
作者&投稿:将曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I can speak a little English. 这句是经常用的一句话。如果直译,很容易译成中国式的英语了。(用 a little 是懂一点,用 little 是一点不懂)

口语化one - o - nine decimal one

(Chines) Zither

Zither(Chinese Zheng) is build with a special wooden sound body with strings arched across movable bridges along the length of the instrument for the purpose of tuning. In the early times the zheng had 5 string; later on developed into 12 to 13 strings in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907AD) and 16 strings in the Song and Ming dynasty (from the 10th to 15th century). The present day zheng usually has 21-25 strings.

古筝 zheng,a Chinese zither with 25 strings] 弦乐器,木制长形。唐宋时有弦十三根,后增至十六根,现发展到二十五根弦。也叫“筝”

古筝 zheng,

a Chinese zither with 25 strings


ancient Zither

Old kite

Self-evaluation I am optimistic about the progress, treat people with sincerity, adaptable, serious and meticulous work, a reasonable arrangement to co-ordinate the work of the affairs of the agricultural school and have the spirit of hard-working students. Through their enthusiasm, pro...

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1. 没有盼头的日子是苍白不可想象的,人,得天天有点什么盼头,生活才不至于暗淡。有了盼头,会觉得太阳每天都是新的,不管是望梅止渴,还是画饼充饥,它都会激励你不停手中的桨,去追逐哪怕一星微小的火光。土地去掉水分,就成了沙漠;人没了盼,还剩什么?小盼头支撑人的一天,大盼头支撑人的一生...

来源于对一位广州市民的采访,当记者问到他关于一则报道的看法时,他说:关我什么事情?我是来打酱油的。此网络潮语表明:我路过,我不关心的意思 When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion ofthe sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen (Chen Guanxi), theman answ...

Abstract :Basketball refereeing is an important part of basketball competition . Modern basketball is developing rapidly , becoming more competitive , useing more subtle technic with more fierce pushing and complex tactical changes . Therefore , the judges have become increasingly demanding . ...

急!哪位英文高手来做个翻译啊~ 翻译的好,分可以追加很多~~
with the development of the market economy and the expansion of reform and opening up to the outside world, especially since the entry into WTO, China has participated more frequently in international businsess activities,business negotiation plays an increasingly more significant role in ...

Time really flies like a shuttle, the time seems sword Lord talent in the world in this era of information and the highest efficiency is often the only criterion for evaluation of their gold content. For an enterprise, it about effectiveness, and for the industry, it may determine...

⑴ single U-tube ground heat exchanger unit tube length and heat transfer than double U-tube high, but the single U-tube ground heat exchanger heat transfer units of hole depth less than double U-tube; through analysis that the reason Single U-tube ground heat exchanger unit tube...

很简单。我们学语文的老师教我们古文时说这就是半门外语,也就是说,学习外语词汇很重要,下面,我给你具体讲讲我的一些心得。 1:在网络上,很多文章教大家怎么一个月过六级,半x个月过四级,个人认为:可能!但那绝对是针对英语基础比较好的朋友。如果你开始英语基础就不好,那就只能和我一样,...

The concept and the development history of the derrick Perpendicular in the certain scope promote with the level porterage heavy thing much action derrick 械 .Call hoist again.Belong to the material porterage machine.The work of the derrick the characteristics is to do by fits and ...

涿鹿县18755316891: 英语高手进来帮忙解答一下 谢谢 -
氐燕金花: 语言发展都有历史,英语也是一样.从古英语,到中古英语近代英语,近代英语在莎士比亚所处的时期开始繁荣,一些学者将之分为早期近代英语与后期近代英语,分界线为1800年左右.随着不列颠对全世界大部分地区的占领和殖民,当地语言...

涿鹿县18755316891: 哪位英语高手帮我把这个故事用英语说出来,是要说给人家听的 所以 语法和词语都要对.很久很久以前,有一座山叫五指山,山脚下有个村,村里有个年轻的... -
氐燕金花:[答案] A long long time ago,there was a mountain called Five Finger Mountain.On the foot of the mountain there was a village.In the village,there was a young hunter.One day when this young hunter went hunting in the mountain,he found that the mountain was ...

涿鹿县18755316891: 有哪位英语高手能将教下如何看懂英语长句,翻译成中文 -
氐燕金花: 其实英语的基本句型就五种,长句也不外乎此. 所以你看到长句,先找到主,谓,宾,然后去找定语状语,补语等成分 只不过有些成分是句子而不是词,短语. 说白了就是用五种句型的格式找到关键的(主,谓,宾),然后再用类似的方法去分析充当其他成分的句子,最后组织语言

涿鹿县18755316891: 那位英语高手帮忙翻译下句子,急急急!!! 新方法使得我们有可能提前完成任务.(it作形式宾语) -
氐燕金花: New method makes it possible (for us)to fulfill the task ahead. 或New measure makes it possible to complete the task ahead. 方法用method\measure均可,for us可省略. 俺是学英语的,希望可以帮到你~

涿鹿县18755316891: 懂得却做不到 用英语怎么说,或者古语怎么说 -
氐燕金花: understanding but can't do

涿鹿县18755316891: 英语基础要记些什么?哪位高手可以说下?? -
氐燕金花: 很简单.我们学语文的老师教我们古文时说这就是半门外语,也就是说,学习外语词汇很重要,下面,我给你具体讲讲我的一些心得. 1:在网络上,很多文章教大家怎么一个月过六级,半x个月过四级,个人认为:可能!但那绝对是针对英语基...

涿鹿县18755316891: 哪位英语高手帮翻译下 -
氐燕金花: 从前有一位盲人,他决定去参观Texas,当他上飞机的时候,他惊讶的说:"哇,这些座椅真大!"旁边的人(听到后)回答说:"在Texas,什么都很大."当盲人抵达Texas,他决定先去参观一个酒吧.在酒吧里,他说:"所有的东西在Texas都很大!"侍者回答说.(这里是不是漏掉了什么啊). 两倍啤酒下肚后,盲人问侍者盥洗室在哪儿,侍者回答说:"在右手边第二个房间."盲人于是走向盥洗室,但是意外的背绊倒滑过了第二个房间,而是到了通往游泳池的第三个房间.盲人不小心掉进泳池.盲人怕被淹死,因此大声呼救:"不要冲水.不要冲水!"

涿鹿县18755316891: 请问哪位英语高手可以告诉我,八点半,和,20:30分,用英语怎么说,重谢!如题 谢谢了 -
氐燕金花: 8:30 eight thirty (a.m.)/ half past eight (a.m.),20:30 eight thirty p.m./ half past eight p.m.

涿鹿县18755316891: 哪位高手告诉我这句英文怎么说? -
氐燕金花: 1.中国站 China Station 2.中国终点站 China Terminal Station

涿鹿县18755316891: 有哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下以下英语语句 -
氐燕金花: 第一句是个地址来的:台湾高雄市路竹镇诱惑一路9号(路牌门牌是根据英语读音翻译出来的,所以写法不知道是不是全对) 第二句是bnouing那单词,你应该打错了.


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