
作者&投稿:党齐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.I asked her many times, but she refuses to respond my question. 2.In the East, people often shop, this way can save many time.好像没有用(send away for) 3.Even though your are one of the best students, to maintain your grades you have to often study. 4. He traveled the world for already three years, but wherever he goes, he always think of his own country. 5.If you drive ever night to work, it certainly will affect your body. 6. The car has already left, Jenny is still standing standing at the entrance staring at the road's end. 7.several years after graduation, he is trying hard to find a ideal job. 8. At first i thought he was joking, but then i realize he was for real. 9. She will leave her own home and start her own life, but in this period she still need your support. 10. I rather go for a walk outside than stay in this room for two hours and doing nothing. 11. Members take a ballot to see who goes first. 12.It was said that in this area two thousand years ago, agriculture was advance. 13. In those days, i will look at what ever i can get my hands on, only if it is written in English. 14. The function of the Automatic teller machines (简称ATM) is that, it can let people withdraw money from their account using a special kind of card no matter if the bank is open or closed. 15. If you want to apply for a job, then you have to prepare for the interview, most of the time you will be asked troublesome question.

The photonic crystal is the new concept which and the new material the late 80s proposed, until now made the exceptionally swift and violent progress, was a vigorous development new discipline. The photonic crystal not only has the theory value, has the very broad application prospect, this domain already became the international academic circle the research hot spot. This article reviews the photonic crystal the historical development, the introduction photonic crystal characteristic, the structure and the slow photoeffect measuring technique research.

1.我问了她数次,可她拒绝回答我的问题。(respond)I asked her for several times, but she refused to respond my questions.2.在西方,人们常常邮购商品,这可以节省许多时间。(send away for)In western countries, people often send away for goods, and this could save lots of time.3.即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常温习功课才行。(maintain)Even if you are one of the best students in class, you need always review to maintain your achievement. 4.他在世界各地周游了三年,但不论走到哪儿,他都眷念着自己的祖国.(wherever)He travelled around the world for 3 years. Wherever he went, he missed his motherland.5.如果你每晚开夜车工作,身体必然会受到影响.(affect)If you work on night every day, your body must be affected.6.汽车早已开走看不见了,Jenny还站在大门口凝视着路的尽头。The car has already gone, Jenny was still standing at the door, staring at the end of the road. 7.毕业几年来,他一直在努力地寻找一份理想的工作。Since several years after graduation, he has maken his efforts to look for a desirable work all the time.8.起初我以为他是开玩笑,可后来我知道他是当真的。At first I thought he was kidding, but then I know he was serious.9.她终究会离开家自己生活的,不过在这期间她仍需要你们的支持。She would leave home for her own life after all, but during this period, she still need your support.10.我宁可到外面去散步也不愿在这房间里待上两个小时什么事也不做。I prefer going outside for walking to staying in this room for 2 hours without anything to do.11.队员们抽签决定谁先上场。The players draw to decide who starts the first.12.据说这一地区早在两千年前农业就很先进。It is said that the agriculture in this area was very developed 2,000 years ago.13.在哪些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的。(get one's hands on)During those days, I read anything I got my hands on, as long as it is written in English. 14.自动取款机的功能是,无论银行营业时或关门时都能让人们用一种特殊的卡从银行账户取出钱。(function)The function of Automatic Teller Machine is, whenever the bank is open or closed , people can use one special card to withdraw his money from the bank account. 15.你若要申请工作,就得做好面试的准备,到时常常得回答一些棘手的问题。If you apply a job, you need to prepare for the interview, by that time, you often meet some intractable questions.

1. I asked her many times but she refused to respond to my question.2. In western countries, people often send away for goods, as this can save a lot of time.3. Even if you are one of the best students in class, you should still study in order to maintain your grades.4. He traveled to different parts of the world for three years, but wherever he is he still thinks fondly of his motherland.5. If your work is to drive every night, then your body is bond to be affected.6. The car has already driven away out of sight, but Jenny still stand at the gate looking towards the end of the road.7. Since graduation, he has been trying to find an ideal job.8. At first I thought he was joking, but then afterwards I learnt that He was serious.9. She will eventually leave home and live by herself, but in the meantime she still needs your support.10. I'd rather go for a walk outside than stay in this room for up to two hours with nothing to do.11. The players draw lots to decide who should play.12. It is said that the region is very advanced in agriculture even two thousand years ago.13. In those days, I read what I could get my hands on, as long as it is written in English.14. The function of an ATM machine is that whether the bank is open or closed it will always allow people to use a special card to draw money out of their bank accounts.15. If you wish to apply for a job, then you should be prepared for interviews as you would often have to answer some tricky questions.

