
作者&投稿:正奔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ dark line spectrum: An absorption spectrum containing dark lines. When light from celestial objects passes through atoms or molecules, some wavelengths are selectively absorbed, resulting in dark lines in the spectrum. Compare with absorption spectrum.
dark matter, dark energy: Astronomers have discovered that the "visible matter" that emits electromagnetic radiation accounts for only one-tenth of the total mass of galaxies, and the rest is invisible matter called dark matter. We still know very little about the nature of dark matter. Compare with missing mass.
dark nebula, absorption nebula: A type of nebula composed mainly of gas and dust, which blocks the light from behind, making the corresponding area dark, hence the name dark nebula.
decameter radiation: Radio waves with a wavelength of about 10 meters emitted by Jupiter.
decimeter radiation: Radio waves with a wavelength of about 0.1 meters emitted by Jupiter.
declination (Dec.): The projection of Earth's latitude onto the celestial sphere. Unlike Earth's latitude, which is divided into south and north, the celestial equator is used to divide the southern and northern hemispheres. Stars north of the celestial equator have positive declinations, for example, Sirius (Canis Major α) has a declination of +5, indicating that it is in the northern hemisphere, 5 degrees away from the celestial equator. Stars south of the celestial equator have negative declinations, for example, Sirius (Canis Major α) has a declination of -20, indicating that it is in the southern hemisphere, 20 degrees away from the celestial equator.
declination axis: The axis of a telescope that allows the telescope to move north and south.
deferent: In Ptolemy's cosmic model, planets move in small circles called epicycles. The center of the epicycle moves in a large circle around the Earth, known as the deferent. This model can qualitatively explain why planets retrograde. Compare with epicenter.
degenerate matter: Extremely dense matter where pressure and temperature are no longer related. Because the distance between particles in this matter is shorter than the wavelength of the particle's wavefunction, quantum mechanical effects are significant.
degenerate star: A star composed of degenerate matter, such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.
Deimos: One of Mars' two moons, with a轨道 that is farther from Mars than the other Mars moon, Phobos.
Deneb: Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, with a spectral type of A2 and a magnitude of 1.3.
Denebola: Gamma Leonis, a white A2 type star in the constellation Leo, with a magnitude of 2.2.
Delphinus (Del): The constellation Delphinus, a small northern constellation located between Aquila and Volans.
density wave theory: A theory about how spiral arms in galaxies are generated and maintained. This theory suggests that spiral arms are caused by density waves traveling through the disk of the galaxy, with the peaks of the waves corresponding to regions of higher density where new stars are born, giving the appearance of spiral arms. The challenge of this theory is to understand the mechanism and energy source that maintain density waves.
descending node: The point at which a celestial body moves southward in its orbit and crosses the ecliptic.
diamond ring effect: A rare optical phenomenon during a total solar eclipse where a circular halo of light is seen around the moon, and if a bright spot occurs on the moon's shadow, it can create a "diamond ring" effect. This is because the halo and the bright spot together resemble a diamond set in a white gold ring.
differential rotation: The phenomenon where different parts of a rotating object have different rotation periods. For example, the Sun, Jupiter, and galaxies all exhibit differential rotation.
differentiation: The process by which planets form and separate into distinct layers based on their densities.
diffraction fringe: The blurred outline of an object due to the wave nature of light, causing the edges of objects to appear fuzzy. This makes it difficult to resolve objects smaller than the diffraction limit.
diffuse nebula: An irregularly shaped nebula that is not in the shape of a planetary nebula.
disk component: The material in the disk of a galaxy, including stars, gas, and dust.
distance indicator: A method for determining the distance to celestial objects, either by measuring their luminosity or diameter.
distance modulus (m - Mv): The difference between the apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude of a star, which can be used to calculate the distance to the star in parsecs (d).
diurnal motion: The daily motion of celestial objects, such as the rising and setting of the Sun and stars.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): A long carbon chain organic molecule that records genetic information and controls biological activities.
Doppler broadening: The widening of spectral lines due to the motion of atoms, which can be observed in the absorption or emission of light. The width of the lines is related to the temperature of the gas, so it is called Doppler broadening.
Doppler effect: The phenomenon where the light emitted by an atom shifts to the red end of the spectrum when moving away from the observer and to the blue end when moving towards the observer.
Dorado (Dor): The constellation Dorado, located between Aquila and Volans in the southern sky, commonly known as the Swordfish.
double exhaust model: A theory explaining the radio emissions from active galaxies in the shape of double lobes. This theory suggests that the radio lobes are produced by jets of matter streaming from the center of the galaxy and interacting with the intergalactic medium.
double galaxy method: A method for determining the mass of galaxies by observing the motion of two galaxies orbiting each other.
double-line spectroscopic binary: A type of spectroscopic binary where the spectrum of the system contains two sets of lines belonging to the two stars.
double-lobed radio source: A radio source emitting radio waves in the shape of lobes, often observed in active galaxies.
double stars: A pair of stars that are close to each other in the line of sight, some of which are gravitationally bound and orbit a common center of mass, while others are just randomly close.
Draco (Dra): The constellation Draco, a northern constellation surrounding the North Pole, commonly known as the Dragon.
dust tail (type II): One of the two types of tails formed by comets when they approach the Sun, consisting of larger dust particles that are blown away by the solar wind and form a tail following the comet's orbit. The dust tail is white due to the reflection of sunlight by the dust particles. Compare with gas tail.
dwarf galaxy: A small galaxy with a星数 only one-tenth of that of the Milky Way, such as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.
dwarf nova: A type of variable star that undergoes outbursts every few days or weeks, believed to be caused by the transfer of matter from a companion star to a white dwarf, leading to a sudden increase in luminosity.
dwarf star: A general term for stars with masses similar to or less than that of the Sun.

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仲长琴锋可: Cosmos 宇宙 world 世界 milky way 银河 solar system 太阳系 interplanetary 形星际的 sky 天 zenith 天顶 fixed star 恒星 planet 行星 asteroid 小行星 satellite 卫星 shooting star 流星 Mercury 水星 Venus 金星 earth 地球 Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 Saturn ...

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仲长琴锋可:[答案] meteor流星 satellite卫星 planet行星 star恒星 comet彗星 constellation星座 galaxy星系 nebula星云 white dwarf白矮星 red giant红巨星 neutron star中子星 cluster星团 asteroid小行星 atmosphere大气 nadir天底 ...

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仲长琴锋可: physical geography 自然地理 economic geography 经济地理 geopolitics 地理政治论 ethnography 民族志 cosmography 宇宙志 cosmology 宇宙论 geology 地理学 toponymy 地名学 oceanography 海洋学 meteorology 气象学 orography 山志学 ...

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仲长琴锋可: 1. career [kə'riə] n.生涯, 经历; 专业, 职业, 职务 2.vocation [vəu'kei∫ən] n.天职, 才能, 行业, 职业 3.occupation [כkju'pei∫ən] n.职业, 占有, 占有(房屋等)期间 4.profession [prə'fe∫ən] n.职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布

伍家岗区15110095830: 我喜欢UFO和天文应该考什么大学?我想以后在研究天文这行业工作、
仲长琴锋可: 本人是个天文学入门爱好者,我觉得北师大有专门的天文学专业应该可以,还有就是南京的大学,那里不是有紫金山台吗,南大估计也会有比较强的天文专业,还有云南的大学你也可以查查,那里不是新建了天文台吗,还是世界级的,你不妨可以参考一下.

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