at the scene of the crime中文翻译

作者&投稿:文鸿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime .

Or the number 666 ieft at the scene of the crime

Or the number 666 ieft at the scene of the crime

The suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime

By following the footprints left at the scene of the crime

You ' ve been discovered at the scene of the crime

Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime

Amy ' s brother was caught red - handed at the scene of the crime

You left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime

You left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime

A balpstics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime

The witness stated that she saw the accused at the scene of the crime

Back at the scene of the crime ,

Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime

You can ' t assume he is guilty simply because he was at the scene of the crime

In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime

In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime

I ' m afraid you can ' t bluff the popce into bepeving that you were not at the scene of the crime

Three witnesses saw her at the scene of the crime and so the popce naturally thought they had an open and shut case

Then , a detective drives them back to the parking lot to see if any evidence can be found at the scene of the crime

“ there are some pretty stupid criminals around , but to leave your own name at the scene of the crime takes the biscuit
"也有一些相当愚蠢的罪犯靠近,但留下自己的名字,在犯罪现场采取饼干" 。

When the newspaper pubpshed his photo , everything fell into place : he was the man i ' d seen at the scene of the crime

Not only did he have a motive , but he had the opportunity ? is footprints were found at the scene of the crime ? nd he had a weapon of the capber used in the shootings

林芝地区13616054467: at the scene of是什么意思及用法
五顾金利: at the scene of 意思是:在现场.其中 scene为名词,意思是:现场、场面、景色等.例如: 1.Both drivers were breathalysed at the scene of the accident. 两方司机均在事故现场接受了呼气酒精检测. 2.A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene of the crash. 在撞车地点聚集了一大群围观者. 3.It's a scene of complete devastation... 那是一副满目疮痍的景象.

林芝地区13616054467: on the scene与at the scene与in the scene与into the scene的区别
五顾金利: on the scene:在场、出现、到场的意思.(多表示演讲或舞台表演时的出场) at the scene:现场、在出事地点.(多表示事故现场或凶案现场) in the scene:在拍片现场.(通常是拍戏,演员、导演的术语) into the scene:通常不会单独使用,比如有固定词组:get into the scene全情支持、into the next scene进入下一个场景等等. 希望您满意!

林芝地区13616054467: suppose用法 -
五顾金利: suppose [sə'pəuz] vt. 1. 假使,假定: Supposing he isn't out, how can I do then?假定他没出去,我该怎么办呢?Let's first suppose the second defense line has been destroyed.我们先来假定这第二条防线已被摧毁.2. [用于祈使句]让: ...

林芝地区13616054467: At the scene of the accident英语语法 从句At the scene of the accident,people should leave things as they are until the police arrive.请问as the are 是什么从句?... -
五顾金利:[答案] 这句话的意思是在意外现场,人们应该让现场所有的东西都按原来的样子直到警察到达 所以这个as they are 是方式状语从句 是充当状语的成分

林芝地区13616054467: 在现场的英文是at the scene 还是on the scene? -
五顾金利:[答案] on the scene:在场、出现、到场的意思.(多表示演讲或舞台表演时的出场)at the scene:现场、在出事地点.(多表示事故现场或凶案现场)in the scene:在拍片现场.(通常是拍戏,演员、导演的术语)into the scene:...

林芝地区13616054467: at the picture和in the picture的区别 -
五顾金利: in the picture 侧重在画里 例如: See a girl in the picture. 看这幅画里有个女孩. at the picture 侧重某一位置,这幅画 例如: Look at the picture is pretty. 看这幅画好漂亮.表示地点、场所、位置等,注意以下用法: ① 表示某一点位置...

林芝地区13616054467: 到达现场是arrive at the scene 还是arrive on the scene,那和arrive at the site有什么区别?谢谢啦 -
五顾金利: at 和on 都可以用 楼主写的三个都表示到场,但是“arrive at the scene ”偏重於“会场”“布景”. “arrive at the site”偏重於“位置“位点”PS:附赠 arrive at/on/in 区别arrive at到达, 来到 一般指小地方. One day a letter from my father ...

林芝地区13616054467: on the scene 和 at the scene 有什么区别? -
五顾金利: on the scene在现场,到现场,出现 at the scene 在现场(意思基本相同)

林芝地区13616054467: 英语翻译1.medium height seen doing the scene of the crime attacked with 5.bleed to death a result 7.evidence of a struggle 8.put up a good ... -
五顾金利:[答案] 以上全是机器翻的! 1.medium height 中等高度 seen doing 被看到正在做... the scene of the crime 在犯罪现场 attacked with 被..攻击 5.bleed to death 流血至死 a result 像一个结果 7.evidence of a struggle 一个斗争证据 ..分太低!

林芝地区13616054467: We The Kings的《Whoa》 歌词 -
五顾金利: 歌名:Whoa 歌手:We The Kings Sleep well Tucked tight Make sure you hide the night This was for the best Stay out Of sight At the scene of the crime To avoid an arrest We will brawl for the cause That's all we've got No matter the cost We're ...

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