1.I asked her several times, but she kept not responding to my questions.2.In the western world, people often send away postal orders for their items, so they could save time.3.Even if you are one of the best students in class, you still have to revise your work to maintain the marks.4.He's been travelling everywhere around the world for three years, but wherever he goes, he still his home country.5.If you do the night shift drive every night, your body must be affected.6.Jenny still standing at the gate staring at the end of the road even after the car has long gone.7.Since graduation, he has been working hard to find his dream job.8.At first I thought he was joking, but later i knew he was serious.9.she will one day leave home to live on her own, but right now she need your support.10.i would rather go out for a stroll than sitting in the room doing nothing for two hours.11.teamates picked their lottery to decide who goes first12.it's been said this place has been advanced in agriculture since two thousand years ago.13.in those days, i read whatever i could get my hands on, as long as it written in english.14.the function of the automatic transaction machine(ATM) is, no matter if the bank is on working hour or closed, people can still use a special card to get money from their bank account.15.if you are applying for a job, you better be prepared, often times there are some tricky questions to answer.

1 I have asked her for many times , but she haven't responded it.2 In the western countries , people uauslly send away for goods to save a lot of time3 Though you are the best student in your class , you still have to review your subjects to maintain your grades4 He has travelled around the world for 3 years , whenever he goes , he always misses his motherland5 If you keep on working at night every day , it will affect your health6 The bus has gone , disappeared , but Jenny is still standing at the gate , seeing to the turning.7 He has been trying to look for a ideal job since gradulation8 I thought he was making a joke , but I knew it was true at last.9 She will leave home to look for a new life,but she still need your support during the this time10 I would rather go out to have a walk than stay at home , doing nothing for 2 hours11 The mates is to cast lots to decide who to play12 It is said that the agriculture in the area was very developed 2 years ago13 In these days , we get on our hands on whatever things written by English14 The function of the ATM is that whenever the hank will be cloesd , you can take your money at any time.15 If you want to apply for a job , you must be prepared for the interview to deal with some trouble.

1. I asked her several times, but she refused to answer my question. 2. In the West, people often order goods, which can save a lot of time. 3. Even if you are one of the best students in her class, it is necessary to keep their study results often have to do homework.4. He traveled around the world for three years, but reached no matter where he think fondly of their country. 5. If you burn the midnight oil every night work, the body will be affected. 6. Car already driven away the invisible, Jenny is standing at the gate looked at the end of the road.
7. Graduated from the past few years, he has been trying to find an ideal job.
8. At first I thought he was joking, then I can really know that he is the.
9. She will eventually leave their homes for their own lives, but in the meantime, she still needs your support.
10. I would rather go for a walk outside would not be in this room for two hours on what not to do.
11. The players draw lots to decide who should play.
12. It is said that the region as early as two thousand years ago is very advanced in agriculture.
13. In which day, what I could get will depend on what, as long as it is written in English. 14. The function of ATM is that no matter when the bank or business can be closed to allow people to use a special card out money from bank accounts. 15. If you want to apply for a job, you must do a good job interview preparation, and often have to answer some difficult problem.

请高人帮忙用英语翻译文章!!! 有追加!!
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much.6. Check out these stuff first, he will weigh the apples and come back later, is that OK?7. I'm sorry. Your credit card is unable to pay for the purchase. Could you pay cash or any other card available?8. 20 packs of milk total.我给你翻译的都是比较口语化的。

我是国际贸易专业的学生.专业知识扎实,已取得外贸单证员证书.具备一定的英语表达能力,已过CET3 .我是一个一专多能的复合型人才,我们的学校也是按着这个方向培养我们的。我在本专业外还拿到了会计从业资格证书。除此之外,我性格稳重,做事踏实,富有强烈的责任心,具有良好的职业操守.在校期间已加入中国...

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In recent years, Sino-US trade balance, particularly in the United States said China's huge trade deficit problem, has been cause for concern, the Sino-US trade imbalance has become the focus of Sino-US economic and trade relations. However, in China's huge trade surplus is the...

