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One, the pursuit of excellence and scarcity of product strategy ( Product ):1 of the pursuit of excellence in product qualityThere's no doubt that Valentino is the world's advanced customization and senior clothing 's top luxury brands as the integration of Italy manual and French Valentino workmanship exquisite beyond compare, the introduction of advanced imported fabrics and luxurious luxury style workmanship is exquisite, the Valentino brand clothing from whole to every little detail, make it reach the acme of perfection. Splendid, beautiful bright is Valentino brand characteristics. Mens garments, Ladies Garments, bags, shoes perfume, belt, jewelry, watches, glasses, scarves and other related to daily life, party, party business, in various occasions.2 rare yield limitFor luxury goods scarce first, only the use of raw materials and production and sales are rarely can the value of training to become the pursuit of products3 pay attention to the details of the design and packagingToday's luxuries in product detail generally consider many, today's consumers are demanding more and more on the details of the pursuit of a more perfect quality, often businesses use the gorgeous packaging attracted consumers, through the packaging makes consumers believe the product value for money.Packaging & Luxury4 unique product concept association( 1) the origin of the concept( 2) production technology concept5 in the brand into the royalty and celebrities colorValentino is the world's haute couture and ready-to-wear top luxury brand. Innovative design and strict production process as a brand concept, referring to Valentino, people naturally feel this name has the Rome nobility. Valentino represents a palace-style luxury, high profile was hidden deep calm, from 60 time since has been Italy 's national brand, innovative design concept and strict production processTwo, high-end positioning and game of price strategy ( Price ):Luxury is luxury properties determined by price itself, is a brand management strategy. Luxury in pricing when considering the brand positioning, target consumer affordability, and industry in a competitive price level, the implementation of pricing strategy,In the market for Valentino. Only for high-end market, targeting high-end specificity, brand awareness will be dilated using, service object is the successful people and the social elite, luxury users and owners can only be successful people and social elite, not the Valentino through the extension of the brand to occupy in the low-end market, so destined to make successful people and social elite abandoned, lost noble status and thus the loss itself position. Luxury brands generally will not be a promotion price. If the price drops to all can accept, and commodity attacks are rich enough to make most people have this brand, the brand has been abandoned as a luxury brand, the market for luxury goods discount mostly is merely in processing survival purposes, not the real meaning sales promotion, give the customer a discount purchase in advance the message is for they usually purchase price of products to thank.In three, along with the time evolution and the three-dimensional integrated channel strategy ( Place ):1 of the top 5 star hotel2 high-grade commercial shopping centerThe 3 international famous shopping street4 luxury goods exhibition5 luxury one book centerIn four, the pursuit of style and culture communication strategy ( Promotion ):1 luxurious and delicate coexist in public relations activitiesThe 2 media matching and creative content of the advertisementIn 3 cross-cultural communication strategy4 high-end brands joint promotion trend


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