
作者&投稿:童注 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



姓名: 唐胜斌 邮箱:tangbin_11@163.com
Name: TangShengBin mailbox: tangbin_11@163.com

性别: 男 联系电话:10000000000
Gender: male contact telephone: 10000000000

语言: 中文、英语
Languages: Chinese and English

WORK EXPERIENCE into schools

2010年5月 至 2010年7月
In May 2010 July 2010

在上海方捷技术有限公司,宁波项目联通 GSM,WCDMA日常网络优化。
FangJie technology Co., LTD. In Shanghai, ningbo project unicom GSM, WCDMA daily network optimization.

2010年8月 至 2010年11月
August 2010 in November 2010

? 强化培训WCDMA基本原理,使用TEMS软件并实践short call, long call, video call, FTP DL/UL等单站测试数据提取和测试数据分析,并利用晚上写单站分析报告。完成测试中发现的问题点的分析和处理建议。

? Intensive training basic principle, using high-speed WCDMA TEMS software and practice to call, without video call, call, FTP DL/UL etc single stood test data extraction and analysis of test data, and by using the night write single stood analysis report. Complete test the problems found in some analysis and disposal suggestion.

2010年12月 至 2011年03月
December 2010 to March 2011

In hangzhou unicom company responsible for GSM, WCDMA related road test, road test data analysis

? 负责中国联通杭州GSM,WCDMA的网络优化的单站验证,进行路测收集数据、处理问题站点和负责天线的接反调整,以及提交单站验证报告。

? Responsible for China unicom hangzhou GSM, WCDMA network optimization to verify the single Station Road test data collection, processing problem sites and responsible for the antenna at the adjustment, and single stood validation report submitted.


2009年 毕业于 中国石油大学 电气工程及自动化系 电气工程及自动化专业
2009 China petroleum university graduated from the electrical engineering and automation of electrical engineering and automation of professional

Professional SKILLS are

? RF方面能熟练应用路测软件进行测试和数据收集工作,以及分析路测数据和撰写相关的报告,解决问题点。

? RF aspects skilled application of road test software test and data collection and analysis, road test data and write the reports, solve the problem points.

? 能熟练使用以下工具和软件:
? Be familiar with the following tools and software:

? WINDOWS/ UNIX 操作系统,MSOFFICE 组件以及常用软件和Execell的相关函数如Vlookup等。
? WINDOWS/UNIX operating system, MSOFFICE assemblies and commonly used software and Execell related functions such as Vlookup etc.

? 路测软件 鼎利6.3、TEMS 9.0等。
? The road test software tripod TEMS 9.0, etc. Of 6.3,

? 数据分析软件 MCOM、MAPINFOR、TEMS、GoogleEarth等数据分析软件以及相关的插件Sitesee、Grakiter、mapinfo2google、gsm application、

? Data analysis software MCOM, GoogleEarth etc MAPINFOR, TEMS, as well as relevant data analysis software Sitesee, Grakiter plugin mapinfo2google, GSM, apply,

Training COURSES

楼主,这里基本上没人认真给你翻译,来回答的也都是复制在线自动翻译给你的,都是乱七八糟纰漏百出的根本不能用,这个简历还是马虎不得,如果需要专业的简历要翻译就请到 www .简历翻译.com ,请输入的时候把简历翻译换成汉语拼音“jianlifanyi”即可

As the long term work, I've gained rich experience and knowledge of communication system project. In 2001, the beginning of CDMA project, I took part in the generation of C-net project; that is why I have a strong foundation of theory and practical experience in CDMA-net. For several times I took part in the fieldworks of MSC project of inital-installation, growth and upgrade, all of which had been successfully cut over. In additon, I am familiar with both the hardware and software of North-Electrical switching equipment, the UNIX operating system and related service.
I am able to help the branch to coordinate the relationship between the manufacturers and the customers in the process of project.

1, in charge of inital-installation, growth, upgrade and technical support in Hunan for the switching equipment of North-Electrical.
2, helped PM to coordinate the relationship between project team and Changshai office.
3, in charge of managing the external coordination members of the project of our company as the coordinator of Diantong company in Hunan.
4, worked in the growth of North-Electrical switching equipment for CDMA office, Zibo and Qingdao Unicom.
5, in charge of supervision, guide, debugging, and coordinating the relationship of customers for the inital-installation of CDMA office, Liaoning Shengyang Unicom.
6, took part in inital-installation of Hefei office II.
7, worked in maintenance, growth and technical support of Yan'an and Weinan CDMA offices, Shaanxi Unicom.

