
作者&投稿:爰急 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




1、we can have many intersting things to do here,so we enjoy____our lives here very much.
2、The doctors tried to save the bman but he died_____in the end.
3、John never listens to his mother and she is very unhappy____.
4、Be quick,or you'll miss____ the school bus.

几道英语介词首字母填空的题目 n简单
My aunt is leaving (for) Beijing.(On) Saturday morning I get up lately.That is her (mother\/mum), Kate. Kate is a pretty (actress).The man (beside) them is Candy's (father).Who is that lady (in) purple?


几道英语根据词义解释写出单词 给首字母。
used to give a total number or amount 【altogether 】总共 to give sb money for work,goods,services,etc.【pay】付款 the amount of money that you have to pay for sth【price】价钱 the act or sound of laughing【laughter】笑声 slow to learn or understand things;not clever or ...


Maybe 我找不到我的手表了,也许它在家里。Japanese 那辆日本车很好 man 我们摇滚乐团里有一个英国人。 member 我们摇滚乐团里有一个英国成员。clubs 中国有二十多个足球俱乐部。前面两个人的mine 是肯定错误的。因为后面是it‘s 望采纳。

possible already Girls sports Both making If family much money 【手打翻译】孩子们很兴奋将来等待他们的是什么。十分之九的孩子相信这可能是任何当他们长大时想要的东西。大多数孩子在心里已经想好了一个职业。女孩们梦想着是不是成为教师、演员和时尚设计师。男孩们把眼光放到了体育、科学、游戏设计...

5 .in the world 在世界上 6.in China 在中国 7.pen pal 笔友 8. 14 years old 14岁  9.favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 10.the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国 New York 纽11.speak English 讲英语 like and dislike 爱憎 9.go to the movies 去看...

13道初二升初三英语首字母填空的题目 Seumas Mcsporran is a very b___ man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an aountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an ...

七、报刊杂志的名称、文章标题的实词首字母要大写,如The Fox and the Lion (狐狸和狮子)……八、人称代词I、人的称谓的首字母要大写,如:Am I in class Two? Mr. Liu, Dr. Bethune…九、某些缩略词的字母也要大写,如:TV…参考资料 英语单词首字母需要大写的几种情况 .网易博客[引用...

1. I like onion and egg dumplings.(改为同义句)I like dumplings with onions and eggs.2.What do you think of soap operas?(改为同义句)Do you like soap operas?3.I can eat in the dining hall.(画线提问:in the dining hall)I am able to dine in the dining hall.4.late...

饶平县13585151899: 一道七年级的英语首字母填空题1、we can have many intersting things to do here,so we e____our lives here very much.2、The doctors tried to save the bman ... -
言货盐酸:[答案] enjoy;died;unhappy;miss

饶平县13585151899: 七年级英语首字母填空Here's a story about Ming's life on the waters.Ming has lived all his life on a wide r__1_ - in china.His home is a large house - boat with a ... -
言货盐酸:[答案] 已经填在空里了:Here's a story about Ming's life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r__iver__ in china. His home is a large house-boat with a roof,one of hundreds that move up and do...

饶平县13585151899: 七年级英语首字母填空2题,又快又好秒采纳If you know your size c_____,it will save much time to find out the cloths that suit you.As you know ,looking s____... -
言货盐酸:[答案] 有固定的句意吗? 第一个空填:correctly比较适合 第二个空填:smart比较适合 希望能帮到您

饶平县13585151899: 初一英语的首字母填空(3篇) -
言货盐酸:[答案] A:L_____,Li Mei!That's my home. B:W_____? A:Over there,b_____ the tree. B:who's that ,Zhang Lin? A:W____ one?The ... too.Some people can also speak English.Great differences are found between the m_________ cities and the countryside.New ...

饶平县13585151899: 七年级英语根据首字母填空1.I went to the b____.I swam in the sea.2.Did you visit the m____?There are all kinds of old things there.最好带上翻译, -
言货盐酸:[答案] I went to the b_each___.I swam in the sea.我去了海边,我在海里游泳了. 2.Did you visit museum?There are all kinds of old things there.你去博物馆了吗?那里有许多古时候东西.

饶平县13585151899: 七年级英语(首字母填空)Often,doctors tell some people to go on diet(节食).The doctors hope the dies will make the people feel b( 1 ).They also hope the ... -
言货盐酸:[答案] (1)better 感觉更好 (2)slender苗条 (3)eat ( to 后用原型) (4)little 一点 (5)much 太多 (6)kind 种类 (7)easy 容易 (8)pleased不吃就不胖,不胖他就高兴 (9)right 医生是对的 (10)instead 代替

饶平县13585151899: 初一英语一道题目根据首字母填空. I can't stand the t____ - weather. It's r_____ - outside.Take an umbrella with you. The radio sayds it will be w____ - tomorrow.... -
言货盐酸:[答案] terrible raining windy cool world resting 最后一个不大确定

饶平县13585151899: 一个初一的英语单词填空题hello o______,Can you help me?空格里首字母已给出,请问可以填什么呢? -
言货盐酸:[答案] officer 这个一般在路上,有事询问交警

饶平县13585151899: 谁有一些初一上英语首字母填空题,提供一下
言货盐酸: 1. Is there a bank n_______ here?2. W_________ to our school.3. There is b_... Go s__________ along Centre Street, the bank is on your r__________.12. Let ...

饶平县13585151899: 首字母填空初一英语he is w__,so everyone likes to be with him.空格里应该填什么? -
言货盐酸:[答案] 可能是: He is (warm-hearted),so everyone likes to be with him. 注;warm-hearted 热心的 翻译:他很热心,所以每个人都喜欢和他在一起.

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