
作者&投稿:桓盛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.他是一个传奇性人物,名下拥有中国最大的门户(gate)网站。(..with..to his name )
He is a legend with China'sbiggest gate site to his name.

2.二十世纪初,爱因斯坦发表了一系列关于相对论的文章,因而名声大震。(...shot to fame..)
At the beginning of 20th century, Einstein shot to fame by publishing a series of articles on theory of relativity.

3.世界卫生组织(who)正在敦促成员国采取有效措施阻止禽流感的蔓延。(...keep...at bay)
WHO is urging member countries to take effective measures to keep the bird flu at bay.

4.不管人们喜欢与否,中国传统文化正在受到外来文化的冲击。(like it or not,...)
Like it or not, foreign culture is makeing impact on Chinese traditional culture.

5.你不应在实验还没有做完就抢先下结论。(..jump the gun...)
You should not jump the gun before completing the experiment.

你觉得去GREAT LAKES 玩怎么样?总的来说,那还不错,尽管阴雨天多。他生病了不能去那里,所以她的妻子代表他接受奖项。别对他的小儿子期望它高。毕竟,他在组员中智力平庸。(选B才对)

1.那个大学生的父母千辛万苦的工作来供他上学,要是他明白这一点就好了。(if...only knew...)
If only the college student knew that his parents had taken pains to pay for his tuition!

2.杰克与一个NBA篮球队签了约,实现了他的梦想。(..dream came true when...)
Jack's dream came true when a NBA team signed him up.

3.那天我们聊的很愉快,我觉得我们更像是老朋友,而并非两个刚认识的人。(...,i felt as if...)
That day we had a nice talk. I felt as if we were more of old friends than of new friends.

4.当我在餐馆钱看到两天前被偷走的车时,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。(I couldn't believe my eyes when...)
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my car stolen two days before in front of the restaurant.

5.几年前她父亲失业时,全家人的生活就如爬坡上坎似的变得艰难起来。(..an uphill crawl...)
Since her father lost his job several years ago, her family's life has become as rough as an uphill crawl.

1. If That the parents of college students only to work extremely hard for him to go to school, he would understand knew this just fine.
2. Jack NBA basketball team and a signed, Dream came true when the realization of his dream.
3. We talk of the day very happy, I feel that we are more like old friends, I felt as if not just two people you know.
4. When I see the money in the restaurant's car was stolen two days ago, I couldn't believe my eyes when believe their eyes.
5. A few years ago when her father had lost his job, An uphill crawl family life, like climbing on Hom like to become difficult.


1. If That the parents of college students only to work extremely hard for him to go to school, he would understand knew this just fine.
2. Jack NBA basketball team and a signed, Dream came true when the realization of his dream.
3. We talk of the day very happy, I feel that we are more like old friends, I felt as if not just two people you know.
4. When I see the money in the restaurant's car was stolen two days ago, I couldn't believe my eyes when believe their eyes.
5. A few years ago when her father had lost his job, An uphill crawl family life, like climbing on Hom like to become difficult.

1.The parents of the undergraduate did everthing possible to support his study, if only he knew this...
2.Jack's dream came true when he signed an agreement with a NBA team.
3.We talked with each other quite happily that day, i felt as if we were old frends.
4.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my bicycle stolen two days ago.
5.When her father got out of work a few years ago, the life of the family was just as difficult as an uphill crawl.

1.If only the college student knew that his parents had taken pains to pay for his tuition!
2.Jack's dream came true when a NBA team signed him up.
3.That day we had a nice talk. I felt as if we were more of old friends than of new friends.
4.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my car stolen two days before in front of the restaurant。
5.Since her father lost his job several years ago, her family's life has become as rough as an uphill crawl.

英语翻译(改成以He为主语的句子 )
He played football yesterday.他昨天踢足球 He bought a new coat last week. 上个星期,他买了一件新外套。He has had a letter from Tom. 他已经收到了Tom寄来的信 He was busy this morning.他今早很忙 He could play football very well when he was young.他小时候踢足球踢得很棒 He...

life is like stool,sometimes we take many efforts,but it's just a fart at last

1 You shouldn't walk into the grass.You should keep off the grass.2 We should be quiet in the hospital.We shouldn't make noise in the hospital.3 Is Jack free today?No,he's very busy.4 My mum is waiting for me.5 Every week has seven days, and a year has twelve ...

