
作者&投稿:邱菁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

equipment 和 facility 都可译作“设备”,“器材”,但equipment 是不可数名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西,供给品,装备等。如:
a completer of equipment
an important piece of equipment
basic kitchen equipment
stereo equipment

facility 是可数名词,常用复数形式。facilities指为一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等等。如:
production facilities
facilities for study
facilities for travel
sports facilities


1. They use television advertising as a device for stimulating demand.

2. Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.

3. The device had undergone extensive testing.


1. Words are the tools of his trade.

2. The artist tooled a pattern onto the cover of the book with a hot needle.

3. This program gives managers a valuable planning tool.


1. 释义区别:

The gym has various types of exercise equipment. (健身房里有各种类型的健身设备。)
I just bought a new electronic device. (我刚买了一个新的电子设备。)

2. 用法区别:

The construction crew is using heavy equipment to build the road. (施工队正在使用重型设备修建道路。)
I need to charge my electronic devices before the trip. (旅行前我需要给电子设备充电。)

3. 使用环境区别:

The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art research equipment. (实验室配备了先进的研究设备。)
She uses a tracking device to monitor her fitness progress. (她使用一个追踪设备来监测自己的健身进度。)

4. 影响范围区别:

The camping equipment includes a tent, cooking utensils, and sleeping bags. (露营装备包括帐篷、炊具和睡袋。)
The security system is equipped with surveillance devices and alarm systems. (安全系统配备有监控设备和警报系统。)

5. 形象区别:

The firefighters wear protective equipment to ensure their safety. (消防员们穿戴防护装备以确保安全。)
He uses a portable device to measure air quality. (他使用一个便携式设备来测量空气质量。)

如: a completer of equipment an important piece of equipment basic kitchen equipment stereo equipment facility 是可数名词,常用复数形式。facilities指为一特殊活动或目的所提供的种种便利,包括设备、建筑物和服务等等。如: production facilities facilities for study facilities for travel sports facilitiesdevice装置,设计,策略,设备 这个既可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的比如: 1. They use television advertising as a device for stimulating demand. 他们利用电视广告作为刺激需求的方法。 2. Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him. 她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已. 3. The device had undergone extensive testing. 这种装置经受过广泛的试验。 tool工具例句与用法: 1. Words are the tools of his trade. 言语是他那一行必不可少的工具。 2. The artist tooled a pattern onto the cover of the book with a hot needle. 那位艺术家用烧热的针在书的封面上烫出图案。 3. This program gives managers a valuable planning tool. 这套程序是经理人员制订计划的可贵的工具。

surrounded adj.(后面与by, with连用)被…环绕着的 facility 设施〔备〕;软件,程序;功能 All equipment, sites, lines, circuits, and software available for d ata processing and data communications.所有可用于数据处理和数据通信的设备、场地、线路、电路和软件等。Data processing equipment ...

O代表Original Receieved Charge,即本地出口附加费、港口建设费和远洋航行费用,主要用于华南地区出往美国和欧洲航线,美国所有国家均需缴纳。D则是Document Charges,即文件费,每票以人民币计,通常为125元,不同船公司的收费标准可能有所差异。最后的I,代表International Ship and Port Facility ...

facility layout
3. a natural effortlessness; "they conversed with great facility"; "a happy readiness of conversation"--Jane Austen (synonym) readiness (hypernym) effortlessness 4. services and space and equipment provided for a particular purpose; "catering facilities"; "toilet facilities"(hypernym) ...

TDIS属于货代常用术语 T代表THC,Terminal halding charge,码头操作费;D代表DOC,Document,文件费;I代表ISPS,港口安全费用,International ship and port facility.S代表SEALS,铅封费.参考:《国际贸易实务》

\\x0d\\x0a (二)一级交易商信贷便利(Primary Dealer Credit Facility ,PDCF),是一种针对投资银行等市场交易商的隔夜融资机制,旨在紧急状况下为市场交易商提供援助来拯救濒临倒闭的公司。\\x0d\\x0a (三)定期证券借贷工具(Term Securities Lending Facility ,TSLF),是一种通过招标方式向市场交易商卖出高流动性国债...

