新概念英语第四册一共有多少课啊 谢

作者&投稿:许沾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
新概念英语第四册一共有多少课啊 谢~

Part 1
 Unit 1
  1 Finding fossil man 1
  2 Spare that spider 11
  3 Matterhorn man 21
  4 Seeing hands 29
  5 Youth 38
  6 The sporting spirit 47
  7 Bats 55
  8 Trading standards 66
 Unit 2 77
  9 Royal espionage 78
  10 Silicon valley 86
  11 How to grow old 93
  12 Banks and their customers 101
  13 The search for oil 110
  14 The Butterfly Effect 118
  15 Secrecy in industry 128
  16 The modern city 135
 Unit 3 144
  17 A man-made disease 145
  18 Porpoises 153
  19 The stuff of dreams 163
  20 Snake poison 170
  21 William S. Hart and the early ‘Western’ film 180
  22 Knowledge and progress 187
  23 Bird flight 193
  24 Beauty 201
Part 2 208
 Unit 4 208
  25 Non-auditory effects of noise 209
  26 The past life of the earth 217
  27 The ‘Vasa’223
  28 Patients and doctors 229
  29 The hovercraft 237
  30 Exploring the sea�floor 243
  31 The sculptor speaks 251
  32 Galileo reborn 257
 Unit 5 263
  33 Education 264
  34 Adolescence 273
  35 Space odyssey 281
  36 The cost of government 289
  37 The process of ageing 299
  38 Water and the traveller 306
  39 What every writer wants 312
  40 Waves 320
Unit 6 325
  41 Elephants 326
  42 Recording an earthquake 336
  43 Are there strangers in space? 341
  44 Patterns of cultures 349
  45 Of men and galaxies 357
  46 Hobbies 363
  47 The great escape 369
  48 Planning a share portfolio 379
课文重点索引 386
语法索引 395

Part 1
 Unit 1
  1 Finding fossil man 1
  2 Spare that spider 11
  3 Matterhorn man 21
  4 Seeing hands 29
  5 Youth 38
  6 The sporting spirit 47
  7 Bats 55
  8 Trading standards 66
 Unit 2 77
  9 Royal espionage 78
  10 Silicon valley 86
  11 How to grow old 93
  12 Banks and their customers 101
  13 The search for oil 110
  14 The Butterfly Effect 118
  15 Secrecy in industry 128
  16 The modern city 135
 Unit 3 144
  17 A man-made disease 145
  18 Porpoises 153
  19 The stuff of dreams 163
  20 Snake poison 170
  21 William S. Hart and the early ‘Western’ film 180
  22 Knowledge and progress 187
  23 Bird flight 193
  24 Beauty 201
Part 2 208
 Unit 4 208
  25 Non-auditory effects of noise 209
  26 The past life of the earth 217
  27 The ‘Vasa’223
  28 Patients and doctors 229
  29 The hovercraft 237
  30 Exploring the sea�floor 243
  31 The sculptor speaks 251
  32 Galileo reborn 257
 Unit 5 263
  33 Education 264
  34 Adolescence 273
  35 Space odyssey 281
  36 The cost of government 289
  37 The process of ageing 299
  38 Water and the traveller 306
  39 What every writer wants 312
  40 Waves 320
Unit 6 325
  41 Elephants 326
  42 Recording an earthquake 336
  43 Are there strangers in space? 341
  44 Patterns of cultures 349
  45 Of men and galaxies 357
  46 Hobbies 363
  47 The great escape 369
  48 Planning a share portfolio 379
课文重点索引 386
语法索引 395






Part 1
 Unit 1
  1 Finding fossil man 1
  2 Spare that spider 11
  3 Matterhorn man 21
  4 Seeing hands 29
  5 Youth 38
  6 The sporting spirit 47
  7 Bats 55
  8 Trading standards 66
 Unit 2 77
  9 Royal espionage 78
  10 Silicon valley 86
  11 How to grow old 93
  12 Banks and their customers 101
  13 The search for oil 110
  14 The Butterfly Effect 118
  15 Secrecy in industry 128
  16 The modern city 135
 Unit 3 144
  17 A man-made disease 145
  18 Porpoises 153
  19 The stuff of dreams 163
  20 Snake poison 170
  21 William S. Hart and the early ‘Western’ film 180
  22 Knowledge and progress 187
  23 Bird flight 193
  24 Beauty 201
Part 2 208
 Unit 4 208
  25 Non-auditory effects of noise 209
  26 The past life of the earth 217
  27 The ‘Vasa’223
  28 Patients and doctors 229
  29 The hovercraft 237
  30 Exploring the sea�floor 243
  31 The sculptor speaks 251
  32 Galileo reborn 257
 Unit 5 263
  33 Education 264
  34 Adolescence 273
  35 Space odyssey 281
  36 The cost of government 289
  37 The process of ageing 299
  38 Water and the traveller 306
  39 What every writer wants 312
  40 Waves 320
Unit 6 325
  41 Elephants 326
  42 Recording an earthquake 336
  43 Are there strangers in space? 341
  44 Patterns of cultures 349
  45 Of men and galaxies 357
  46 Hobbies 363
  47 The great escape 369
  48 Planning a share portfolio 379
课文重点索引 386
语法索引 395

