
作者&投稿:和强 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Inspection Classification: Type Testing
检验结论:所检项目的检验结果符合检验依据的相关规定, 试品相应性能合格
Inspection Conclusion: The inspection results for the inspected items are in accordance with the relative specifications in the inspection reference, and the corresponding performance of the inspected samples is qualified
Inspection Reference:
Sample for Inspection and Testing
The above mentioned products are in accordance with the requirements of the implement regulation for compulsory product qualification.The certificate hereby issured.
The validity of this certificate is maintained based on the regular supervsion of the certificate issuring institution.
The implemented inspection items
编写 校核 审定 批准
Composed by
Checked by
Examined by
Approved by

The Description of the product type and specifications, and related circumstances covered by this application unit
Qualified in the national compulsory product qualification testing

Inspection category: Type approval test
Inspection conclusion: The inspection result of the inspected items conform to the relative regulations followed by the inspection, corresponding performance of samples are qualified.
Inspection basis:
Sending samples:
The above products conform to the requirements of enforceable products authentication and enforcement regualtion, and this certificate will be granted.
This certificate’s validity will be maintained according to periodical supervision by the certifying authority.

那中东西 国家 不让放出来的 放出来 国家会抓的

SGS TEST REPORT SGS测试报告 (SGS是全球领先的第三方检测、检验、认证和鉴定机构。其所出的报告因为受到国际的认可,并且已有百年历史。)report 英 [rɪ'pɔːt] 美 [rɪ'pɔrt]n. 报告;报道;成绩单 vt. 报告;报导;使报到 vi. 报告;报到;写报导 n. (...


inspection意思:n. 视察;检查 一、读音:英 [ɪn'spekʃn];美 [ɪn'spekʃn]二、例句:He made an inspection of the school.他视察了这所学校。三、词汇用法\/搭配:1、routine inspection 常规检查,日常检验,...2、periodic inspection 定期检查定期检查,定...3、...

1.检验报告证明,箱子及货物受损系运输途中粗鲁搬运所致,而不是你们所说的因包装不善引起的。 Inspection reports shows that the Department of the box and damaged goods in transit due to rough handling, rather than the result of what you said caused by poor packaging.2.损坏时由于包装...

1、Not Detected 读音:英 [nɒt dɪˈtektɪd] 美 [nɑːt dɪˈtektɪd]未检出;不得检出 2、Not Apply 读音:英 [nɒt əˈplaɪ] 美 [nɑːt əˈplaɪ]不适用 SGS在报告中阐述检验...

这是中国商检局签发的检验报告一份,作为我方索赔的依据。 14. Almost everyone of the drums was leaking slightly. We must hold you responsible for the loss. 几乎每个桶都有点漏,你方应该赔偿我方的损失。 15. We have lost considerable business because of your delay in shipment. We expect compensation...

5、底片制造完成正式钻孔前由品质管理工程科检验并记录于"底片检查要项"。 6、其他如"喷锡板制程抽验管理日报表"、"QAI进料抽验报告"、"S\/M抽验日报表"等抽验。 (三)品质管理工程科于制程中配合在制品的加工程序、负责加工条件的测试: 1、钻头研磨后"规范检验"并记录于"钻头研磨检验报告"上。 2、切片检验分...

弱阳性说明不了问题...要再复查下才能确定。 很多情况都有可能引起 你不要太担心了

T3 Triiodothyronine T4 thyroxine TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone Free Triiodothyronine FT3 free thyroxine FT4

有没有那个验厂的啥的 有说要求要文件控制那个要怎么做呢
文件资料 1)品质手册和管理会议记录 2)检验程序,检验标准及最近3个月的检验报告.(来料,制程,包装,成品)3)主要机器设备清单(请准备中英文复印件各一份)4)机器设备保养计划和记录 5)机器保养人员的专业证书 6)产品规格书 7)原料的来料和发料记录 8)员工培训计划及培训记录 9)产前会议程序及记录和...

洛宁县15237401191: 求助一份检验报告的英文专业术语 -
愚浅弥乐: 好了,请放心用吧.不过30分少了点. 检验类别:型式试验 Inspection Classification: Type Testing 检验结论:所检项目的检验结果符合检验依据的相关规定, 试品相应性能合格 Inspection Conclusion: The inspection results for the inspected ...

洛宁县15237401191: 求英文高手翻译一篇检验报告(中译英) -
愚浅弥乐: An inspection report on the battery. To customs transit use. Want to help translate the next master. It is more professional, please do not bring the software translation. I sub-few, but wish to master to be taken seriously. Translation requirements are ...

洛宁县15237401191: 请帮忙翻译几个~~~专业词语~~~
愚浅弥乐: 产品质量证明书 Product quality certificate 产品合格证 Product certificate 产品技术特性 Product technology characteristic 铲平主要受压原件使用材料一览表(含焊接材料) Shovel even main bearing original part use material data sheet 产品焊接...

洛宁县15237401191: 面料质检报告翻译成英文 -
愚浅弥乐: There is a 48.4 m thick at latitude 60 meters 56 meters at shearing traces have 10cmx broken edges 6.8 m and there is a hole in a 40cm width 60 meters 30 meters there is a narrow weft 10 meters there is a double weft; 30 m Department has a rare ...

洛宁县15237401191: 求助翻译汉译英”出厂检验报告” -
愚浅弥乐: 产品批量 Batch products 合同单位 Contract units 使用单位 The units 检验依据 Based on test 抽样数量 Random number

洛宁县15237401191: 几个身体检查的英文术语请问这些检查,在国内都叫什么名称?谢谢!1
愚浅弥乐: 1、食品/营养/吸收: *氢呼气试验 *乳糖不耐症测试 *麸质过敏症检测 *胆囊疾病测试 2 、粪便检查: *布里斯托大便形成规模 *大便成分 *大便艰难毒素 *大便虫卵和寄生虫 3 、放射性检查: *腹部CT扫描 *腹部磁共振成像 *腹部超音波 *下消化道摄影 *上消化道摄影 4、内镜检查: *钡灌肠 *大肠镜检查 *乙状结肠镜 *上内窥镜

洛宁县15237401191: 求助 第三方检测方面的用英语怎么说啊 -
愚浅弥乐: Third party inspection 不懂用有道词典,万能翻译!Shenzhen Sino Assessment Group Co.,Ltd 百度下

洛宁县15237401191: GMP,ISO9001,ISO14001,HACCP,分别是什么英语单词缩写 -
愚浅弥乐: “GMP”是英文Good Manufacturing Practice 的缩写,中文的意思是“良好作业规范”,或是“优良制造标准”,是一种特别注重在生产过程中实施对产品质量与卫生安全的自主性管理制度.它是一套适用于制药、食品等行业的强制性标准,...

洛宁县15237401191: 请大神翻译以下贸易专业术语(是有关滚珠丝杆检测报告的) -
愚浅弥乐: 1,基本直线度;2,总行程导程误差;3,单个导程误差;4,预压扭矩或预紧力(不加防尘圈);5,300mm导程偏差有效行程内平均行程偏差: e有效行程内行程变动量: Vu任意300mm行程内行程变动量: V300任意2π行程内行程变动量: V2π这是丝杠的一般检测内容

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