order of time or space?
Q2.The first 3 paragraphs cover 3 periods of the history. Can you find out what they are. Please use only one word to fill in the blanks.
Written in the time order Para.1 St Petersburg was built 300 years ago.
Para.1 St Petersburg was destroyed during the second World War .
Para.1 St Petersburg was rebuilt after the second World War.
Q3. What is the real purpose of writing this passage?
St Petersburg is a city of heroes.
Q4. Who are the heroes? ( Peter the Great and the people of St Petersburg)
Activity5. Listening to the first paragraph carefully
Task1: introduce Peter the Great
Activity6. Reading the second paragraph aloud
Task1. Watch a short film clip and ask the students describe what happened.(who/when/where/how/what… like)
Activity7.Read paragraph 3 silently and report
Task1. What is the paragraph about?( who/why/what …use /what…like)
Activity8 Get one student to read aloud.
Ask Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?
1. They didn’t give in to the enemies.
2. They brought the destroyed city back to life without destroying its original beauty.
*Activity9 True of false statements
Activity10 useful expression
1. Where there is a river, there is a city. Where there is a will, there is a way.
2. It was under attack for 900 days.
3. The people of the city never gave in .
4. … paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground…
5. …we will do everything we can to save our city.
6. …the people were able to bring back the beauty of their culture…
Activity11. Output
The people of St Petersburg restored the destroyed city--- St Petersburg, should we also restore Yuanmingyuan? Let’s once again review that period of history by watching a movie clip or looking at some pictures
Organization: group work and keep down some notes. Then choose one representative from each group and hold a debate hosted by Mr Feng..
Conclusion: dear boys and girls, on one hand, restoring Yuanmingyuan will attract more tourists and make more money. On the other hand, letting it be will help us and our children understand the history better. Yuanmingyuan’s destruction represents a sad and unforgettable history. No Chinese should ever forget it, because forgetting means betraying.
Activity12 Morality education
Our lecture comes to an end now.
Difficulty gives in to a strong-willed man.
If we are united, brave and strong, we can overcome everything.

The 3rd period let’s study
Activity1. A game
Say: in the reading passage “A City of Heroes”, we learnt some useful words and phrases. Let’s look at the screen and consider their English meanings at the same time. Now we are going to play a game in which you are trying to find as many friends as possible. (Teacher does it with three students first.)The students of Group A each have a piece of paper with some words on it. And students of Group B each have a piece of paper with an English explanation in it. Your friends are those who have the right English explanations for your words. For example, if “rebuild” is one of the words in my paper, then the student who holds “to build again” is my friend. Remember only the right one can become your friend. If you find the most friends , you are going to get a reward from me. Then check the answers together.
Say: now let’s come to the use of the words. Turn to page47, and finish the exercises. , get one student to write down the answers on the blackboard.Then check the answers together.
Activity3 lead-in to the word formation
Still in the reading passage “ A City of Heroes”, the people of the city are said to be heroes. But why are they heroes? (Because they restored/ rebuilt the damaged cultural relics without destroying its original beauty.)
Activity4 Explanation
1. here rebuild= re- + build
Question1. What does “re-“mean? (Again)
2. Can you think of any other words beginning with “re-“? (retell, rewrite, recreate)
3. What about respect, recite, repeat, restore? (They don’t belong to this kind. Because they can’t be separated into “re- + word”. For example, we cannot separate recite into re- and cite, because cite is not a word.
Activity5.Situational practice
Give the students some sentences and get them to change them with other words.
1. He drank the coffee at one mouthful, and filled his pot again.(refilled)
2. After 3 hours’ terrible fight, they controlled the top of the hill again.(recontrolled)
3. With the disappearance of SARS, some theatres and restaurants opened again.(reopened)
4. The students are asked to tell the text again.()
5. I think all of us need to think again about our attitude toward the public health after SARS.(rethink)
Conclusion: from this exercise, we come to know another way of forming words. “re-” is a prefix. Have you learnt any other prefixes? (In Unit6, we learnt im-/ir-/in-/un-/non-) and these prefixes have made our vocabulary much larger.
Activity6.grammar lead-in
1. Use real objects like a piece of chalk and paper, bread the chalk and tear the paper then ask
Q what has happened to the chalk and the book?(pretending to take away the book secretly)
(The chalk has been broken and the paper has been torn.)
Summarize the structure for the present perfect passive voice: has/have been done
2. Look and ask
Show a picture of New Orleans under attack of the hurricane and ask:
What has happened to New Orleans? (It has been destroyed by the hurricane.)
Show a picture of the bird flu and ask
What has happened to the people? (About 30 people have been killed by the bird flu.)
Activity7.Sentence formation
The students can do two of the six. Write down the answers on the paper. Get 3 students to do them on the blackboard. Finally check the answers together.
Activity8. Passages dealing on page47
Activity9. Look and say
Describing the changes which have happened to a city in the past years.

