
作者&投稿:主父庙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ the Palace Museum
What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree leaves flanking on each side.That is the former Imperial Palace,popularly known as the Forbidden City,from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 years--from1420 to 1911.The Ming Emperor Yong Le,who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing the capital,ordered its construction,on which approximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420.At present,the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most complete ensemble of traditional architecture complex and more than 900,000 pieces of court treasures in all dynasties in China.
Located in the center of Beijing,the entire palace area,rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size,is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide.At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-eave roof covered with yellow glazed tiles.
1. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔
2. The Small Wild Pagoda 小雁塔
3.The Bell Tower 钟楼
4.The Banpo Museum 半坡博物馆
5.The Xingjiao Temple 兴教寺
6.The Great Mosque 清真寺
7.TheDeep Fragrance Pavilion Xingqinggong Park 兴庆宫沉香厅
8.The Temple of Emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇陵
9.Terra –cotta Soldiers and Horses 兵马俑
Terra cotta Warrios
Qin Warrios
10.The Summer Palace 颐和园
11.The Sydeny Opera House 悉尼歌剧院
12.The White House 白宫
13.Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫
14.The Forbidden City 紫禁城
15.Tomb of Princess Yongtai 永泰公主墓
16.the Huaqing Pool 华清池
17.the Hot Spring in Li Mountain 骊山温泉
18.Tang Wells 唐井
19.Nine-Drangon Lake 九龙糊
20.Tang Operras and Recreations 梨园

If I have a three-day holiday, I will go to Beijing with my parents. Beijing is the capital of China. My parents and I am planning to go there all the time. Now we will make a list of what we will do in these days. Visiting, eating, taking photos, etc. Oh, booking...

写作思路:可以介绍海南,将海南的特点详细地描述一下,比如阳光充足,椰树成林千姿百态、婀娜多姿,海天一色等等。正文:Hainan has beautiful scenery. The temperature is above 30 ℃ all the year round. It's sunny. It's full of coconut trees. The sea and the sky are the same. It's ...

英语自我介绍翻译一下 急等

江南美景 暑假里,妈妈带我去江南旅游。江南可美啦,那美丽的风景至今我还无法忘记。一天早晨,我在江边观看日出,当时江水深蓝色好是蓝蓝的 眸子。不到一会,水天相接的交接线出现了金色的亮光,天空一片通红。白云也被染红了。天边,太阳好像负着重担似的一纵一纵往上升,最后终于跳出水面,射出一道道...

I am going to Beijing for traveling with my friend Mike.We would like to go the the Great wall and take some pictures.Beijing duck is very famous, we won't miss it.

右边是一个足球场,两个篮球场。这两个地方是我们课余时间最爱去的地方。据说在左边还要修建一个游泳池。我们的学校又大又美丽,绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,很多人称它为花园学校。这真是一个我们学习的好地方。My School I study in the No. I middle school, where there are three grades and thirty...

I hope all of us will have a good time.这个暑假,我计划和双亲以及堂兄一起去苏州。我听说苏州很漂亮,风景很美丽,而且夏天不会太热。我们讨论后,决定飞去苏州,在那儿呆8天,从7月21日到7月28日。现在我们正忙着收拾行李,地图,衣服,照相机等等。我很期待这次旅行,希望我们玩的开心!

The place l've Been To英语作文,介绍一下你曾经去过的某个地方。
The place l've Been To英语作文,介绍一下你曾经去过的某个地方。Zhouzhuang lies between Shanghai and Jiangsu. The village has a long history,and it is "China's Water Village".My family

I like my living place very much. It is a nice white house with a big yard. The evironment is very good. There are lots of beautiful trees and flowers aound our village. When spring comes,the flowers and grass come out.the trees turn green .Willow Shoots out a new, ...

小鸟在吱吱喳喳地唱歌,小鱼儿在水中快乐地游来游去。小柳树弯着腰向我致礼,同时向我热情地说:“欢迎你来到我们这座花园城市。”我跨上了小河上面的石桥,看到蓝天、白云、绿树、红花、高大的房屋、别致的亭子,加上河中的游鱼在河水中组成了一幅美丽的图画。啊,真美!I walked across the bridge ...

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俞秦鲑降:[答案] the Palace Museum What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree leaves flanking on each side.That ...

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