
作者&投稿:箕饰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?
B: I am looking for a spring jacket. 我想找一件春装外套.
A: Here are few spring jacket in different styles. 这有几件不同款式的春装外套.
B: Can I try the red one? 我可不可以试一下那件红的?
A: Of cause! What size do you wear? 当然可以! 你穿多大的?
B: I don't know. What size do you think will fit me? 我不知道. 你觉得哪个尺寸对我合适呢?
A: I think you will fit into size small. 我觉得你可以穿小号的.
B: Thank you. It is fit. I will take it. 谢谢!,很合适,我要了.

A:I want to buy some fruits ,do you like apples,B ?
B: Yes,I do.
A:Do you like apples,C ?
C:Yes,I do.But I like bananas best.
D:Can I help you ?
A:I want to buy five apples and ten bananas.How much are they?
D:They are three yuan.
A:everybody ,gald to see you
B; ok ,very happy to meet everybody here
C:what should we discuss.
B:let's me talk it.all right
C:family,how sweet name it is .
D:with it ,we have enought confidence to do some difficult matters
A:i agree
B; i have common sense.
C:see you next time.
1. Listen to yourself.
2. Slow down!
很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。
3. Picture it...
4. Get physical!
发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发‘th’,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。
5. Watch yourself.
站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。
6. Copy the experts.
7. Practice makes perfect.
8. Find a language buddy.
9. Be poetic.
好的发音不仅是掌握单独的音节。还是对intonation (声音的升降调)和 stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词更大声更清晰的发音)的理解。大声念一些诗歌,演讲,歌曲,集中练习单词的重音和音调。
10. Sing a song!

A : Oh, so many kinds of winter hats.哦,很多种类型的冬帽。B : What is your favorite color , miss?你最喜欢的颜色是什么,小姐?A : Red.红B : Here you are. It's very attractive.这是你的。它非常吸引人。A : May I try it on ?我试穿一下可以吗?B : Go ahead.请用吧。A : Is there a mirror around here?有一面镜子在这附近吗?B : Right over there.在那边。A : Does it suit me?它是否适合我吗?B : Yes, you look very nice.是的,你看起来很不错。A : How much is it?这个多少钱?B : We're having a clearance sale.$4plus tax.我们是在清仓甩卖。4plus美元的税。A : That's quite reasonable.这是完全合理的

A: Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?B: I am looking for a spring jacket. 我想找一件春装外套.A: Here are few spring jacket in different styles. 这有几件不同款式的春装外套.B: Can I try the red one? 我可不可以试一下那件红的?A: Of cause! What size do you wear? 当然可以! 你穿多大的?B: I don't know. What size do you think will fit me? 我不知道. 你觉得哪个尺寸对我合适呢?A: I think you will fit into size small. 我觉得你可以穿小号的.B: Thank you. It is fit. I will take it. 谢谢!,很合适,我要了.

A.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?B.Yes,please.l want a sweater .是的,我想买一件毛衣A.What color do you want ?你想要什么颜色的?B.Blue蓝色A.Here you are.给你B.How much is it ?多少钱A.Nine dollars 9美元B.l'II take it .Thanks我买了,谢谢A.YOU"RE WELCOME不必客气

A:I want to buy some clothes for my new job,but I really don't know which to buy.Can you give me some advice?B:My plrasure.I think the red blouse and the white trousers look very beautiful.And red and white are a good match.Because the peaceful white banlances with ...

我能帮到您吗?Can I help you?噢,是的.我想要买一件衣服.Oh,yeah.I want to buy a clothes.请问您想要买什么样式的呢?Do you want to buy what style?毛衣一类的.A kind of sweater.这件怎么样?How about this?恩,有没有蓝色的?Yeah,is there have a blue one ?是,当然有.给您.Yes...

“Good-looking”就是“好看”,“stylish”则是“时髦”,可以用“good-looking”和“stylish”来称赞某件衣服。另外,也可以用“becoming”,指“合身又好看”。7.I don’t think this one will fit me.(我觉得这件衣服不合身。)买衣服时看到一件自己中意的衣服,却偏偏没有合适的尺寸,可以说“...

Can I try it on ?===我可以试穿他吗?问:What color do you like best ?回答:I like red best.what another one?==有另外一件吗?问:How much is it?回答:125元 OK,I will take it.==我买下它了。Thank you!You are welcome.=不用谢.

A : Let me check. Yes, we have.A :我给你找找。是的,我们有的。B : May I try it on?B :我可以试穿吗?B :我在找一种黑色的皮包。A : How‘s this?A :这个怎么样?B : I‘m just looking B :我只看看。A : Do you want to buy something here?A :您想买...

不错。多少钱? 小贩 800 hundred yuan. No bargaining. 一口价,八百。 爱德华 Come on. I know you often charge foreigners much more than Chinese. A friend of mine bought this coat for 100 yuan. 得了。我知道你们一见外国人就要高价。我一个朋友也买了这件衣服,才花了一百。 小贩 ...

