what did you do during the holiday英语作文 80字 国庆节 用过去式?

作者&投稿:官姜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 参考作文地带提供带翻译的范文.
My National Day
National Day of 2011 is ing.On the early morning of the 1st day,I had my breakfast quickly with my family,then went shopping outside with my several friends.
We bought a lot of goods,such as some food,some toys and so on,so everyone was very happy.From joozone_.
After lunch,I would go to the park and play badminton with my young brother,but we went back and did our homework because the wind was very heavy outside.Oh,this is my National Day.
作文地带原版翻译范文,转载请注明出处,,9,What Did You Do During the Holiday?
What could I do, Whatever I did?
Homework was all that I did.
I did not want to, but I had to,
If I did not, my marks are low, too.
A holiday, a national holiday,
but why it was not my holiday?
Others could play and be glad,
why I could only be very sad?,1,你整个假期都在干什么?,1,It was so excited that I enjoye the China National Holiday. I saw many people stood on Tian Door square, army & other countries people at TV. I am so pround that I am a chinese people because of the l...,1,what l did duing the National day作文200字,0,

甘井子区13444626039: what did you do是什么意思 -
宗圣受百日: 楼主这个疑问和我上学的时候一样哈~~的确,当时好多句子都是没有详细解释的.其实是可以表示“你过去是做什么'的意思的,但这里牵扯到的东西,有两个那就是“习惯用语”和“上下文语境”也就是说,一般这句话表示的意思,就要看上下文是否合适.如果要强调“你过去是干什么的”,一般不用这句话的.亲这样回答可以吗?

甘井子区13444626039: what did you do A.else B.other C.more D.others 为什么不可以选D呢,在我看来,是正确的呀,要详细解答
宗圣受百日: D当然不行 因为do已经有what做他的宾语了 不能再加代词others做宾语了

甘井子区13444626039: what do you say与what did you say区别
宗圣受百日: 时态上是现在时和过去时的区别.如果是问对方刚刚说了啥,应该用did.而what do you say一般是征求对方的意见的,意思大概是“你觉得呢?有啥评论没有?”

甘井子区13444626039: — What did you do during your holidays?— - ---- - A.Nothing much. B.Nothing serious. C
宗圣受百日: A 试题分析:考查短语辨析. A没什么;B 没什么严重的;C仅此而已,没有别的;D没什么有趣的.根据问句可知此处要回答啊假期中做的什么,故A选项正确.句意:---在假期中你做什么了?--没做什么.

甘井子区13444626039: what did you do yesterday怎么读的 -
宗圣受百日: 英文原文: what did you do yesterday 英式音标: [wɒt] [dɪd] [juː] [duː] [ˈjestədeɪ; -dɪ] 美式音标: [wɑt] [dɪd] [ju] [du] [ˈjɛstɚde]

甘井子区13444626039: What did you do the day before yesterday是什么意思 -
宗圣受百日: What did you do the day before yesterday 前天做了什么 例句:1.What did you do before joining google? 在加入google之前做什么的?祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

甘井子区13444626039: - ________? - I watched TV at home.[] -
宗圣受百日:[选项] A. How was your weekend B. Where did you go C. What did you do D. When did you watch TV

甘井子区13444626039: 1.--What did you do this morning?--We____ - an English lesson and the teacher was very friendly.A.gave B.took C.put D.got应该选什么,为什么?2.I want to ... -
宗圣受百日:[答案] B take a lesson:上课 I want to get a gift for my mother. 回楼上:get不能跟to. get something for somebody.

甘井子区13444626039: What - _____ - did you do?A. other B. else C. others为什么不能用others -
宗圣受百日:[答案] 很高兴为你解答.保证正确率~!【回答】:others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”.在句中可作主语、宾语.如:Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports.我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,...

甘井子区13444626039: can you tell me__ - yesterday.A.what do you do B.what did you do B.what you do D.what you did 选哪个 -
宗圣受百日:[答案] 选D , 一般疑问句中的 特殊疑问句 用陈诉语气 由于这里是问的 yesterday 昨天的情况,所以用过去时态 助动词用 did

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