are about是不是动词词组?

作者&投稿:皇疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语短语动词和动词短语如何区分英语短语动词和动词短语如何区分英语短语动词和动词短语如何区分英语短语动词和动词短语如何区分 英语中短语动词与动词短语是不相同的两个概念。短语动词是英语习语的一个重要类别,而动词短语是一种自由词组。从词汇学的角度看,它们分属于两个不同的范畴:词类和短语。从结构看短语动词是由动词加上小品词生成的,而动词短语则是由转换生成语法学派提出的动词加上其他词类构成的短语结构。 短语动词与动词短语是英语学习中的一个重点也是一个难点,如何区别短语动词与动词短语,很多英语初学者一片茫然。就英语双词动词或多词动词而言,大致上可分为短语动词与动词短语两种基本形式。在形式上,前者多由动词加副词构成,后者由动词加介词构成。在意义上,这两种动词具有共同特点,即它们所表示的意义不是动词和副词或介词各自词义的简单结合,而往往相当于一个实意动词,但短语动词与动词短语归根到底不是同一个概念,在用法上,二者还是有着本质的区别,这一点从以下五个方面得到体现。能否接宾语能否接宾语能否接宾语能否接宾语 动词短语相当于一个及物动词,其后要接宾语意义才完整;而短语动词并不全都接宾语。如:We should pay much attention to the environment protection.该句中如果去掉介词宾语the environment protection,句子就变成了We should pay much attention to,从意义上讲是一个病句。 而短语动词用在及物句中可以接宾语,用在不及物句中则不能接宾语。如:It took me a while to adapt to the new job. 是一个及物句,因为动词短语adapt to后面接了the new job。但 The fire went out at 10 o’clock.是一个不及物句,因为该句是一个完整的句子,动词短语go out 后无需宾语。下面再举两个含有动词短语的例子供大家参考: (1) I waited for him all day. (2) What does this sigh stand for? 典例分析 When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _______ the exit as quickly as possible. A) made off B) made for C) made out D) made up 答案B。从the exit来判断,是要表达向出口方向移动,那么make for(走向)最为合适。make off逃走,但不能直接接the exit,make out假装、认出,make up补充、虚构。 参考译文:当他意识到警察认出他时,他以最快的速度向出口走去。宾语的位置宾语的位置宾语的位置宾语的位置 动词短语接宾语时,无论宾语是代词还是名词,都只能放在介词之后。如: He takes after his mother /her in everything but his nose. 但我们不能说He takes his mother after,也不能说He takes her after.再如: The schoolgirl looked quickly at the price list.我们不能说The schoolgirl looked quickly the price list at. 而及物的短语动词则不同,接代词作宾语时,宾语要放在动词和副词之间;接名词作宾语时,宾语可以放在动词和副词之间,也可以放在动词与副词之后。如: Another wave came, sweeping down a lot of trees and sweeping her down too. 该句中,a lot of trees 是一个名词词组,可以放在短语动词sweep与副词 down之间,也可以放在动词sweep与副词down之后,但her是一个宾格代词,必须放在动词sweep与副词down之间。 典例分析 We had to _______ a lot of noise when the children were at home. A) go in for B) hold on to C) put up with D) keep pace with 答案C。既然有a lot of noise,那么我们就得put up with(忍受)。go in for从事、喜欢,hold on to抓住、坚持,keep pace with跟上。 参考译文:孩子们在家时,我们得忍受他们的吵闹。关于其被动结构关于其被动结构关于其被动结构关于其被动结构 动词短语可以接宾语,所以大部分含有动词短语的句子都可以变为被动语态。如:They are talking about their new teacher. 如果我们把这一句话改为被动语态,就变成了:Their new teacher is being talked about by them.但并非所有含有动词短语的句子都可以变为被动语态,因为英语中有不少动词短语用主动形式表达被动意义。如:This car belongs to a lady called Linda. 该句中belong to 就不用于被动。 又如:Great changes have taken place in China in recent years. 但不能说Great changes have been taken place in China in recent years. 再如:The Second World War broke out in 1939. 但我们不能说:The Second World War was broken out in 1939. 同样的,并不是所有的短语动词都能用于被动句,而只有及物的短语动词才能用于被动句。The boss turned down the workers’ demand for higher pay. 此句中turn down 是一个加了宾语的短语动词,可以变成一个被动句:The workers’ demand for higher pay was turned down by the boss. 再看下面的句子:She promised the children they could stay up for their favorite TV programme.该句中stay up 是一个不及物的短语动词,所以不能变成被动句。 典例分析 This custom has ____ to us since the 19th century. A. handed down B. handed on C. been handed down D. been handed to 答案: C。“风俗习惯”应是“被流传下来”,即:“把风俗自上而下传下来”,hand the custom down / on to sb.”, 因此选用被动语态。参考译文:这种风俗习惯自十九世纪被传承了下来。副词的位置副词的位置副词的位置副词的位置 有些动词短语可以在动词与介词之间加入副词(作状语)。如: He looked carefully at the man. He waited anxiously for the bus. 而短语动词则不能在动词与副词之间加入副词(作状语)。 The car broke down suddenly. 我们不说 The car broke suddenly down. 典例分析 She spent a happy afternoon _______ her coins and stamps. A) making out B) sorting out C) figuring out D) turning out 答案B。从coin和stamp可以猜出是她的业余爱好,coin和stamp需要sort out(分类)。make out认出,figure out思考,turn out生产、证明为。参考译文:她整个下午都在给硬币和邮票分类,过地很高兴。发音时重音的位置发音时重音的位置发音时重音的位置发音时重音的位置 短语动词的重音落在副词上。如: Watch out! There is danger ahead. Danger! Keep out. 而动词短语的重音则落在动词上。如: The children are looking forward to seeing Nie Haisheng soon. Let us drink to his success. 典例分析 If you had _____ your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made few mistakes. A. looked up B.thought about C. gone over D.gone round 答案: C. look up ( 在字典,参考书中)查询,查阅; think about “考虑,想”; go over “仔细检查,审阅”; go round/ around “够用,够分配” . 本题中go over your test paper == check your test paper. 参考译文: 如果你在交卷前认真检查了你的试卷,你就会少犯一些错误。可拆性与不可拆性可拆性与不可拆性可拆性与不可拆性可拆性与不可拆性 如何区别动词短语与短语动词? 这里有一个便捷的方法可以检验,即看在定语从句中可不可以拆开,可以拆开的是动词短语,不能拆开的便是短语动词。请看下面的例句: (1) This is the girl who/whom I learn the news from.可以把这个句子改成:This is the girl from whomfrom whomfrom whomfrom whom I learn the news. (2) This is the book that/ which you can refer to.可以改成 This is the book to to to to whichwhichwhichwhich you can refer. 以上两句中,learn from 和refer to 中的介词 from 与 to 分别可移至关系代词 whom 与 which 之前,即定语从句中的先行词 the girl 与 the book 分别作了这两个介词的宾语,由此可以判定learn from 和refer to 是动词短语而非短语动词。 下面再看两个例句: (1)The baby whom you looked after yesterday was an orphan. 此句不能改成 :The baby after whom you looked yesterday was an orphan. 因为如果把look after 拆开后已经不再具有“照看,照料”的意义了,由此可以判定 look after 是一个短语动词。 (2)The sports meet which you mention will be put off till next week. 此句不能改成:The sports meet off which you mention will be put off till next week. 因为如果把put off 拆开后已经不再具有“延期,推迟”的意义了,由此可以判定put off 是一个短语动词。 典例分析 Frequently single-parent children _______ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served. A) take off B) take after C) take in D) take on 答案D。从function这一宾语判断,应用take on(承担)。take off脱掉、起飞,take after相象、照看,take in接纳、欺骗。 参考译文:通常单亲家庭的孩子会承担一些本应该由所缺父亲或母亲承担的责任。 总之,区别这两种类型的动词并没有捷径可走,唯一的办法是在平时的学习中多留意,多积累,多摸索。