你可以让别人帮你记住他们的names.After你已经介绍给别人时,请那个人拼写这个名字疯了定为正确提供你,满怀人会高兴,你还做了努力,一定要记住他们的名字。Admit you don’t know.承认你不知道。Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed.Most of them ...

Since the inception of the Internet, just a few years, it has greatly changed people 's social production and life style. The speed of information dissemination, reached the human society will never get past the degree. People in the enjoyment of high-tech achievements when, also ...

高人进来帮我翻译一下吧。。 英语
I am really stupid. I thought we could be friends after our break-up, but the fact proves that it is impossilbe. I really feel helpless when I see you stop eating and drinking. Sorry, we really cannot be together again. If you do not want to see me, I can leave, but...

繁昌县17118961464: 寻高人用英语帮我翻译几句话
谢航亿希: 直译的话会有些不同,但是听起来应该会比直译顺一些. 1.从现在开始,晚安只愿意对你说,只因为你不同. From now on, good night will be said to you and only you, simply because you are unique.2.只想为你付出,只想让你了解,只想让你稍稍在意. I want to sacrifice only for you, I want to only let you comprehend, I only want you to care a little bit. 希望你想要的是这种有点浪漫的感觉~

繁昌县17118961464: 求高人帮忙翻译成英文!!不要网上软件翻译复制过来,那都不通顺准确,谢谢了 -
谢航亿希: 1.Tom上上周在哪里?他上上周在海边.Where was tom last week? He went to the beach last week.2.Jack和Linda半个小时前在电影院吗,不,他们半个小时前不在电影院.Were Jack and Linda in the cinema half of an hour ago? No, They were ...

繁昌县17118961464: 请高人帮忙用英文翻译一下!
谢航亿希: I am a introversive person which do not like talk too much.I am a guy who has a ordinary appearance.I have single-fold eyelids,and Thick lips.I am good at analysing problems and my hobby is various such as reading books ,playing online games and playing table tennis.

繁昌县17118961464: 求高人英语翻译 -
谢航亿希: 1. 哪种翻译都可以,不过前一种更贴近字面一些2. 我下个星期可能会见你.3. 我经常看好电影.4. 在我年轻的时候,我踢足球踢得很好.5. 在你来之前我就把工作做完了.

繁昌县17118961464: 请问有没有哪位英语高手帮我翻译下这段话.请帮我这个忙好吗?翻译成英语,希望能翻译的尽量的准确,谢谢 -
谢航亿希: 真的真的很抱歉,谢谢 如果合心意的话请加分,译这个花了不少时间 - - - 曾经犯过的错,解释再多. 还有谢谢你G,谢谢给我安慰跟我说没关系. 还有也谢谢你L, and my friends 我只希望也许以后在哪里碰到 不至于记恨我 这样我就很满足了 I just...

繁昌县17118961464: 拜托哪位高人用英语帮我翻译下,...
谢航亿希: Some students think that should take phone to school, so it is easy to contact with security and telephone functional diversity. But some students think should not take phone to school, facilitate contact is non-essential, IC card, phone calls will take expensive

繁昌县17118961464: 请高人中文翻译成英文
谢航亿希: 1. One day, two men playing badminton. Suddenly, the plane fell down from the sky, the two men do not know how to do that in checking the plane, when no one, a man said: "Good risk"; Another man said: "Yes ah, later we should be extra ...

繁昌县17118961464: 寻高人帮我英文翻译下... -
谢航亿希: 这个通知来自I - 765 ,关于你于2008年10月30日提交本办公室的就业许可申请.经过审议,您的申请被拒绝,原因如下:审查的记录显示,您以前提交过I - 765 .这一申请得到了批准并且于2008年10月30发放了授权就业卡.在移民局(美国公民及移民服务局)的记录显示您应该已经接到批准通知书和就业的授权卡.发放给同一个人第二张授权卡是毫无用处的.您的申请特此被拒绝.按照联邦法规所有权第8标题,274a.13部分,这一决定没有上诉.

繁昌县17118961464: 急!请英语高人帮忙翻译段文字,翻译准确加100悬赏! -
谢航亿希: 我是勤劳的笔翻者~ This summer was a very sad one to me. Your leaving has broke my heart. (一楼这句话翻的对了 但是不够准确 不地道 broke my heart在这里更好表达,二楼这句话完全翻错 三楼的话不太地道也是)But the fact of me standing ...

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