
作者&投稿:察青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ To learin English well is not an impossible missiion for our Chinese people, like my deskmate who is not much good at English. I really want to help him/her, so there is some advice which may be useful. First, enough patiency and strong will are quite help you, we all face different trouble while learning English, but the 'never-give-up' attitude is needed. The only solution is to conquer it. Second, learing English doesn't mean reciting the new words but learning how to use the words and expressions, for example, making sentences. Third, reading comprehension is also very important for the learner, to master English better, we must read more articles, newspapers....every kind of English material is quite helpful for us to learn the words, grammar and the native culture. Finally, we should practice our ability of listening English, because before we try to communicate with others, we should understand others' words. In a word, to learn English well, we should at least have four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Well, the process is not very easy, but we should all keep learning it, for English is the first step to step into the wide world.

我勤奋好学的同桌 英语作文
reading and playing table tennis. She is the most knowledgeable person I have ever known. No matter what you ask, she can always find a perfect answer in her brilliant brain. We often play table tennis on weekend and sometimes we go to movies on Sundays.【楼主】完全按照您的...

Suggestions,1 to learn English well calls for patience and strong will, to accumulate more than words 2 to using English to learn English, such as construction, to read more 3 to practice often heard, dialogue 望楼主采纳、、

I think I will still remember the days when we were deskmates.我在读小学四年级。我的同桌是一个小女孩。她真的很小,但是很可爱。她有一头长长的头发,她皮肤的颜色是白色的。她不怎么说话。她总是安静,但有时和我说话的时候却是很活跃的。她学习和音乐很好。我们经常在学习上互相帮助。我...


我同桌的家庭 英语作文
My deskmate is very good at math. I find that it is because of his family. His father is an engineer and his mother is a secondary school math teacher. His father is very strict. His father checks his homework everyday. If my deskmate make too many mistakes, his father ...

be annoyed by strangers’ calls one after another. In my opinion, we can use it. But we shouldn’t spend too much time on it and don’t let it disturb us from our studies. And we should not easily tell people our phone numbers who we don’t recognize. 英语作文 ...

我的学校位于……,它的名字是……学校里有很多高楼,还有很多树木。每一个季节都有不同的美丽景色。最重要的是,我在这里学习和生活。在这里我和我的同学一起学习,一起玩闹 我们喜欢这个地方,喜欢我们的校园和我们的老师 我们知道我们将从这里走向未来)描述我的同学的英语作文:I have a classmate ...

英语作文:说我的同桌最近经常睡觉 而我不要让他睡觉 还得劝劝他好好学...
These days my classmate often sleeps, I think it is bad.What he did will affect class quality, and also can bring about homework would not do, falling grades. For him, I should advise him.First, he should pay attention to the sleep quality. Don't think about other things, ...

有哪位朋友帮我写篇英语作文,题目“我的同桌”。 高三英语水平,我同 ...
我的同桌 我有一位好同桌,名叫苏。她就住在我隔壁,每天我们一同上学。苏不漂亮但很乐观。她总是面带微笑。有一次她病得很厉害,无法复习功课而导致物理考试不及格。班里每个人都以为苏肯定会很伤心。可是令我很意外,就在知道考试成绩后,苏并没有不开心。她微笑着说:“没事的。下次我会考得...

Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt...

临翔区17612344013: 急【英语作文】我的同桌英语差,我给他一些建议,写100词左右的英语短文.(加入下面描述的句子) -
席亲活血: To learin English well is not an impossible missiion for our Chinese people, like my deskmate who is not much good at English. I really want to help him/her, so there is some advice which may be useful. First, enough patiency and strong will are quite...

临翔区17612344013: 作文,我的同桌英语考试考砸了,我鼓励他 -
席亲活血: 你好!我的同桌英语考试考砸了,我鼓励他 My deskmate blew it on English exam, I encouraged him

临翔区17612344013: 英语作文我的同桌 -
席亲活血: 1. My deskmate Ying Ying is my deskmate, she's shorter than me. I'm thinner than her. My hair is shorter than her. She has long hair, a small nose, big mouth. She likes dancing very much. We both like playing games. Sometimes, we play games ...

临翔区17612344013: 英语作文《我的同桌》 -
席亲活血: My desk My deskmate is Xu Qiong, not how beautiful. There is a mole on the face, wearing a long pigtail. She loves to play rock paper scissors, also love to buy something to eat. Her maths homework quickly, usually a few before the class. But she ...

临翔区17612344013: 我的同桌的英文作文谁知道怎么找?谢谢~ -
席亲活血: My desk mate is a lovely girl. Her name is Li Xiang. She tells me that the meaning of her name is dream. Her parents hope her to be a girl with dream. She is a little bit shy, but I am outgoing. So I often talk to her after class. I want to make friends with ...

临翔区17612344013: 有哪位朋友帮我写篇英语作文,题目“我的同桌”. 高三英语水平,我同桌是女生. 没其他要求了. 谢谢! 急 -
席亲活血: 既然那么急,我来帮你吧!My Deskmate I have a good deskmate whose name is Sue.Sue lives next to me.Every day we go to school together. Sue is not pretty but optistics.She always wears a smile on her face.Once Sue failed the physics exam,...

临翔区17612344013: 《我的同桌》英语作文. -
席亲活血: sit at the same table is a beautiful girl, she is a personality, if you want to forced her to do something, no way. She has a pair of big eyes, watery shiny black hair, a neat teeth. She likes to

临翔区17612344013: 你的同学某某英语基础很差,她很着急.请你给她写信,建议她怎样才能学好英语.
席亲活血: Where there is a will , there is a way . 下定决心去学,就没有做不好的. 我英语一向学的不错,我感觉多读读课文,积累词汇,记牢单词的用法,课外遇到的单词记下来(一两个意思就行),时间久了,你会发现做的题中有很多单词自己都是见过的;至于用法,我对这方面学的也不是太好,不过你只管去了解这个用法的概念,联系到句子中帮助理解,如果实在接受不了的话 ,就不要去死想了,我就是这样,不勉强自己了,多读读该单元的课文,因为他那里面包含了该单元的重点句子,语法, 单词,这是很有帮助的. 唉 ,说了这么多,不知道对你有没有帮助,不过这都是我的心得体会. ( 版权所有,谢绝复制啊!!) 欢迎追问采纳~

临翔区17612344013: 我要一篇英语作文.题目是我的同桌 -
席亲活血: My deskmate is a very pretty girl. She is medium build and medium height. She has two beutiful big eyes. Her nose is a little small. Also her mouth is very small. She has a round face. And her ears and chin are very cute. She has long beautiful black ...

临翔区17612344013: 跪求《我的同桌》英语作文 -
席亲活血: My deskmate is a good sudent.His Chinese name is ***,English name is ***. My deskmate is a clever fat boy.His Chinese,Math and English all are good.But sometimes worse than me and is in a little times.That times he play by play,so...My ...


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