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中文:您的东西已经修好了, 您明天就可以捞取走,给您带来不不便真的非常抱歉.
翻译:Your things have been repaired already .You can take it away tomorrow.I'm so sorry to cause the inconvenience.

There are big differences between our interests, but interests can influnce each other, and I don't think it's a problem.


中国金龙峡悬空寺创建于北魏后期(大约为公元471——523年),Chinese Golden Dragon Gorge Monastery, founded in the late Northern Wei Dynasty (about AD 471 - 523),

至今已经历了1400多个年头。has gone through more than 1400 years.

现在存在的建筑是明、清两代修建后的遗物。Now the building is the existence of Ming and Qing dynasties after the construction of the relics.

Monastery in the east-oriented, like hanging a huge screen in the back of a sophisticated, chic jade carving.

悬空寺的门口向着南面,寺内有40间房间。.Monastery of the gate toward the south, there are 40 rooms inside.

南北各有一座山顶,从低向高,三层叠起。North and South have a peak, from low to high, three-layered effect.

六座殿阁,各自相连着,高低相错,用木制的楼梯互相沟通着,非常迂回,参差有致,高下错落,有虚有实,构思布局妙不可言。 Diange six, each of which connected, high and low phase error, with wooden stairs to communicate with each other, a very circuitous, there is caused by irregular, scattered high, there is virtual, the idea of the layout of admirable.

悬空寺内塑像非常多,并有各种铜铸、铁铸、泥塑、石雕像80尊。Monastery in very large statue, as well as a variety of Copper, iron, clay sculpture, stone carving as 80.

三圣殿内的释迦、韦驮、天女等塑像,形体丰满,神态感人,是悬空寺内彩塑中的佼佼者。Third Temple of Sakyamuni, Wei Tuo, such as statue-day female, full body, moving air is inside the Monastery of the colorful leader.

更为特殊的是地处悬空寺最高层的三教殿内,释迦牟尼、老子、孔子的塑像在同一个空间里面,耐人寻味。More special Monastery is located at the highest level of the three religions hall, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius statue in the same space inside, thought-provoking.

佛教、道教、儒教始祖同居一室,确实很罕见。Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, ancestor of living together in a room, very rare indeed.

一方面底层支撑柱子原来是装饰用的,On the one hand supporting the bottom of the original post is a decorative,

另一方面为的是让游客看到寺之后心里会更为安心地上去游览on the other hand, it allows visitors to see the temple after heart would be more peace of mind to go around.

Chinese Golden Dragon Gorge Monastery, founded in the late Northern Wei Dynasty (about AD 471 - 523), has gone through more than 1400 years. Now the building is the existence of Ming and Qing dynasties after the construction of the relics. Monastery in the east-oriented, like hanging a huge screen in the back of a sophisticated, chic jade carving. Monastery of the gate toward the south, there are 40 rooms inside. North and South have a peak, from low to high, three-layered effect. Diange six, each of which connected, high and low phase error, with wooden stairs to communicate with each other, a very circuitous, there is caused by irregular, scattered high, there is virtual, the idea of the layout of admirable.Monastery in very large statue, as well as a variety of Copper, iron, clay sculpture, stone carving as 80. Third Temple of Sakyamuni, Wei Tuo, such as statue-day female, full body, moving air is inside the Monastery of the colorful leader. More special Monastery is located at the highest level of the three religions hall, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius statue in the same space inside, thought-provoking. Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, ancestor of living together in a room, very rare indeed. On the one hand supporting the bottom of the original post is a decorative, on the other hand, it allows visitors to see the temple after heart would be more peace of mind to go around.

Chinese Golden Dragon Gorge Monastery, founded in the late Northern Wei Dynasty (about AD 471 - 523), has gone through more than 1400 years. Now the building is the existence of Ming and Qing dynasties after the construction of the relics. Monastery in the east-oriented, like hanging a huge screen in the back of a sophisticated, chic jade carving. Monastery of the gate toward the south, there are 40 rooms inside. North and South have a peak, from low to high, three-layered effect. Diange six, each of which connected, high and low phase error, with wooden stairs to communicate with each other, a very circuitous, there is caused by irregular, scattered high, there is virtual, the idea of the layout of admirable.Monastery in very large statue, as well as a variety of Copper, iron, clay sculpture, stone carving as 80. Third Temple of Sakyamuni, Wei Tuo, such as statue-day female, full body, moving air is inside the Monastery of the colorful leader. More special Monastery is located at the highest level of the three religions hall, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius statue in the same space inside, thought-provoking. Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, ancestor of living together in a room, very rare indeed. On the one hand supporting the bottom of the original post is a decorative, on the other hand, it allows visitors to see the temple after heart would be more peace of mind to go around.

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羿侮星和:[答案] today was the worst day.because i didn't see the person i mostly wanted to see.The gift bought him is still in my hand.

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羿侮星和: Human Resources accouning is a formation of new cross-disciplinaryemerging studies, which forms from Resource management and Accounting Economics at a certain degree. It is in-depth development from the Human Capital Theory in the field ...

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羿侮星和: I admit my face is thick,but notice ,yours is thicker.

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