English: The essential ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing are all excellent.National English Test: Band A.Rewards: Submitted artworks.Educational experiment:Sep.2005 -July, "2008"???Suzhou Industrial Arts vocational & technology College.Sep.2002-June,2005 The 1st Middle...

3. 注意语言表达方式和文化差异。英文简历需要注重语言表达方式和文化差异,避免出现中式英语或表达不当的情况。例如,在英文简历中需要注重动词的使用,以及名词的单复数形式等语法细节。总之,将中文简历转化为英文简历需要注重翻译和编辑两个步骤,并需要注意职位名称、工作经验、个人技能和特长等细节的表达...


帮忙翻译个人英文简历 很简单的 超高分 求大家帮帮忙~~!
I am a university student from xxx, now studying at xxx university. I am having a cheerful personality and I am friendly to the others. I am sincere and very responsible to my work. I am very active and initiative and I love laboring very much. I am down-to-earth and can...

帮忙,翻译下简历。。。做成英文简历,谢谢! 分都给您!THANK U!高手来...
译成英语为:1999-2002 Shijiazhuang No. 23 school to middle school.2002-2005 Shijiazhuang No. 23 Middle School high school.2005-2009 Nanchang University, studying computer technology and scientific expertise in access to Nanchang University, Nanchang University undergraduate diploma and a ...

Individual survey:Name: XX sex: Female Birth years:In September, 1982 native place: Zhejiang sungyang State of health: Good degree: Bachelor Political appearance: Member Graduation colleges and universities: XXXXXXXXXXX specialty: Electronic information project English proficiency:The university...


A, personal information Name: XX gender: female height: 160cm date of birth: 1987 on September 23 registered permanent residence is in: Beijing (xicheng district) physical condition: health political affiliation: member Address: Beijing xuanwu XiDaJie 101, floor, zip code:The graduate ...

Name *** Gender:male Day of birth 1981.2 Height172cm Weight 67kg Nationality Han Address Rongcheng Shandong Province PRC Educated from Shandong Economic College Specialized Information management Degree Banchlor Working experience 5 Years Telephone Education experiece 2001.9--...

Basic information Education: graduated from secondary specialized or professional Self situation I status: in-service Computer application ability: Good Foreign Language: English Language proficiency: good Take part in the work of the number of years: 10 years Learning experience: September ...

浚县18097151799: 哪位大师可以把我的中文简历译成英文,不胜感激,谢谢 婚姻状况: 已婚 民族: 汉族 身 高: 175 cm -
彭怜肠泰:[答案] status married nationality HAN(Chinese) stature 175cm 顺便说一句,英语简历不会管你的民族,可能关心你的国籍

浚县18097151799: 请帮我把个人简历翻译成英文的,急,谢谢! -
彭怜肠泰: Work experience First Property Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Job Description: MOMA Project Service Center in the contemporary works do first clerk. Management of engineering data, the daily filing of documents and do weekly reports on the use of ...

浚县18097151799: 我要把我自己已经写好的简历翻成英文的,要怎么翻?谢谢! -
彭怜肠泰: 你去网上搜一下英文简历,有的网站都有简历的模版,格式你就照着那个来就行,内容就要自己翻译了,在线翻译的很不准确,好多语法和词汇都不准确.

浚县18097151799: 请高手帮忙将简历翻译成英文,非常感谢! -
彭怜肠泰: Job Description 1: (PQE 2005.7-2008.10) 1 is responsible for new products from development to mass production quality control throughout the production process, to help complete PPAP admit documents; (2) the production of new products ...

浚县18097151799: 谁可以帮我把汉语简历翻译成英文简历啊?很急,谢谢了!! -
彭怜肠泰: 可以用有道或者阿里翻译1688,词典有道很好用,整句翻译用阿里翻译1688,一般都很准确的!以后翻译都能自己搞定了!

浚县18097151799: 求高手帮忙把中文简历翻译成英文简历,谢绝网上在线翻译, 高分求急用,非常感谢! -
彭怜肠泰: Name * * sex female165cm birthday 1983.7 heightNative ethnic han in wuxi city, jiangsu provinceEducation undergraduate admini...

浚县18097151799: 请英文高手将下面的简历翻译一下,十分感谢: -
彭怜肠泰: Served as a high school class leadership, and work carried out in the student union, have some organizational skills, event planning capabilities. English spe...

浚县18097151799: 哪位大侠英文好,帮忙把我的简历翻译成英文,谢谢 -
彭怜肠泰: ITC professional background, I built a complete system of knowledge structure, with the analysis and the basic ability to solve the problem. Premises home buyers consultant's work experience, strengthened in interpersonal communication and ...

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