
作者&投稿:殷虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The importance of the third party logistics and the existing problems

Over the past few decades, the logistics of enterprise in the market could win the decisive role has become more and more obvious. Essentially, the enterprises in market performance is mainly composed of product quality, price and supply of products, including three factors that determine any factors on the competitive power of enterprises are play an important role, and the three factors are directly affected by the influence of logistics respectively. The world economy will be in for industrial, suppliers, customers, trade and logistics corporation, one of the production and sales of logistics company is an inevitable trend in the development of logistics industry. Each participant third-party logistics supply chain to bring many benefits and convenience, thus greatly welcomed by a huge market potential, and will become the mainstream of the next century, this paper will logistics from several aspects.

fraud as a corporate actions, in economic life, in classical long-standing, it has become a hot spot in the market economy. Accounting fraud is refers to the act to obtain illegitimate interests for the purpose, in a planned way, targeted and purposefully intentionally violate the principle, authenticity in violation of laws, regulations, policies and regulations and rules to regulate, the behavior of the accounting information distortion. Accounting information has the economic consequences for accounting report to enterprise, government, trade unions, investors and creditors decision-making behavior have different effects, and these individuals and groups the consequences of actions may affect the interests of other groups. Accounting information disclosure also has the potential for many economic consequences, such as the distribution of wealth between individuals, between enterprise and distribution of resources etc, thus false accounting information will bring great harm. This paper analyzes the existing enterprise accounting fraud of the causes of phenomena, and its dangers, and on this basis, according to the different reasons put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords: accounting fraud, the accounting information authenticity, and economic consequences, the harm, counterm

Objective: To study the First Hospital of Ningbo City in 2007 to 2009 the frequency of antimicrobial drugs in rooms with micro-organisms resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae culture correlation between the degree of change. Methods: The calculation of 2007 to 2009, Ningbo City, a quinolone hospital an average of 100 beds per day consumed DDDs (DDDs), and during this period the rate of resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae, and two of the the relationship between the correlation analysis. Results: The three years to six months as a phase, Levofloxacin DDDs (in DDDs as a unit) from the first half of 2007 from 0.667 to 2008 in the first half to reach the highest 0.887, and then gradually decline; Cyclopropane sand Star DDDs from the first half of 2007 from 0.359 to 2008 to reach the highest 0.403 in the first half, and then gradually decreased. At the same time, measured by the laboratory Klebsiella pneumoniae levofloxacin resistance rate from 47.86% in the first half of 2007 rose to 67.40 percent in the first half of 2008, to return to the second half of 2009 fell 44.10% ; on the rate of ciprofloxacin resistance of about 50.83 percent in the first half of 2007 rose to 68.09 percent in the first half of 2008, to return to the second half of 2009 to 45.82%. Conclusion: The three years of Klebsiella pneumoniae to Fluoroquinolones in antimicrobial drug resistance of higher and higher as the DDDs, and decreases with the decrease in DDDs. Correlation existed between the two prompted clinicians should strictly control the indications for the use of quinolone antibiotics, empirical medicine must continue to refer to the Court of changes in bacterial resistance to antibiotics, the most in the least to play the role of quinolone antibiotics.

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