简单介词 at, in, on, to, since, until等。
如: He's worked there since 1998.   
复合介词 into, onto, out of等。
如: She is out of school. 她毕业了。   
二重介词 from under, from behind, from out of, until after, except in等。
如: I'm from out of town. 我是从城外来的。   
短语介词 because of, instead of, in spite of等。
如: I went back not because of the rain, but because I was tired.我回去不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。  
1. 表示地点: after, along, at, below, by, of, near, over, through, under等。
如:  Near the village the boys are skating on the ice.
They lay down under the shade of a tree.
2. 表示时间: about, after, across, at, during, for, in, of, till, until等。
如:   After class he will tell us about the accident.
A heavy rain has been falling across three days.
The accident happened during the night.
3. 表示动作: at, across, around, on, over, under等。
如:   The earth goes around the sun.
The car is under repair.
4. 表示比较: as, like, above, over, with等。
如:   She was something like her sister.
Chinese is much more difficult in contrast with English.
5. 表示原因: about, for, from, with等。
如:   Don't worry about my lessons.
Business kept me from coming.
He was angry with what I did.
6. 表示条件: to, with, without等。
如:   Without your advice, he would have failed.
7. 表示手段、方式: as, by, in, with等。
如:   He behaved as a drunkard.
Learn the new words by heart.
We see with our eyes.
8. 表示距离、数量: from, in, within等。
如:   My house is ten miles from the school.
They were thirty in all.
9. 表示目的: as, for等。
如:   I only said it as a joke.
It's time for class.
10. 表示让步: for, with等。
如:   For all his effort, he didn't succeed.
With all his money, he is unhappy.
for还可以引导插入语,例如:   I, for one, shall vote against the proposal. 我也投票反对这个提议。


