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  译林版九年级上册英语Unit4 Study skills 部分翻译课文翻译:

  When we read and come across new words,we can sometimes guess their meanings by the way they are formed.


  Sometimes a suffix changes a word's part of speech, but the meaning remains almost the same. Thus,if you know the meaning of the root word, you can guess the meaning of the word, e.g. illness, achievement, energetic, dangerous.


  Sometimes a prefix or a suffix changes the meaning of a word, e.g. incorrect,dislike,unlucky,homeless. Sometimes two words come together to form a compound word, such as blackboard. Some compounds have a hyphen (-), such as hard-working.


  Millie has found out more about Anne Frank and her book. She underlined some new words in a paragraph. Help her guess their meanings. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.


  The Diary of a Young Girl became a best-seller as soon as it was publishecL Soon it was read by people worldwide. It is not an imaginary story but a true experience of a teenager in wartime. In this book, Anne,a Jewish girl, describes her boredom with being away from the outside world,her unhappiness with living in a small place all the year,and her fear of discovery and death.


  1 best-seller


  2 worldwide


  3 imaginary


  4 wartime


  5 Jewish


  6 boredom


  7 unhappiness


  8 discovery


  a related to the Jews


  b the state of feeling not happy


  c a period when there is a war


  d from all parts of the world


  e the state of feeling bored


  f which is imagined and not true


  g a book which sells well


  h the act of discovering somebody or something

佛山南海区各中学统一用以下版本:九年级 语文:人教版 数学:北师大版 英语:外研版 物理:人教版 化学:人教版 政治:粤教版 历史:北师大版

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