The 4th period integrating skills
Activity1. Pre-discussion
Show the students some pictures of some culture relics and get the students to discuss
Are culture relics important? Why?
(They are the symbols of the country’s culture and civilization. They were built long long ago. Once destroyed, it will be very hard to restore. Losing them means losing a part of history.)
Activity2. Lead-in
Saying: although culture relics are so important, they are in danger now. Let’s take a look at the Chauvet Cave paintings. What have you seen? (The paintings have been damaged.)
Activity3 listen and answer
Listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following three questions
Q1. Who is the writer?
Q2. What is the matter?
Q3 What is the writer’s advice?
Work in pairs first and check the answers together.
Say: Sophie cares about her country’s culture relics, which shows that she loves her country very much..
Q How should we write such a letter?( it should cover the above information.)
Say: Some of the culture relics in our country are also in danger. If we don’t take measures to stop it. They may be destroyed. Now let’s take a look.
Activity4.look and discuss
1. Show the students the present situation of some culture relics and Ask:
Can we allow this situation to continue?
2.Please discuss in groups. Team1 discuss picture1, team2 picture2, team3 picture3 and team4 picture4. what problems have you found and what advice can you give? Now go ahead.
3. Writing Now please combine your problems and your advice into a letter. (Get one group to write on the blackboard if no OHP)
Activity5. Talk show
Boys and girls, as we all know culture relics are important, because they tell us who our ancestors were and what their life was like. They show the development of human civilization. And they help us better understand who we are and where we are from. Today we invite four gusts to take part in our talk show. The topic is the present situation and protection of our culture relics.
Q1.Have you found any problems with the cultural relics?
Q2. Do you think we can do something?
Conclusion: Protecting our cultural relics is an important task and we should take it seriously. We are protecting our history and knowledge so that people in the future will know and enjoy it. Let’s do it from ourselves. Never do the things shown on the screen. Thank you, this is the end of our talk show.
Activity6.post the letter
Now our lecture also comes to an end. Each group has an envelop, please put your letter into it and get it posted after class. This is your homework. And this is the first step for you to protect our cultural relics. Thank you! So much for today. And thank you, the teachers present today. Thank you for your time and patience. Goodbye

希望能帮上忙. 31399希望对你有帮助!


二. 课文重,难点句解析:

1. The first race wasn’t a competition, but it was a race against time.


against time:尽可能抢时间。

It was a race against time whether the doctor would get to the accident soon enough o save the injured man.

The policeman talked against time with the robber, waiting for his fellow. (拖延时间)

2. Their temperatures were very high, and their breathing shallow.



She began to hear her own shallow breathing.

If he is only interested in your looks, that just shows how shallow he is.

Here is the shallow end of the swimming pool.

The river becomes shallow at this point.

3. If untreated, it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient.


If untreated= If it were untreated(为虚拟条件句),untreated过去分词做状语。

4. There was widespread relief when it was discovered that a hospital in Anchorage had a good supply of 300,000 units.



The drug gives some relief from pain.

I let out a sigh of relief when I heard he was safe.

The government sent relief to the people who lost their homes in the flood.

a good supply of:= supplies of; a lot of…

Have you got a good supply of reading materials for children?

5. Every minute counted. It was thought that the trip could take up to 13 days to complete.



That doesn’t count.

What we said counts.

The teacher counted the children and found one missing.

He counted it a waste of time to attend the meeting.

up to:最多……取决于……忙于……

She was here up to a few minutes ago.

Whether we will win the match is up to you.

The children are very quiet. I wonder what they are up to

6. The last driver faced a terrible storm, but he knew that lives were at stake.


at stake:在危险中;冒风险;在胜败关头

The company is on the verge of bankrupt, and hundreds of jobs are at stake.

At stake is the success or failure of world trade talks.


He played for high stakes.

We must give young people the feeling that they have a stake in the country’s future.

7. In December that year a bronze sculpture of a dog was placed in New York City’s Central Park: a memorial to all who risked their lives to save those of others.


memorial:纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆 后面接介词to

That building is a memorial to those who were killed in the war.

The church service was a memorial to the disaster victims.


She risked her life trying to save the drowning child.

We can’t risk losing the job to speak out the truth.


英雄在中(Hero)姓名:Kim jae-joong中文名:金在中生日:1986.1.26出生地:忠南学历:高一在读身高体重:180cm,63kg血型:O型家人:父母,八个姐姐喜欢的颜色:...所在学校:培材大学英文系,目前学习中 喜欢的艺人(乐队):Soundgarden,Muse,Creed,Coldplay,Ratm,Linkinpark,Oasis,Audioslave, Chris Cornell 喜欢的歌:都喜欢...


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