
作者&投稿:羽栏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear XX
I am writing to tell you something about my favourite sport.
Among lots of sports basketball is my favourite .I fall in love with it the first time I touch it.I really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right in the basket,it brings me much confidence not only in basketball play but also in my real life.And when you play basketball you can learn a lot from it.The ball gets up and down just like how the life is.And everytime it gets down it bounces back,I know from this point that when we are defeated by the difficulties in life we should just get up and move on.Also we realise the importance of team work from basketball.
Well it is my favourite sport,and I believe you will like it too.Please write tome soon.

Dear Jane,
How are you these days? I'm writing to you to tell you something about my daily life. I usually get up at six thirty everyday. After having breakfast, I go to school. Our school starts at seven in the morning and ends at five in the afternoon. After school, I always do my homework at home. At seven in the evening, I have rice, vegetables and meat for dinner. I often sleep at ten o'clock. Please write to me to tell me something about you.

Dear Tom
long time no see,How are you doing? I'm very glad to hearing from you, in your later you ask me to talking you what kind of person i like and my hobbies.Here i'll show you.
when it comes to the person i like,i shoud say i admire my mother best.My mother is a diligent and tender woman,she is always kind to everybody.Unlike other country housewives,my mother earn living by doing business,as you know we sell tires.she get up early in the morning,but very late to rest.It seems that her life was so fatigued,but i know it's her way to living,she shows her smiling face to every customer,making them
satisfied with our service.I learn a lot of things from mother,and i am firmly convinced that it'll help me with all my life!
As to hobby,well,maybe you will laugh at me when i tell you "get up late everyday".but it is true!actually,i am a lazy girl(boy) indeed.especially in winter,alarm for me was always in vain.every morning I outstretch my arms from the quilt,my heart screams"Oh,god save me"!
ok,that'all for today.I'm looking forward to hear from you again!

Yours sincerely

zhang hua

PS: 本人水平有限,个别语法错误请谅解


Dear Tom,It's my glad to write to you.i'm ** years old. i'm a pretty girl and i like ***(兴趣爱好,如listening music, playing volleyball, reading). my family has four members, my parents, my brother and me. i'm a student from grade**, my school is ****. i have a dream to be a ***(理想,如policewoman, teacher, doctor, driver, nurse). what about you? look forward to your letter.(i hope to receive your letter)


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书泥柏子: Dear Tom long time no see,How are you doing? I'm very glad to hearing from you, in your later you ask me to talking you what kind of person i like and my hobbies.Here i'll show you. when it comes to the person i like,i shoud say i admire my mother ...

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书泥柏子: My name is Zhanghua Today I go to the park with my parents.The weather is hot.So we buy three ice cream.It's very delicious.I love it very much.we seeing a lot of people there. Some boys are playing football. Some girls are flying kites. Four old men ...

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