哪位高人能用英语翻译一下高达seed d的介绍?
During a conference between the two ally organizations ZAFT and the Orb Union, at ZAFT's armory facility, the Earth Alliance attacks the facility capturing three of ZAFT's new Gundam mobile suits. With their new Gundam mobile suits stolen, the future and possibility of peace now ...

本世纪80年代以来,西方经济发达国家相继出现了一些名为“设施管理(facility management,fm)”的专业管理...【答案】A、D、E【答案解析】社会化、专业化、市场化是物业管理的三个基本特征。其中,市场化是物业

4、Farmer:英 [ˈfɑ:mə(r)],美 [ˈfɑ:rmə(r)] 。农场主,农民,承包人。复数: farmers。例句:The farmer peddled his fruit from house to house. 那个农民挨家挨户兜售他的水果。5、final:英 [ˈfaɪnl],美 [ˈfaɪnəl]...

海运报价单里的O+D+S+ENS是 什么意思,哪位大侠指点啦?
USD2800\/USD3800,这些放在最前面的都是海运费的报价,美金计算.+字后面的都是附加费.T代表THC,Terminal halding charge,码头操作费.收费标准一般是RMB470\/750\/750.D,代表DOC,Document,文件费.标准一般是RMB200.I,ISPS,港口安全费用,International ship and port facility.S,SEALS,封条费.一般是RMB25~...

Repair Facility Captured * 前哨维修厂占领。 Tech Building Lost 失去科技建筑物。 Building ...44.Form allianced. 与XX结盟。 (与别人连的时候会听到) 45.Form declared. 向XX宣战。 参考资料

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: facility,device,tool,equipment的区别 -
彘谈亿松: equipment 和 facility 都可译作“设备”,“器材”,但equipment 是不可数名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西,供给品,装备等.如: a completer of equipment an important piece of equipment basic kitchen equipment stereo equipmentfacility ...

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: facility,device,tool,equipment的区别麻烦帮我区别一下 -
彘谈亿松:[答案] equipment 和 facility 都可译作“设备”,“器材”,但equipment 是不可数名词,指用于某一特殊目的的东西,供给品,装备等.如:a completer of equipment an important piece of equipment basic kitchen equipment ste...

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: instrument、equipment、facility、device、appliance的区别,详细一点,最好有英文例句,谢谢... -
彘谈亿松: 搜一下:instrument、equipment、facility、device、appliance的区别,详细一点,最好有英文例句,谢谢...

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: 手机应该算是equipment facility device implementor哪一个? -
彘谈亿松: 是 device,一般指小型仪器.如计算器、MP3 等小型电子仪器.Equipment 是比较大的仪器或机器(如大型计算机、压缩机等).Facility 是设施(如学校、厂房等).Implementor 是安装机器或部件的人.

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: 英语中几种设备说法的区别 -
彘谈亿松: apparatus既可指某种具体的由许多不同零件构成的复杂的仪器、装置或器械,又可指它们的总称. instrument通常指能使人们完成某一精确动作或测量的一种小型仪器,尤指电工仪表、测量装置,航海或航空用的控制装置. device多指为某一...

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: equipment、furniture、facility的区别 -
彘谈亿松: 一、表达意思不同1、equipment:n. 设备,装备;器材2、furniture:n. 家具;设备;储藏物3、facility:n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧;才能,天赋 二、侧重点不同1、equipment:侧重于指医疗器械.2、furniture:侧重于指家具、娱乐设施.3、...

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: facility / equipment / device 的区别 -
彘谈亿松:[答案] facility设施 equipment设备 device装置 我才刚上初二,我只知道意思,不知道怎么区分

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: 设备更新用英语怎么说 -
彘谈亿松: 设备更新 [经]equipment replacement; renewal of facility

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: device是指什么样的设备? -
彘谈亿松: device是小的工具,例如遥控器 facility是大的,例如游泳池

石柱土家族自治县15932468104: 设备设施用英文怎么说 -
彘谈亿松: Equipment & facilities

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