
作者&投稿:张善 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.foreign languages should be taught to us from an early age
2.students should be required to wear school uniforms
3.some courses ought to be taught to them over the internet on high school
4.more teachers should be recuited from other countries
5.classes ought to be offered on the weekends

(一) 被动语态的结构:由助动词be 加过去分词构成,时态通过be表现出来, 各时态结构如下表:
一般将来时被动:shall/will be+done;
过去将来时被动:should/would be+ done;
现在进行时被动:be(am,is,are) being+done;
过去进行时被动:be(was,were) being+done;
现在完成时被动:have/has been done;
过去完成时被动:had been done

The little boy broke the window last sunday
被动语态:The window was broken by the little boy last Sunday

He told me the thief had stolen his money
被动语态:I was told that his money had been stolen by the thief
He told me that his money had been stolen by the thief

The teacher said we should pant the trees next year

被动语态:The teacher said that the trees should be planted next year
We were told by the teacher that the trees should be planted next year

The workers is building our teaching buildong now
被动语态:Our teaching building is being built by the workers now

He was watcning tv this time yesterday
被动语态:TV was being watched by him yesterday

My mother is cooking the eggs now
被动语态:The eggs are being cooked by my mother now

They took good care of the children
被动语态:The children was taken good care of by them


1、The little boy broke the window last Sunday.
The window was broken by the little boy last Sunday.

2、He told me the thief had stolen his money.
I was told by him that his money had been stolen by the thief.

3、The teacher said we should plant the trees next year.
The teacher said that the trees should be planted by us next year.

4、The workers is building our teaching building now.
Our teaching building is being built by the workers now.

5、He was watching tv this time yesterday.
TV was being watched by him at this time yesterday.

6、My mother is cooking the eggs now.
The eggs is being cooked by my mother now.

7、They took good care of the children.
The children were taken good care of by them.

1)将主动语态改为被动语态应注意以下三个方面:①将主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语;②将主动语态的谓语动词改为“be+过去分词”结构;③将主动语态的主语改为介词by之后的宾语,放在谓语动词之后(有时可省略)。 2)含直接宾语和间接宾语的主动语态改为被动语态时有两种情况:①把间接宾语改为被动语态的主语,直接宾...


【修改思路】使用被动语态的助动词“be”和现在分词“being watered”,并在句子中加入动作执行者“her”。 7、I can find him.(译:我可以找到他。) 改为被动语态:He can be found by me.(译:他可以被我找到。) 【修改思路】使用被动语态的助动词“be”和过去分词“found”,并在句子中加入发现者“me”。

第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:Mary broke the cup. 玛丽打破了杯子。→The cup was broken by Mary. 杯子是玛丽打破的。二、...

花园又被冰雪覆盖了改为主动句 花园又被冰雪覆盖了怎么改为主动句
被动句改主动句的方法有以下几点:1、将原句被动句的主语改为主动句的宾语。2、把被动形式即过去分词变为动词,并注意其人称和数随主语的变化 3、被动句的主语放在后面,主动句的宾语放到前面 4、其它的成分(定语、状语)不变。例如:被动句“小红脚刚好被胸脯上长长的绒毛绒毛盖住”改为主动句是“...

2、He told me the thief had stolen his money.I was told by him that his money had been stolen by the thief.3、The teacher said we should plant the trees next year.The teacher said that the trees should be planted by us next year.4、The workers is building our teaching ...

两种改法;1)He is expected to be kept in the picture.2)You are expected to keep him in the picture.前者句子中 keep 的逻辑主语是 he,也就是说他被留在画面上,所以要把不定时也改为被动,而后者的逻辑主语是 you,keep 的行为是由 you 实施的,因此不能用被动。10. I strongly ...

(1) 有些双宾动词(如award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell等)在变为被动语态时,既可把间接宾语(指人)变为被动语态的主语,而把直接宾语(指事物)保留下来(称为保留宾语),也可把直接宾语(指事物) 变为被动语态的主语,而把间接宾语改为介词to 或for引起的状语(...

问两个英语题目 把下面两个句子改成被动语态应该怎么改? 1.He made...
1.I was made to do that for him 2.This book has been given to the library by me.被动句改法:原句的主语和宾语调换,根据原句的谓语动词改成相应的被动形式(主要是be done形式,根据事态、谓语动词做相应改变),其他部分基本不变。除非强调动作的发出者,否则基本不在改后的句子中体现(...

主动语态改被动语态的方法 1)将主动语态改为被动语态应注意以下三个方面:①将主动语态的宾语改为被动语态的主语;②将主动语态的谓语动词改为“be+过去分词”结构;③将主动语态的主语改为介词by之后的宾语,放在谓语动词之后(有时可省略)。2)含直接宾语和间接宾语的主动语态改为被动语态时有两种...

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 求英语中被动语态改法! -
巨屠希尔: 关于动句的改法,其实特别简单,你不要把它看得太复杂了,只要你知道每种时态被动句的结构,你就会做 了,我给你说说各种时态的的改法吧: 1.一般现在时的被动语态: 主语+am/is /are+动词的过去分词 例子:English is spoken in many ...

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 英语的被动语态怎么改 -
巨屠希尔:[答案] 主动语态→被动语态:1、找到该句宾语(必须是在谓语动词后的),将它提到句子开头.2、用被动语态结构be+Vt过去分词构成句子.3、把原句的主语用by构成的介词短语带出,也可不加.eg:I finished my homework yesterday....

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 英语改为被动句 -
巨屠希尔: 在英语里主动句改成被动句的结构是:主语+系动词be+过去分词+(by sb/sth). 例1: 主动句:The students cleaned the windows yesterday. 被动句: The windows were cleaned by the students yesterday. 例2: 主动句:The boy sweeps the floor every day. 被动句:The floor is swept by the boy every day

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 在英语中.被动语态的句子怎么改,有什么方法 -
巨屠希尔: 把原句中的动词变成be+done的形式,be动词要根据原句子的时态来定

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 英语中的被动句怎么变? -
巨屠希尔: (1)句子中的承受者+BE (要根据不同时态来定)+过去分词 (2)有情态动词的话,是动作的承受者+情态动词+BE+过去分词

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 英语被动句改法Tom  tenght us an English Sang     I watched the thief stief steal the computer The officer make the guard stand agoust the wall for ... -
巨屠希尔:[答案] 1、Tom taught us an English song.We were taught an English song by Tom.我们被汤姆教了一首英文歌曲.2、I watched the thief steal the computer.The thief was watched to steal the computer by me.那个小偷被...

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 英语的被动语态怎么改 -
巨屠希尔: 把原句的宾语作为修改后句子的主语,谓语用被动语态. 例如: 原句:She teaches English in this school. 修改后:English is taught by her in this school

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 如何把句子改成被动语态(英语) -
巨屠希尔: their classroom are often cleaned by them after school. keys were often used by us for locking doors.主动句是指该句主语是谓语所表示的动作行为的发出者的句子.被动句则是指该句主语是谓语所表示的动作行为的承受者的句子. 主动句和被动...

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 英语中如何修改句子的被动语态
巨屠希尔: 被动改其他的话,首先把句子中的动词,表语找出来,改成其他语态的,然后在改改顺序.主要是把动词系动词找出,你的问题问的太广范,很难精细答复你的

科尔沁右翼中旗14734158939: 改被动句.英语 -
巨屠希尔: 1. English is spoken by many people.2. Knives were used for cutting things by people.3. The box can be used as a table by us.有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

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