
作者&投稿:邴武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have a wish.

I have a biger(更大)wish

i have a dream。


A few months ago, my father got seriously ill.
The birthday of my desire to have made over time, but has so far not been realized.
I hope this wish can be achieved when the new year.
I wish that the dad let me re-good as soon as possible, so that my father has a health, suffering from the illness, and this is my New Year wish.

我有一个愿望:My wish

Several months ago,my father has suffered a serious disease.
I once made a vow to god on my birthday,but until now it's never come true.
I hope that this wish can come ture on new year's day.
My wish is that father can get well as soon as possible,and have a health body to get rid of the torture of the illness.This is my new year's wish.

A few months ago ,my dad has been taken ill,I had promise this to my father when i had my birthday ,but till now i never had my wish carried out 。i hope this dream can be fullfilled when the new year come 。and my dream is that my father can be recovered soon ,become a hearty man ,get rid of the physical and mental afflictions ,all those above are my new year’ wish

I wish I can make progress on my study. I hope all my wishes can realize.在新年的前一天,我的家人聚在一起,吃了一顿大餐,我们聊得很开心,分享着这个愉快的.时刻。晚饭过后,我们放烟花,烟花是那么的美,我许下了很多愿望。我希望我所有的家人都健康和开心,我希望我学习上有所进步。...

你必须许下一个愿望并吹灭蜡烛。You must make a wish and blow out the candle。愿望 desire;wish;aspiration

帮我用英语翻译一段文字 我希望在将来的一年里能实现这个愿望.
I hope this dream will come true in one year in the future.

I would rather swap my life for a wish.

This year I wish: I hope to get a good result, I'm good at Chinese and maths, English need to improve, but also get rid of my own bad habits, often exercise. And less to eat junk food, eat more fruit and vegetables, don't let yourself become more fat Hope to achieve...

如果给我一个愿望,我希望家人健康平安 If you give me a wish, I wish my family peace and health

If I can reach one dream, just let me sleep by your side wherever you are.

once i saw a meteor and made a wish, but it did not work.

已经 already 总是一直 all the time 一个不寻常的女孩 an unusual girl 成为一名滑冰冠军 become a skating champion 不得不努力训练 have to work hard 很久以前 long ago 例如 for example 中国体操运动员 Chinese gymnasts 赢得一枚金牌 win a gold medal 活到老,学到老 It is never too late ...

在珍妮的十二岁生日时,她许了一个愿望并且一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛。Jenny made a wish and blew out all the candles at one tim on her twelfth birthday.

沈丘县17529122328: 简单英语翻译用英语翻译下"我有一个愿望"谢谢 -
禾童九合:[答案] I have a dream我有一个梦想. I have a wish.我有一个愿望

沈丘县17529122328: 我有个愿望的英文 -
禾童九合: 一 I have a wish :I want to be with you forever 二 I have a wish: To be with you forever 三 I wish that I can be with you forever.四 I want to be around you 我想在你身边 也许还能用到,You made a big hid with me when i first meet you 我对你一见钟情 fill in love with you 陷入你的爱里;爱上你 Creepin Up On You 情不自禁爱上你 祝你成功!!

沈丘县17529122328: “我有一个愿望”英语怎么说? -
禾童九合: i have a dream.很普通的句子,祝愿你父亲早日康复;有时间可以去看看马丁路德金的演讲,他的开头就是:“我有一个梦,相信有一天…………”,虽然也是普通的句子,但饱富深情

沈丘县17529122328: 我今天演讲的主题是我有一个愿望.译为英语
禾童九合: 我今天演讲的主题是我有一个愿望. The theme of my speech today is I have a wish. 望采纳,谢谢

沈丘县17529122328: 我有一个愿望,希望在十月前实现用英语怎么说 -
禾童九合:[答案] I have a desire to achieve before October. I have a wish and hope to achieve it before October.

沈丘县17529122328: 我有一个愿望 怎么用英语写作文!!!!!!!! -
禾童九合: !!!!!!!I have a dream that one day I can do anything what I want to do . But what is I want to do? It is simple too . I just want to open a flower shop , my own f...

沈丘县17529122328: 我有一个愿望.给爸妈买套大房.英语怎么说? -
禾童九合:[答案] I hope/desire to purchase a spacious house for my parents. I have a dream that I could afford/buy/purchase a spacious house for my parents.

沈丘县17529122328: 我有一个愿望 怎么用英语写作文!!!!!!!! -
禾童九合: I have a dream that one day I can do anything what I want to do . But what is I want to do? It is simple too . I just want to open a flower shop , my own flower shop , a warm and beautiful shop . It is because I like flowers very much and I'm a girl going ...

沈丘县17529122328: 我有一个愿望 希望我可以变白 的英文怎么写 -
禾童九合: 我有一个愿望 希望我可以变白 I have a wish that I can be white 英 [wiʃ] 美 [wɪʃ] vt.& vi. <正>希望,想要,但愿; vt. 祝愿; 渴望; 愿,祈求; 要求,请求; n. (书信或贺卡等中的)祝愿; 渴望; 希望的事; 许愿; vi. 盼望,企求,想要;

沈丘县17529122328: 英语翻译我有一个愿望挽起你的小手,看看未来将带我到什么地方我有一个愿望留在你的身旁轻声地问你是否愿做我未来的新娘翻译成英文 -
禾童九合:[答案] I have a wish.Lock with your little hands.Look forward to the futureand bring me to someplaceI have a wish.Stay beside you.Then ask you softly:would you like to be my future bride.希望能帮到你!

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