
作者&投稿:汝于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



National Day is coming, I will have a seven-day holiday. My family is going to Hainan for a trip. Hainan is a good city near the sea. We will stay there for a week. We can pick shells on the beach and swim in the sea. We will enjoy the delicious food there. We are sure to have a good time during the National Day holiday.



The annual National Day is coming, streets and alleys are hung with red flags. People suspend their usual studies and work. People hang out with their families.

On the first day of the holiday, my parents and I went to my grandma's home. My grandma's home was in the countryside. The neighbors were very warm. On the last day of National Day, my parents took me to the zoo again. Mom and dad would be prepared before the things on the car, and then we went to the zoo. There were many people in the zoo. There were many people with flags in their hands. They were chatting with their family and friends. The children were watching the animals carefully. Mother also took a few photos to keep as a souvenir.

On this special day of National Day, I want to thank my country and the soldiers who bring happiness to us with their blood. I will study hard, to serve the motherland in the future. On National Day, I wish China more prosperity and beauty!




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