新乡市19860745794: worried与be worried about相等吗?feel/look worried前面不用加be动词吧 -
太沸伟特: worried 是形容词,be worried about是动词词组,虽然后面都是加名词,但是前者是坐定语,而后者是坐谓语,是不同的,更不是相等的.feel和look worried本身这里就是系动词,所以前面不用加be

新乡市19860745794: 含有about的词组 -
太沸伟特: 1、speak about 1)释义:提及;说到 2)例句: Speak about yourself, not about your friend . 说你自己,而不是关于你的朋友 . 2、talk about 1)释义:谈论;讨论 2)例句: What should we talk about? 我们该讨论些什么呢? 3、think about 1...

新乡市19860745794: 介词短语是不是介词加名词就叫介词短语 -
太沸伟特: 不是的.要看这个介词 是接在名词前,还是动词后.比如 we are talking about the matter. 这里的短语是 talk about 动词短语 The book on the desk is mine. 桌子上的书是我的 on the desk 可以看出介词短语.

新乡市19860745794: 英语中动词+about词组 -
太沸伟特: 这里提到的动词词组就是我们经常说的短语动词,在现代英语在,常常将介词或副词置于某一动词之后,为的是表达更多的意思,例如:give away送给某人 give up放弃 look after 照顾 每一动词词组是及物的,就是需要带有宾语的,或是不及物...

新乡市19860745794: about前面可加什么动词 -
太沸伟特: argue about [over] 为……争论 They always argue about [over] money. 他们总是为钱争吵. They are arguing about [over] who lost the ball. 他们在争论是谁丢了球. bother about 烦恼,担心 Don't bother about it. 不要为那事烦恼. One should not ...

新乡市19860745794: worry about 和 worried about 这两个短语有什么区别 -
太沸伟特: 有区别 be worried about表示一个状态; 而worry about 表示一个动作 另外,要注意worry即可用作及物动词,意为“使烦恼”.也可用作不及物动词,意为“烦恼”. 其实两个是可以用语句子转化的,be worried about强调的是这个动词,没有be动词的时候可以用worry about...

新乡市19860745794: be afraid at/about/for分别是什么意思,怎么使用 -
太沸伟特: 1、be afraid at 没有此项固定搭配. 2、be afraid about 类似于be worried about.表示担心、忧虑的状态. Should I be afraid about you? 我该为你操心么? My husband, child and father must be afraid about me. 我的父亲、丈夫和孩子会担心我的...

新乡市19860745794: 在英语中, some 是介词吗?like是动词吗 ?are是介词吗?with是什么词?love是动词吧?谢谢 -
太沸伟特: some可以做介词也可以做副词.like是动词;are是动词,be动词嘛;with是介词;love是动词. 只要表示动作的都是动词啊

新乡市19860745794: care about是动宾短语吗 -
太沸伟特: 不是动宾短语,就是一个普通的动词短语.它的构成是——动词+介词 例如 We should care about others' feelings while talking.

新乡市19860745794: Are 后面如果不是动词,例如happy之类的是不是就不用加ing? -
太沸伟特: 可以这样想,疑问句是由陈述句变来的,Are they happy?就是they are happy的疑问句,这是一个主系表结构(主系表结构,比如You are shy.You是主语,are是系动词,shy是表语.),they是主语,are是系动词,happy是表语,这是一个完整的句子.但是Do they happy中的do是一个助动词(助动词是谓语的一部分),在还原成陈述句时句子中会没有谓语,构不成句子,所以Do they happy是错误的说法.关于are,在这个地方只是它作为系动词的用法,它还有作为助动词的用法,作用是帮助另一动词构成谓语(像be going to),are是助动词时常见的有加done和ing的

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