1 In China lunch is a main meal of the day, while breakfast and supper is a little more simple.2 I am not good at English and I can only say something easy.3 You go ahead. I am just listening.4 Are you tied up with work today?5 不问在忙什么的,好吧?就打个招呼...


我们将于12月2日早上到达河南郑州。We will arrive Zhengzhou, Henan in the morning on December 2nd.谢谢你的邀请(用两种回答)Thanks for your invitation. Thank you for inviting me.他们计划去上海去看望他们的老师。They plan to go to Shanghai to visit their teacher.猫迷英语专家团提供...

因为它翻译为“多么忙碌的一周啊!”我们不要答非所问,,这真的是一个陈述句,不能用感叹句来表述。。你想一下,"我过了",说明是过去的时间,也就是说,不考虑横线的话是这样的 I spent a busy but exciting weekend.我记得八年级还是七年级英语课本上有这么一个句子,而且我还做了这个习题...

I have been really busy recently so i was not able to leave message on your space (blog).(个人比较喜欢用space这个词)1、因为最近比较忙,所以好久没有到你博客留言了。I'm a freshman in college and I'm a bording school student who have not yet adjusted to the new life in ...

越短越好的英语句子: 1. This is a ship.(这是一艘船。)2. He is an old worker.(他是一个老工人。)3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。)4. There is a map on the wall.(墙上有一幅地图。)5. This is a yellow pencil.(这是一支黄铅笔。)6. Tom is an Ameri...

1.要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。If it wasn't for John, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish the experiment so quickly.2.如果我们能帮的上忙,尽管和我们联系。If we could be of any help, please don't hesitate to contact us.3.我对你的能力很有信心,相信你...

交口县19265198721: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子啊,很急!谢谢啦.1,我担心你不能及时完成任务2,那个科学家宣称已经找到治疗癌症的方法3,以便于多挣钱养活她的孩子4,就... -
休彬浦虹:[答案] 1, I'm afraid you can finish the task in time 2, the scientists claim to have found method for the treatment of cancer 3 in order to earn more money to support her children 4, as far as I'm concerned 5, absolutely don't play games with the feelings of others ...

交口县19265198721: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子 -
休彬浦虹: 1 were you watching the parade at this time of yesterday?2 i can get its meaning even you don't tell me.

交口县19265198721: 急!帮忙翻译英语句子啊最好是虚拟语气的!翻译:如果你一个人在家,你敢不敢一个人睡觉?叫朋友陪我.敢.去朋友家睡.例如:What would you do if ... -
休彬浦虹:[答案] Would you dare to sleep by yourself if you were home alone? I would ask a friend for accompany. I would. I would go over to a friend's place.

交口县19265198721: 帮忙英语翻译一个句子?
休彬浦虹: 楼主你好好 有3中翻译第一种 Not my world, you should meet from now on 第二种 I have been the world, you should from now on adaptation 第三种My world, you should not start from the present to adapt谢谢希望采纳

交口县19265198721: 帮忙用英语翻译三个句子. -
休彬浦虹: 1.This is the sunny day for you. 2.It's a great pleasure to know you. 3.Wish you like it.

交口县19265198721: 帮忙翻译英语句子啊!!!! -
休彬浦虹: 1.Do you know what it is like to stand on the stage with all the eyes staring at you? 2.We all breathed a sigh of relief when told the news that the hostage had been rescued safely3.With his professional knowledge in finance and managerial skills, he ...

交口县19265198721: 帮忙翻译几个句子啊各位英语大虾``1.你能否告诉我你什么时候能回到家?2.我要为你做一些不同的事3.我要在这呆两周的时间4.我在这没听到声5.有些人租房... -
休彬浦虹:[答案] 1.Could you tell me when will you get home? 2.I want to do something different for you. 3.I will stay here for two weeks. 4.I heard nothing here. 5.Some people rent the houses to live in. 6.Where will you visit? 7.After a long walk,he stopped for having a rest ...

交口县19265198721: 帮忙翻译英语句子
休彬浦虹: 1 I am now employed as an English teacher. 2 It is lucky that my house was not harmed in the earthquake. 3 Eating and drinking too much does harm to the health.

交口县19265198721: 帮忙用英语翻译五个句子
休彬浦虹: 1.I feel sleepy to feel, you does the ability adjust the television volume a little bit small? 2.End last month, they took a look at a movie concerning elephant. 3.I don't want to fish, because that sound really very boring. 4.Yesterday evening, he have to ...

交口县19265198721: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子
休彬浦虹: 富有或穷,年轻或年老,我们都有问题, I have a dream Don't bother me

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