aimed at improving the level of English为什么用aimed?

作者&投稿:宠宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
为什么 用aimed而不是aiming?~

be aimed at以...为目的

主动aim at 一般是主语在前,比如 i aim at something
被动aimed at

英语动词aim 的用法:
aim to do 目的是,旨在; aim at (doing) sth / aim for sth 瞄准,旨在,目的是,以……为目标,力求达到,力争做到; aim sth at / for sb / sth瞄准,对准,针对; be aimed at ...目的是,旨在, 针对,对象是,瞄准。例如:
We aim at / for a 50% reduction in unemployment. 我们力争减少50%的失业人数。(= We are aimed at ...)
He aimed his gun at / for the hare. 他把枪瞄准这只野兔。(= His gun was aimed at the hare. )
This book is aimed at children. 这本书的对象是儿童。(= This book aims at / for children. )
本句中的Aimed ...是过去分词短语作原因状语,相当于As English corner is aimed at ...。

因为是过去分词短语做状语,aim 的逻辑主语是句子的主语English corner,它们是动宾关系,因此aim用aimed。


如果主语是人,作状语时一般用aiming at/to;如果主语是物,作状语时一般用aimed at/to,前面的部分只是在充当状语,所以用非谓语形式

Aimed at ...目的在于...
逗号后面是主句,本句的主语是English corner .

乐昌市13626188818: aim at 和be aimed at 区别,非谓语用法 -
第柯倍乐: aim at 是主动,表打算、准备.. be aimed at 是被动,表被打算... 非谓语做放在句首如果后面的主语与动词是主动关系,用aiming at.例:Aiming at improving his grades,his parents sent him to the school.这里父母作为主语,是主动状态,...

乐昌市13626188818: aimed at的用法 -
第柯倍乐: aim 作名词时:目标,目的 做动词时:以...为目标、为目的 be aimed at sth/sb:专门为了某事某人 如:1.The book is aimed at the children 这本书是专门为了儿童(而出版)的.即:这本书是儿童专刊(或者儿童读物). 2.This holiday is aimed at the workers.这个假期是针对劳动者(而设定)的.

乐昌市13626188818: aim to非谓语用法用ing还是ed -
第柯倍乐: aim可以后跟不定式to do或者介词短语at doing.例如: He aims to go to Beijing University. He aims at going to Beijing University.

乐昌市13626188818: 请教英语高手 非谓语问题 在线等您的回答~~~ -
第柯倍乐: 这里使用aimed,其实是因为词组be aimed at(旨在,为了;以...为目的).与主动被动无太多关联,不要纠结.这句子可以填补一下成分进去帮助理解:these new investors are freed from rules (which are) aimed at... 从这里可以看出选用aimed,其实只是因为使用了词组be aimed at.属于固定搭配,无需纠结~~呵呵~~

乐昌市13626188818: aim的词组问题 -
第柯倍乐: 主语是人时可以不区别.但主语是物时不能用aim to do sth aim at doing 具体应是 aim(sth) at doing. 如The international agreement _______ children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on February 27? A. is aimed at encouraging B. aims to encourage应选A 因为主语是物 显然有aim(sth) at doing变为被动,sth. be aimed at doing.

乐昌市13626188818: be aimed at, aim at, aim for 的用法区别 -
第柯倍乐: be aimed at 目的是,旨在,为了;例句:Our marketing campaign should be aimed at young working couples. 我们的行销活动应该针对年轻的上班夫妇.(以我的理解,相对以下两个,这个用法一般要委婉一点,最好把这个词就记成“为了”...

乐昌市13626188818: aimed at 和aiming at作后置定语,应该用哪个 -
第柯倍乐: 可以把aimed at看做是be aimed at短语用作分词定语

乐昌市13626188818: 辨析:aim at doing sth.和be aimed at doing sth. -
第柯倍乐: Compare: 1. We started the PROJECT (which is) AIMED at .... 2. WE are AIMING at...., and have started a project,

乐昌市13626188818: 英文中aim的用法 -
第柯倍乐: 不管用作名词还是动词,aim其后均常接at.aim后一百般接at doing sth,有时其后也接度for,表示希望达到某个目标;aim后接不定式,表示“想要做某事”,有时可与aim at doing sth互换.be aimed at... 目的是;内旨在容 (例:These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.)这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪 望采纳

乐昌市13626188818: 选aiming at 还是aimed at?可以把aimed at 看作是be aimed at短语用作分词做定语啊. The project that saved the whole village in the flood is one of the many ... -
第柯倍乐:[选项] A. aiming at B. aimed at C. aiming to D. aimed to

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