I need a suit, well-known brand. 译 :我 要 买 一 套 名 牌 西 装 .Can I try it on? 译 :我 可 以 试 一 下 吗 ?Please show me some others. 译 :请 给 我 看 看 别 的 .Have you any bigger size? 译 :你 有 大 一 点 尺 寸 \/号 码 吗 ?How much is it?

a: can i help you ?b: i want to buy a skirt.a:this one suits you.b:oh,it is too dark,do you have a lighter one.a:yes ,this one may be fine.b:oh it is great,how much is it ?a:500 yuan.b:it is dear ,do you hanve any one cheaper?a:it is the ...

A: hello,what can i do for you B: could i see a new-style pants,please?A: yes,of course.what do you think of this style? It's just from Shanghai.B: this one? It's good,but i don't think it fits me.I prefer sonmething wider.May I see that one please?A: ...

甲 May I help you ?我能帮你吗?乙 Yes, please. I want to buy a coat for myself. 是的。我想给自己买件外套。甲 The coats are over there. This way, please.外套在那儿呢。这边请。乙 The black coat looks good. Can I try it on?那件黑色外套看起来不错。我能试穿一下吗?

营口市19869196541: 求:几组在商店买衣服的英文对话 -
徐沈泰乐: 我有一本这方面的书,先给你写一些吧. 希望能帮上忙! Hello,may I have a look at this? Can you do me a favor? How much?/How much does it cost? Are there any leather jackets here? May I try it? I want to buy a coat. This is what I need. OK,I will ...

营口市19869196541: 求一段买衣服时英语对话情景 -
徐沈泰乐: A : Oh, so many kinds of winter hats. 哦,很多种类型的冬帽. B : What is your favorite color , miss? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么,小姐? A : Red. 红 B : Here you are. It's very attractive. 这是你的.它非常吸引人. A : May I try it on ? 我试穿一下可以...

营口市19869196541: 一篇关于购买衣服的英语对话、6句 -
徐沈泰乐:[答案] A: Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?B: I am looking for a spring jacket. 我想找一件春装外套.A: Here are few spring jacket in different styles. 这有几件不同款式的春装外套.B: Can I try the red one? 我可不可以...

营口市19869196541: 关于两个人买衣服的英语对话(10句)简单一点 -
徐沈泰乐:[答案] A和B 是朋友 A:I need to buy some clothes. B:Do you wanna go shopping? A:Yes.Do you wanna go shopping with me? B:OK,where shall we go? A:New Mart. B:OK,let's go. A:I like this dress,what do you think? B:It looks good. A:Pink or White? B:Pink is ...

营口市19869196541: 谁有关于买东西的英语对话啊(比如买衣服),三至五分钟的. -
徐沈泰乐: a: can i help you ? b: i want to buy a skirt. a:this one suits you. b:oh,it is too dark,do you have a lighter one. a:yes ,this one may be fine. b:oh it is great,how much is it ? a:500 yuan. b:it is dear ,do you hanve any one cheaper? a:it is the cheapest. b:Just let it be , i will buy it

营口市19869196541: 急求一个在服装店买衣服的英语情景对话,要求要使用对话,不要太长了! -
徐沈泰乐: A: hello,what can i do for you B: could i see a new-style pants,please?A: yes,of course.what do you think of this style? It's just from Shanghai.B: this one? It's good,but i don't think it fits me.I prefer sonmething wider.May I see that one please?A: sure....

营口市19869196541: 找一段营业员与顾客买卖衣服的对话(用英语)时间3到4分钟的样子 -
徐沈泰乐:[答案] 有没有一些内容,比如说顾客想要什么样的衣服,几号的,什么颜色的.那家衣服店又卖什么样的衣服.有没有规定?还是我们想怎么写就怎么写?

营口市19869196541: 写一篇有两分钟讨价还价的英语情景对话(买衣服) -
徐沈泰乐:[答案] Clerk :Welcome to Kenny's Shoes. Can I help you? ShopperA: I don't know yet. I just want to take a look. Clerk: Ok. Let me know if you need any help. Shopper A: Thanks. Clerk: You are welcome. The sh...

营口市19869196541: 跪求英文情景对话,关于在商场买衣服方面的!!! -
徐沈泰乐: 编了一个对话,.看看是否喜欢. 不过是卖鞋子的.可以吗? 人物: Clerk, Shopper A. Shopper B: 地点:. Kenny's shoe store Clerk :Welcome to Kenny's Shoes. Can I help you? ShopperA: I don't know yet. I just want to take a look. Clerk: Ok. Let...

营口市19869196541: 一篇关于购买衣服的英语对话6句 -
徐沈泰乐: S:Can I help you? C:Yes.I want a T-shirt for myself. S:What colour do you like? C:I like yellow. S:How about this kind of T-shirt? C:Great.I like it.How much is it? S:It's 100yuan. C:OK.I'll take it.

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