你好,请问你有sound and sense的原文吗?

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求Laurence Perrine的sound and sense: an introduction to poetry的英文pdf或epub版本,原文有377页。~


英 [saʊnd] 美 [saʊnd]
1、v. 听(诊);测量,测…深
2、n. 声音,语音;噪音;海峡
3、adj. 健全的,健康的;合理的
4、adv. 彻底地,充分地
英 [vɒɪs] 美 [vɔɪs]
1、n. 声音;嗓音;发言权;愿望
2、v. 表达;吐露
第三人称单数: sounds 复数: sounds 现在分词: sounding 过去式: sounded 过去分词: sounded 比较级: sounder 最高级: soundest
第三人称单数: voices 复数: voices 现在分词: voicing 过去式: voiced 过去分词: voiced

1)sound n. 声音
〔例证〕What made these sounds?
2)voice n. 嗓音
〔例证〕His voice quivered with rage.

你好!Sound and Sense是亚历山大·波普23岁时发表的An Essay on Criticism中的一小段。很多版本中这首诗只有14行,但实际后面8行也与全诗表达的含义密不可分,所以且把这22行一起发给你。

Sound and Sense
by Alexander Pope

True ease in writing comes from art, not change,
As those move easiest who have learned to dance.
'Tis not enough no harshness gives offense,
The sound must seem an echo to the sense;
Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows,
And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows;
But when loud surges lash the sounding shore,
The hoarse rough verse should like the torrent roar.
When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw,
The line too labors, and the words move slow;
Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain,
Flies o'er the' unbending corn, and skims along the main.
Hear how Timotheus' varied lays surprise,
And bid alternate passions fall and rise!
While ,at each change, the son of Libyan Jove
Now burns with glory, and then melts with love;
Now his fierce eyes with sparkling fury glow,
Now sighs steal out, and tears begin to flow:
Persians and Greeks like turns of nature found,
And the world's victor stood subdued by sound!
The power of music all our hearts allow,
And what Timotheus was, is DRYDEN now.

(v) think, consider or deliberate deeply
ex---To muse more is to make our mind more smartly.
(n) attractiveness; power or quality to please others
ex---She has a particular charm and we all like her.
(v) organize and plan secretly and illegally, and used to against the others' plans
ex---The bad guy conspired his friends to murder the rich man.
(a) musical; melodious
ex---Everyone appreciates tuneful music.
(n) a set of principles or beliefs, especially religious ones
ex---I disagree with the doctrine that the writer's life has no bearing on his texts.
(v) to move with body near to the ground or on hands and knees; to move slowly or secretly
ex---The rabbit creeps away and hides in a hole.
(n) musical sounds created by a bell
ex---At that moment a chime sounded from somewhere.
(n) two lines of poetry that come next to each other
ex---rhyming couplets
(a) be filled with something
ex---The earliest operations were fraught with dangers.
(a) completely unnecessary
ex---It is needless to say that many parents offer too much protection for their children.
(v) someone is forced to remain and suffer in an unpleasant situation
ex---Pollar continues to languish in prison.
(n) physical or mental energy and enthusiasm
ex---He blew his nose with great vigor.
(n) a sound that is caused by a noise being reflected off a surface
ex---He heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice dying in the cave.
(a) no roughness, lumps or holes on a surface
ex---The flagstones beneath their feet were worn smooth by centuries of use.
(v) tie something firmly to something
ex---Cindy lashed her motorboat alongside.
(a) voice sounds rough and unclear
ex---She said something in a hoarse whisper.
(n) a lot of water falling or flowing rapidly or violently ex---Torrents of water gushed into the reservoir.
(v) make a great effort to do it or to get it
ex---He strives to keep himself fit.
(v) make a thorough search of it for something
ex---We scoured the telephone directory for clues.
(a) very strict beliefs or attitudes, unwilling to change ex---He was rigid and unbending.
(n) violent or very strong anger
ex---She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.
(n) the person who wins
ex---You win and you are the victor.
(v) defeat something or bring them under control by using force
ex---Senior government officials admit they have not been able to subdue the rebels.

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鹤山区19734772550: 你好,请问sound 当形容词讲时,比较级和最高级是规则变化还是不规则变化 -
鄞卿安素: sound的比较级和最高级,一般是在词尾后加-er, -est,但是也可以在前面加上more/most.以第一种变化更为常见.如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

鹤山区19734772550: “sound”和“sounds”的用法 -
鄞卿安素: sound是半系动词,后加adj. ,sounds是sound的单三.当主语是第三人称他的时候,用有s的,否则用没s的

鹤山区19734772550: labview中low level什么意思 -
鄞卿安素: 你好:这个应高是声音和震动分析包(Sound and Vibration)里的.你需要单独安装,单独授权.不过上有破解.第一个:Sound and Vibration --> Scaling & Calibration --> Scale to EU 第二个:Sound and Vibration --> Frequency Analysis --> Baseband FFT --> Power Spectrum 第三个:Sound and Vibration --> Sound Level --> SVL Peak Sound level 希望能帮到你!

鹤山区19734772550: 请问感官动词有没有被动语态,比如was sounded -
鄞卿安素: sound 不是感官动词,是半系动词,后面接形容词.eg.The music sounds nice! His voice sounds sweet. 类似的动词还有:taste,smell,look,feel. 但是taste,smell,feel可以作及物动词使用,可以接宾语,但是此时它们的含义同系动词用法不同,要注意!

鹤山区19734772550: sound是(),其后紧跟()作表语 -
鄞卿安素: sound是(系动词),其后紧跟(形容词)作表语*************************************************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************************************************************

鹤山区19734772550: like是动词还是名词?? -
鄞卿安素: 你好,应该是:sound当然不是名词,而是联系动词,类似于be动词 后面只能跟形容词或介词 sound like 翻译为 听起来像 you sound like my dad.你听起来就像我老爸 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

鹤山区19734772550: 两个女生的翻唱 在人人网上看到的 是一首英文歌曲 都穿着校服 有一个是主唱 还有一个可有可无 只负责和声 -
鄞卿安素: safe and sound

鹤山区19734772550: 三星吊坠(上写有SOUND MATE)作用是什么 -
鄞卿安素: 三星吊坠(上写有SOUND MATE):声伴侣、声音陪伴.没有任何作用,知识一种广告修饰语. 备注:三星是做手机的,广告意思是让声音伴随,没有实际作用.

鹤山区19734772550: kept me safe and sound and at night 什么意思 -
鄞卿安素: 这句话来自一首歌词 safe and sound 安然无恙 原句以及翻译请看 You tucked me in, turned out the light 你为我盖好被子,关上灯 【Kept me safe and sound at night 让我 安全又安逸地睡着】 Little girls depend on things like that 小 女孩依靠像这样...

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