6人 求一篇英语短话剧!六分钟左右~急阿?

作者&投稿:吴于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ FORREST (voice-over) That Momma,she sure was right.
It's funny how things work out.
Forrest walks up to a shack on the edge of the Bayou.A group of black kids play in the front yard.
FORREST (voice-over)
I didn't stay home for long,because I'd made a
promise to Bubba.And I always try to keep my promise.
So I went on down to Bayou La Batre to meet Bubba's
family and make their introduction.
Bubba's mother named MRS.BLUE and her other children look at Forrest.
MRS.BLUE Are you crazy,or just plain stupid?
FORREST Stupid is as stupid does,Mrs.Blue.
MRS.BLUE I guess.
Forrest steps over to Bubba's tombstone.
FORREST (voice-over)
And of course,I paid my respect to Bubba himself.
FORREST Hey,Bubba,it's me,Forrest Gump.I remember
everything you said,and I got it all figured out.
Forrest pulls out notes from his pocket.
FORREST I'm taking the twenty-four thousand,five hundred
and six-two dollars and forty-seven cents that I got...
Forrest walks across a yard where men are cleaning shrimp.
FORREST (voice-over)
...well,that's left after a new hair cut and a
new suit and I took Momma out to real fancy dinner
and I bought a bus ticket and three Doctor Peppers.
Forrest walks along a wooden pier.Forrest pays an old black shrimper a large wad of cash.
OLD SHRIMPER Tell me something.Are you stupid or something?
FORREST Stupid is as stupid does,sir.
Forrest stands at the grave.
FORREST Well,that's what's left after me saying,"When I was
in China on the All-America Ping-Pong Team,I just
loved playing ping-pong with my Flex-O-Ping-Pong Paddle."
Which everybody knows it isn't true,but Momma says
it's just a little white lie so it wouldn't hurt nobody.
So,anyway,I'm putting all that on gas,ropes and new
nets and a brand-new shrimpin' boat.
Forrest steers his shrimping boat.The boat is old and rusty.Forrest unleashes his nets as his catch of the day drops to the deck.It is a bunch of garbage and shells.Forrest picks up one shrimp.
FORREST (voice-over)
Now,Bubba had told me everything he knows about shrimpin',
but you know what I found out?Shrimpin' is tough.
Forrest pulls a couple of shrimp out of a bucket.
FORREST I only caught five.
OLD SHRIMPER A couple of more,you can have yourself a cocktail.
The old shrimper begins to walk away,then stops and looks at Forrest.
OLD SHRIMPER Hey,you ever think about namin' this old boat?
FORREST (voice-over) I'd never named a boat before,
but there was only one I could think of.
Forrest paints a name on the side of his boat.The name is "Jenny."
FORREST (voice-over)
The most beautiful name in the wide world.
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