
作者&投稿:励丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


前面有it is ,这里用的是 it is...that 强调句结构



湖北省宣恩第一中学 李绍璜 尤进国

看下面句子,能说出句中各个that的用法吗 That teacher said that that that that that boy used in that sentence was not correct. That在英语中是一个使用频率很高的词.它可用作代词,副词,形容词,连词,关系代词等,在句中可作主语,宾语,定语,状语或起联结作用等.下面就that的主要用法作一些归纳,以供同学们复习时参考.
This is Mary and that is Jack.
That is your coat.
Few pleasures can equal that of a cool drink on a hot day.
Is that why you had a few days off
Who is that Is that you (电话用语)
That day I met an old friend of mine in the street.
That bike of yours is broken.
I can't walk that far.
The weather is not that cold.
与有关词构成短语,如 so that(以便,以致),so...that(如此…以致),such…that(如此…以致),in order that(以便),for fear that(以免),on condition that (假设),now that(既然),in that(因为)等,引导的状语从句,且that不可省.
They started so early that they might arrive in time.
It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it.
John shut everybody out of the kitchen so that he could prepare his grad surprise for the party.
He worked hard in order that he might catch up with the others.
Now that you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
Advertising is different from other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.
That he came late made his teacher angry.(主从)
That you don't like him is none of my business. (主从)
It is a pity(that) he has made such a mistake. (主从)
It worried her a little that her hair was turning gray. (主从)
My suggestion is that we should start early tomorrow.(表从)
My idea is that we should get more comrades to do t he work. (表从)
I'm afraid (that) you don't understand what you said.(宾从)
I don't believe( that )they have finished their work yet. (宾从)
He has made it clear that he will not give in. (宾从, 且that不可省)
I know nothing about him except that he is from the south. (宾从, 且that不可省)
Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened. (宾从, 且that不可省)
The news that our team has won the match is true.(同位从句)
Word came that some American guests will come for a visit to our collage. (同位从句)
Information has been put forward that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. (同位从句)
All that is needed is a supply of oil.
They talked of things and persons that they remembered.
Finally, the thief handed everything (that) he had stolen to the police.
I like the way( that) you speak to her.
All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those that once grew in the forest.
四,用在强调句型 It is/was...that结构中,替代被强调部分,没有意义,但that不可省.
Was it you that I saw last night at the concert
It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are.
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
Was it in 1969 that the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon
That is to say (作插入语)那就是说,即
That's all right.(回答致谢或致歉)不必谢,没关系.
That's it.对了,就这样.
That will do/That'll do.够了,行了.
That rings the bell.答对了.
Upon that 于是,立刻 如,Upon that they left.
So that's that. 就这样决定了.
That's all.(讲话结束语)完了.
That's great!太好了,好极了.

that 还能引导让步状语从句(参见章振邦的《新编英语语法》和赵振才的《英语常见问题解答大词典》有关部分)。

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坚卸双氯:[答案] that可以引导名词性从句、定语从句,其具体用法如下: 一、that引导名词性从句时(即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句),在从句中无具体含义,只起连接作用,而且在从句中也不作任何句子成分.它所引导的从句的句子结构和意义是...

壶关县18990404391: that在许多句子里的用法 -
坚卸双氯: 答: It's pity that...... that是 引导名词从句silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom这里的that又是什么意思 that是 引导状语从句,表示目的或结果望采纳

壶关县18990404391: that的用法 -
坚卸双氯: that [ðæt; 弱ðət; ðt] pron. . (指提到的或知道的人或物)那,那个: That is George.那是乔治.That tastes lovely.那东西味道不错.(指两个或两个以上的人或物中远处的一个,与 this 相对而言)那;那个;那边: This is ...

壶关县18990404391: that的所有用法 -
坚卸双氯: “that”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词.它有四种词性,并且句法及语法功能纷繁复杂.如果不能熟练掌握其用法,很可能会形成英语学习的一种障碍,从而影响其学习兴趣和效率.现将that的用法总结归纳如下:第一、that 用作形容...

壶关县18990404391: 求:关系代词that 的用法! -
坚卸双氯:[答案] 1)不用that的情况a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时.(错) The tree,that is four hundred years old,is very famous here.b) 介词后不能用We depend on the land from which we get our food.We depend on the land that...

壶关县18990404391: 引导词that的用法 -
坚卸双氯:[答案] 1.that引导定语从句,在从句中做主语、宾语或表语.如:It is the book that I was looking for.The man that is speaking to Jim is our new teacher.2.that 引导名词性从句That Jim won the game excited us all.(引...

壶关县18990404391: that 的用法?谁能帮忙整理一下 -
坚卸双氯: 第一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those). 它用来指已被提到的人或物;也可表对比,指两个中较远的那个. What about that book you borrowed from me last month? 请注意,that 有时候在句子中具有喜欢或轻蔑等感情色彩. that ...

壶关县18990404391: 英语.关于THAT的用法..其实我一定对从句里THAT的用法有点混淆.有时候,我经常看到THAT前只跟一个先行词,比如说the fact that.the boys that.但有时候,... -
坚卸双氯:[答案] 关系代词THAT在定语从句中常用做介词的宾语,指人或物 the man that he was talking about, the problem that we've spent a lot of time on... 其实the boys that.和the building is extablished in New York that.个两个句子差不多的 如果我在the boys后面加个...

壶关县18990404391: 英语中that的用法 -
坚卸双氯: 我简单讲 1,that作指示代词,比如 This is my father. 2,就是你说的关系代词,引导限定性定语从句.在下列情况下多用that:先行词既有人又有物时;先行词有形容词最高级、序数词、不定代词、very,only等修饰时;先行词是不定代词时) He ...

壶关县18990404391: that 从句后动词的用法 -
坚卸双氯:[答案] 天啊,你的题目下的也太大了吧!看看下面的材料,不过也不全. THAT的用法集锦 湖北省宣恩第一中学 李绍璜 尤进国 看下面句子,能说出句中各个that的用法吗 That teacher said that that that that that boy used in that sentence was not correct.That在...

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