第一册72篇 第二册96篇 第三册60篇 第四册48篇

Part 1 Unit 1 1 Finding fossil man 1 2 Spare that spider 11 3 Matterhorn man 21 4 Seeing hands 29 5 Youth 38 6 The sporting spirit 47 7 Bats 55 8 Trading standards 66 Unit 2 77 9 Royal espionage 78 10 Silicon valley 86 11 How to grow old 93 12 Banks and their ...

新概念英语共四册:第一册《英语初阶》(First Things First),第二册《练习与进步》(Practice and Progress),第三册《培养技能》(Developing Skills),第四册《熟练掌握英语》(Fluency in English)。免费试听课:【https:\/\/www.acadsoc.com】点击即可领取外教一对一免费试听课大礼包!阿卡索是...


欲在短期掌握简单口语基础的学习者学习。《新概念英语》一共有四册。第一册(初级):First Things First(英语初阶)第二册(预备中级):Practice and Progress(实践与提高)第三册(中级):Developing Skills(发展技能)第四册(高级):Fluence in English(流利英语)...

《新概念英语》(New Concept English),是英国路易·亚力山大(Louis G.Alexander)1967年专为非本族的中学和成年学习者编写的一套英语课本。全套共四册:第一册《英语初阶》(First Things First),第二册《练习与进步》(Practice and Progress),第三册(培养技能)(Developing Skills),第四册《...

新概念英语(New Concept English)共分为四册:第一册 英语初阶(First Things First)第二册 实践与进步(Practice And Progress)第三册 培养技能(Developing Skills)第四册 流利英语(Fluency in English)有配套的磁带,但是需要另买,还有练习册,自学导读等配套的资料。各大新华书店都可以买到。...


新概念分为新概念英语和青少版新概念。按照内容来分。新概练共分为第一册,第二册,第三册,第四册。《新概念英语》(New Concept English)是1997年由外语教学与研究出版社和培生教育出版中国有限公司联合出版的一套英语教材。进入中国以后,《新概念英语》历经数次重印,以最大限度地满足不同层次、...


顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语第四册一共有多少课啊 谢 -
益陶复方: 96课

顺义区14756074075: 新概念一共有多少课新概念第一册、第二册、第三册和第四册各有多少课? -
益陶复方:[答案] 新概念第一册144课、第二册96课、第三册60课、第四册65课

顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语第四册一共多少节课文? -
益陶复方:[答案] Part 1 Unit 1 1 Finding fossil man 1 2 Spare that spider 11 3 Matterhorn man 21 4 Seeing hands 29 5 Youth 38 6 The sporting spirit 47 7 Bats 55 8 Trading standards 66 Unit 2 77 9 Royal espionage 78 10 Silicon valley 86 11 How to grow old 93 12 ...

顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语每册都有几课?新概念4册每册都有多少课? -
益陶复方:[答案] 1:144 2:96 3:60

顺义区14756074075: 新概念第一册 二册 三册 四册 分别多少课时呀? -
益陶复方: 新概念第一册 二册 三册 四册 分别是144,课,96课,60课和48课.

顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语有多少课第一册至第四册每册有多少课~ -
益陶复方:[答案] 第一册有144课(奇数课为知识课,偶数课为练习课)(初中英语水平),第二册有96课(高中英语水平),第三册有60课(大四英语水平),第四册有48课(大六英语水平)(第二、三四册练习、知识均在一课中.

顺义区14756074075: 新概念第一册 二册 三册 四册 分别多少课时呀? -
益陶复方:[答案] 新概念第一册 二册 三册 四册 分别是144,课,96课,60课和48课.

顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语全册一共多少课?新概念英语 第一册共多少课?新概念英语 第2册共多少课?新概念英语 第3册共多少课?新概念英语 第4册共多少课?第4册是终... -
益陶复方:[答案] 新概念英语第一册共有144课,奇数课是课文,偶数课是对上一课的复习.为了方便学生更好地学习和巩固新课,我们特将第一册合并为72课时,即每课涵盖了课本中的两课内容,将新课与复习课融为一体.每课的讲授时间为60—70分钟,新概念英语...

顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语四册共有多少篇课文?每册各含多少篇课文 -
益陶复方: 每册都不同2册最多 将近100 其余 1 3 4都是 50上下 楼上的 胡扯 第一册哪有两百课 第一册都是简单的句子字母 ,这里还要看书的厚度,第二册最后,其他都差不多!

顺义区14756074075: 新概念英语四有多少课?
益陶复方: 48课

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