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Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. Her father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well. Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. While they were by no means[1] rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortabl
e living.

Unfortunately happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce, but Hannah was indomitable[2]. Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London. Somehow she not only managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed but she conjured[3] little treats for them. She would sit at the window watching the passersby and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life.

Charlie had always believed, even in the worst times, that had something special locked away inside him. He took his courage and went to see one of the top theatrical agents. With no experience at all, he was being offered the plum part[4] of Billy-- the pageboy in a new production of "Sherlock Holmes". "Sherlock Holmes" opened on July 27, 1903 at the enormous "Pavilion Theatre" Charlie seemed to change overnight. It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do.

It was, by now, 1908, Charlie was nineteen and he fell in love. Hetty Kelly was only fifteen. But her parents quashed[5] the the romance before it really begun-- but the memory of pretty Hetty stayed with Charlie all his life.

In 1910, when Karno set off on his yearly American tour, "One of the best pantomime[6] artists ever seen here." They had reached Philadelphia when a telegram arrived and he was being offered the chance to replace a star in the Keystone film company.

Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fad, and would never replace live shows. He was kept hanging about[7] for several weeks and he used the time to watch and to learn. He was determined to master this new medium. It offered him the chance of money and success -- and it would set him free from the unpredictability of live audience.

Charlie's first film, released in February 1914, was called "Making a living". Though it didn't satisfy Charlie, the public liked it. After that he had made ten films and he had learned a lot. The public loved him and distributors were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture...








1914年2月,查理主演的处女片上映,影片取名《谋生》 尽管此片由于导演的无能而令查理大失所望,但观众还是喜爱这部片子的。之后他又拍了几部片,增长了不少学识。公众喜爱他,并且电影销售商索要越来越多的卓别林的片子,在极短的时间内,他成了电影界的重要人物






Everybody knows Charles Chaplin, a world-famous funny actor.
People everywhere have laughed an Charles Chaplin’s films until tears run down their faces. From his very first appearance they know what will happen. The little man is always with black moustache(小胡子),wide-open eyes , round black hat and shoes too large for his feet. He’ll struggle through snow, and fall from windows. He’ll fight with men who are twice his width , fall in love with women, who hardly notice him, and try to hug them.
The poor man that Charles Chaplin played in hundreds of films makes all kinds of stupid mistakes, He is always in trouble , but he never gives up. He dreams of becoming a great man.
Even people who don't understand English can enjoy Chaplin’s films, because they are mostly silent
. It isn’t what he says that makes people laugh. His comedy(喜剧) doesn’t depend on words. It depends on little actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world.
Chaplin raises his thick(浓密的) eyebrows or rolls his eyes. He hides behind a fat lady or under a table to espace from his enemies. He dresses well and pretends to be a rich and important man, It is all so hopeless and impossible that he makes us langh. This is the secret of Chaplin’s huge success。



民间传说是老百姓口口相传的故事 故事大全我为大家带来一篇卓别林机智的应对劫匪: 但是,他对劫匪说:“这些钱不是我的,是我老板的,现在这些钱被你拿走了,老板一定认为我私吞公款。兄弟,我想和你商量一下,拜托你在我帽子上开两枪,证明我被打劫了。” 歹徒心想,有了这笔钱,这个小小要求...


traveled all over the UK every corner. At the age of 19, he became a famous actor, and with the mission to Europe, performing America etc.. In 1913 he arrived American, began working in the movie business, and in 1914 in the film "Venice racing down" created a tragedy "C...

by American director m. senna, who began his film career. On February 7, 1914, wore a bowler hat and carrying bamboo cane, foot big boots, walk like a duck in the tramp Xia Erluo image for the first time appear in the film "the Venice children's car. This image as the...

1、一个初出茅庐的作家请卓别林看他写的一个电影脚本。卓别林仔细地阅读了他的剧本后,摇了摇头说:“等你和我一样出名时你才能写这样的东西,而这个时候你必须写的好才行。” 2、有一天,马克·吐温收到一个初学写作的青年的来信。信中说:“听说鱼骨头里含有大量的磷质,而磷质有补于脑子。那...



his life in America and died in Switzerland on Christmas 1977, at the age of eighty-eight. There was sadness all over the world at the news of his death.卓别林一生的大部分时光都是在美国度过的,并于1977年的圣诞节于瑞士境内逝世,享年88岁。他逝世的消息引起了全世界的一致哀悼。

吐鲁番地区17140299258: (关于卓别林)的一篇英语文章的翻译,急用!! -
曹鸦点滴: 大家都知道查尔斯卓别林,一个著名的滑稽演员. 世界各地的人都笑了,查尔斯卓别林的电影,直到眼泪流出来.他第一次亮相就知道会发生什么.小人物总是黑胡子,眼睛睁得大大的,圆圆的黑帽子和鞋的脚太大了.他会努力通过雪,落在...

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 大家帮我翻译下这篇描写卓别林的英语短文,在线等,速度啊,拜托了 -
曹鸦点滴: 大约一百年前,一个名叫查理卓别林的小男孩常常等在伦敦剧院的后门口.他又瘦又饿,希望在剧院演出的时候找点活干.他会唱歌,会跳舞,还能让人们笑,但他没有名气. 但是,二十年之后,也是这个卓别林,成了世界上最伟大、最受人爱戴的著名喜剧大师.世界各地的人们都喜欢他的电影,边看边笑得捧腹流泪.他的电影是无声的,卓别林只用滑稽的动作表演就让人们大笑不止. 卓别林一生大部分时间都住在美国,1977年圣诞节死于瑞士,享年88岁.全世界的人都为之沉痛.(翻译得还行吗?满意就多给点儿分吧,呵呵)

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 英语翻译每天都有许多游客前来参观卓别林出生的那栋房子(where)我们两国是有着悠久友谊的邻邦(neighbour,whose)我姐夫富有感染力的笑声打破了沉... -
曹鸦点滴:[答案] 仅为参考.There are many tourists come to visit the house where Chaplin was born.Our two countries are neighbours whose friend is of long standing.My brother-in-law's laughter which was infectious brok...

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 急啊!!卓别林《摩登时代》的英文翻译 -
曹鸦点滴: This piece is Chaplin the last silent film. Some feelings in the world economics crisis the pain which brings for the unemployed worker, he decided that cries out with movie's vivid language. in 1935, the movie entered has a time, but ...

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 急需一篇有关于介绍“查理卓别林”的文章,要求是英文的介绍,侧重于他对世界影坛的贡献急!!! -
曹鸦点滴: Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977), better known as Charlie Chaplin, was an Academy Award-winning English comedic actor. Chaplin became one of the most famous actors as well as a notable filmmaker, ...

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 用英语表达对卓别林的评价 -
曹鸦点滴: 对卓别林的评价: Chaplin was not just a genius, he was among the most influential figures in film history. 卓别林不仅仅是天才,也是电影史上最有影响力的人物之一.

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 急求一篇介绍卓别林的英语作文,要自己写的,差点没关系,不要网上的范文什么的 -
曹鸦点滴: In 1889, Chaplin was born in a slum area of London, his parents were music hall actors. Because my father died early, the mother insane, he was forced to wander the streets. He lived in the orphanage, when the groom, hawker. At the age of 14, ...

吐鲁番地区17140299258: 跪求人教版必修4第三单元的卓别林的那篇课文~!!!! -
曹鸦点滴: 我现在学的就是必修4 但没有关于卓别林的课文 英语里到是有一篇关于卓 的课文 单元题目是 A taste of English humour 课文题目是 A MASTER OF NONVERBAL HUMOUR

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