
作者&投稿:大叔薇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"Although" 是一个英文单词,读音为 /ɔːlˈðəʊ/(英式发音)或 /ɑːlˈðoʊ/(美式发音)。

"Although" 是一个常用的副词,表示"虽然"或"尽管"的意思。


Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk. (虽然下雨了,我们还是决定去散步。)

此外,"although" 还可以替换成其他的词汇来表示相同的含义,例如:


Even though

Despite the fact that

In spite of the fact that

注意,虽然这些词汇意思相似,但在使用上还是有所区别。例如,“though” 通常在句子开头使用,而“even though” 则强调了一个更强的对比。

The train goes through to Beijing.这车直达北京。through adj.1.可通行的 2.直达的 3.完毕的, 完成的 4.穿了的, 有洞的 5.用电话接通; [美]通话完毕 例子:a through ticket 全程车票 a through train 直达火车 a through traffic 过境交通; 联运 You are through.[英]你要的电话接通了。

through 什么意思?用法?
通过,穿过,经过:We walked rapidly through the back door.我们快速走过后门。We pushed our way through the crowd.我们从人群中挤过去。2.遍及;在…的中间;在…之间;从一边到一边:I toured through Europe last summer.去年夏天我周游了欧洲。to swing through the trees 在树间荡来荡去 3....

Peer presure can also be a positive force through which she calls the social cure 同辈压力也可能是一种积极的力量,基于此她称之为社交治愈。prep.通过,穿过;经由;透过;凭借(应该是由此意引申来的---做题要灵活)

1. 穿过;通过 The river runs through our village.这条河穿过我们的村子。2. 以,用,凭借 She got the position through her older brother.她通过她哥哥获得那个职位。3. 由于,因为 They became unemployed through no fault of their own.他们的失业不是由于自身的过失造成的。4. 从...开始至...

through KK: []DJ: []prep.1. 穿过;通过 The river runs through our village.这条河穿过我们的村子。2. 以,用,凭借 She got the position through her older brother.她通过她哥哥获得那个职位。3. 由于,因为 They became unemployed through no fault of their own.他们的失业不是由于自身的...

prep.1. 通过,穿过,贯穿 2. 经由,通过,以...3. 从(洞孔等)中间,透过 4. 由于,因为;多亏 5. 到处,全面;从...的开始到末了,从头到尾 adv.1. 穿过,通过,经历;从头到尾,完全,全部;到 最简单的用法是 1、给别人指路。比如想说“沿着这条路直走”walk through this street 2、...

across是介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配 cross是动词,通常可以直接放在句子中 through是穿过 跟across一样介词,通常在用go,run,swim.等搭配 through与cross的不同在于方向 through是直过cross是横过 例:I went across the road = I cross the road 我横过马路(经斑马线)The car went through ...

through 可以作介词,作副词,也可以作形容词。一、through 作介词。1、用来暗指从某物的一个位置到另外一个位置,通常是某物的两端,意为“从…一端至另一端;穿过,贯穿”,例如:You have to go through the forest to get to the village.你必须穿过森林才能到达村庄。2、用来给出方式或原因...

through的用法:1、用来暗指从某物的一个位置到另外一个位置,通常是某物的两端,意为“从…一端至另一端;穿过,贯穿”,例如:You have to go through the forest to get to the village.你必须穿过森林才能到达村庄。2、用来给出方式或原因,意为“以,凭借;因为,由于”,例如:You can ...

英语through词性 用法
through prep(连词).(1)从……通过,穿过 e. g. The River Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流经伦敦。比较:across是从平面或表面穿过,如across the street, 而along 是沿着……走。(2)在……中,一直到 e. g. She nursed me through my long illness.我病了很长时间,她都一直...

富民县19124403357: 虽然用英语怎么说?
马栏参坤: though although though A,B A,but B 都是 “虽然A,但是B”的意思~ 英语中这两个连词不能同时出现

富民县19124403357: 我尽管不是很了解这个专业 翻译成英文 -
马栏参坤: althrough I am not quite familiar with this field(major)

富民县19124403357: all though 和 as though 是一回事儿吗?请问.
马栏参坤:不一样.all though 是尽管的意思,引导让步状语重句 All though thousands of enthusiastic.-fans shouted for him, he was defeated at last.尽管成千上万的球迷大声喊者支持他,最后他还是输了. as though引导方式状语从句,意为“好像,正如……” 可用于虚拟语气,比如 他说的好像他亲眼看到的一样 He said that as though he had seen it

富民县19124403357: 我记得英语中so和but不能连用百度翻译 -
马栏参坤: 是although /though不能与but 连用,because 不能与so 连用哦

富民县19124403357: 用英语介绍一块手表,要写由那生产的,用什么制造的,为什么喜欢它,它被用于干什么.有9年级水平即可 -
马栏参坤: This watch was producted in Shanghai,it was made of metal,I like it very much because it's very beautiful and useful,it can tell me the right time and wake me up in the morning.

富民县19124403357: 请问"调整好心态"怎么译成英文? -
马栏参坤: 调整好心态的英文:Adjust your mentality Adjust 读法 英 [ə'dʒʌst] 美 [ə'dʒʌst] v(动词). 调整;校准;调节;使适应 短语 1、adjust errors 校正错误 2、adjust expenses to income 量入为出 3、adjust itself 自行调节 4、adjust a quarrel 调节...

富民县19124403357: 求英文翻译,急!急!...
马栏参坤: I know and like P'Paul form Rahut Rissaya.Though I am not like him much long, I always pay close attention to him.P'Paul is very kind, mature wisdom, handsome, and also is a very great actor

富民县19124403357: 英文高手进,中文翻译英文(不要用工具翻译的,要有语法性)
马栏参坤: I do really want to make sure whether you can be a true one. However, I don't know why you've changed. It makes me confused. I don't understand why you always lied to everybody before. Your love seems so fragile. Do you think it's funny? Have you ...

富民县19124403357: 问一下高中英语常用到哪些连词?
马栏参坤: 最佳答案 )表层次: first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least also, and then, next, besides and equally important too moreover besides in ...

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