
作者&投稿:僪畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统。适合各个阶层的人群学习参考。相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧! 无 我与您一起学习进步!

   课文详注 Further notes on the text

  1. which was built in Hyde Park…

  这是一个非限定性关系从句,修饰逗号前的 the Crystal Palace。


  2.It was one of the biggest buildings of all time…它是有史以来大的建筑物之一……

  of all time表示“有史以来”、“空前的”,常与形容词的级连用,表示范围:

  He is one of the greatest men of all time.


  one of+级+复数名词结构的语气比直接用形容词级+名词结构要缓和些,不那么绝对。试比较:

  Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.


  Yesterday was one of the hottest days of the year.


  3.There was also a great deal of machinery on display. 参展的还有很多机器。

  (1)machinery为“机器”、“机械装置”的总称,是集合名词,要与单数动词搭配。某个具体的机器可用 machine或者 a piece of

  This is a wonderful piece of machinery/a wonderful machine.


  There is a lot of new machinery/There are many new machines in our


  (2)on display与下面一句话中的 on show同义,都表示“陈列着”、“展示着”,在句子中可以作状语、定语或表语等:

  At the Great Exhibition, a great many goods were on display/show.


  This is the best dress on display/show.


  Shall we put all these flowers on display/show?


  4. There were six million visitors in all…参观的人数总共是 600 万……

  in all为固定短语,其含义之一为“总共”、“合计”:

  I paid him £ 200 in all.


  At the wedding there were over 100 people in all.


  5. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the


  Why did you remain silent/quiet at the dinner party?


  They all remained standing while the manager talked.




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柴融他尔: 以我的经验,您最好每天用一个小时左右注重在听新概念二英语,因为您说您以前会背过,所以您不必重新学习,可以开始学习第三册了,但您不能把第二册忘掉,每天有计划的去听新概念二英语,最好能和MP3一起复述. 我建议您最好和我一样,晚上睡前听一个小时左右的新概念二,记在听与复习,记忆.早晨每天早起一个小时左右大声的去吼那些自己会背的文章.这样可以锻炼您的口语,炼出发英语的口腔肌肉.因为能够和外国人说一口流利的英语可比中国式的哑巴英语意义更重大啊!希望你能正确认识学习英语的目的.祝您在英语的路上越走越好!!!

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柴融他尔: TEXT Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of ...

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