
作者&投稿:微娣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The system uses in the walking process,The position of the center of gravity changes produced by foot is mechanical energy, independent design a set of power generation, power storage, chargingdevice, using the conventional filter, rectifier, voltage regulator circuit, the rational use of the body of the potential energy and mechanical energy conversion between the electric energy, can realize not to go out frequentlypeople mobile phone electric, sustainable charge, also has the strenuous exercise on body movement in the design of this product, shockproof, bufferfunction, strengthen the coordination between the arch and the body, promote local blood circulation, is a combination of modern science and technology,affordable equipment health medicine, environmental protection facilities.
Keywords: Sustainable charging protection

翻译成英文是:Who can translate a passage for me?下图是翻译截图

Literal translation seems doesn't fit here,so I gonna do this in paraphrasing.

My viewpoint is that the pivotal factor in judging whether "money" is a good thing or an evil depends on the person who owns it,if he uses it in a proper way,such as help those needy ones which is beneficial for this human world,then money is a good thing.On the contrary,if he consider the money as a powerful weapon which can be hold in hand to fight for whatever he want or to kill others' rights,then he must be an evil,but the money is innocent,because a weapon takes no responsibility just like money.

I think we won't comment on money simply,after all ,it depends on men whether it can be used well.If we used money to help people who need help,making it benifited by people,it would be very important;while if we just ranked it as power,doing whatever we want to and being to much greedy,it would be pretty vicious,so it is the men who play the more important role than the money itself.

In my opinin,we should not make a conclud of money simply,for the key thing is wether man can use it approriatly.If we use money to help poeple who need it and make it contribute to human being,it will be very important.If we regard it as power that can help us to do whatever we want to do,it will be evil.So the important thing is man, not man.

I thought that we cannot make the appraisal simply to the money, whether to use its key to lie in the human after all. If we can spend money the human who helps to need, lets it benefit the humanity, then it becomes very important; If we only regard as the money the right, acts in a self-serving manner, is insatiably greedy, then the money becomes very evil, therefore the key does not lie in the money, but lies in the human.

译:My friend name is × × ×, her surname ×, called × ×. Her phone number is ×××。 She likes to eat KFC. She likes listening to music. She does not like football. She and I have very good relations. His family has three individuals, her father, her mother, sh...

因为他们是非常可爱,聪明。在海洋公园,我们经常能看见它们在水中表演。套圈,顶球,打乒乓球等。知道我为什么会喜欢它们吗?因为它们是人类的好朋友。如果你掉到了海里,它们会救你。如果你喜欢它们,它们也会一起和你玩。它们有一双美丽深邃的眼睛(我怎么认为) 。所以,我认为海豚是非常好的动物。...

Love is like a lake.Waves, dancing gently as the soft wind sweep past,Reflections, glistening upon the crystal clear water.爱是一首悠扬的乐曲,缠绵柔和,幽远感伤。Love is like a song.Sang with lingering elegance, yet longing sadness.爱是压在心底的手帕,展开欣赏,折叠放回。Love is...

谁可以帮我 人工翻译 这段文字谢谢
中文:宝贝我真的很爱很爱你,我是多么是不想和你分开。我尊重你的选择,可是你明白你选择的背后是我无尽眼泪吗。 我渴望我们相爱到白头,但是现实太残酷我们都无能为力。因为爱,我的心真的伤的好痛好痛 英语:Baby I really love you very much, how I do not want to part from you. I ...

I still remember , once I felt very low , I walked alone on the mountain. When I saw my friend Mike and my cousin Allen from the moutain ,I forgot the sad thing soon.I went to climb the mountain till the top with them happily .终于写完了,希望能帮到你!

in Beijing on xx xx 2012. I want to know how it is going. Please check it out for me.我的护照号码:G12345678 My passport No.: G12345678 我将期待您的回复。Looking forward to your reply.最真诚的祝福,非常感谢 Many thanks and best regards,XXX,(你的名字)XX XX 2012 ...

与测量of14 " W X 11½“高X 6 "是D、宽敞,普通附件是说一个女人使用;这样的事情非常钱包和电话可以找到内发生个拉链。意大利制作的、时尚资本或者中心的天地。只有995美元买了一台十大手提包2010年,不可或缺!”你也可以自己搜,在百度上搜“汉译英”就行啦!

帮我翻译一段文字,不要一个词一个词翻译的那种 要整段的 汉译英
marketing in aspects of innovation, to enhance the enterprise the competitive market. And through the correct guiding ideology, develop business relationship marketing, strengthen the core client management measures, formulate adapt marketing strategy for the enterprise marketing practice.

1. Feel for doing, and it will feel for you.2. Follow your own way.3. Trash "Preparation" when you are prepared.4. Your doing is always wider than thinking.5. Listen.6. Action.You have been provided with a choice, which either makes you a victim of situation, or the ...


闽侯县18922967395: 求中译英!! 求高手翻译.务必准确...[一段感情宣泄的文字, 不长, 但是求翻译的完美一点.谢谢!] -
蓝雅固本: What I will do or what I've done,you understand,yet it gradually makes you unacceptable.My infantility and obstinacy,have made both of us suffer a lot.However,until day I've realized that this mistake is fatal.You are always so nice,and bear everything ...

闽侯县18922967395: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
蓝雅固本: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

闽侯县18922967395: 谁可帮我翻译一小段介绍,中译英,感谢不尽! -
蓝雅固本: 我们已经在广州帮你租到一间房子,因为考虑到你不熟悉这里的环境,所以我们在市中心帮你租到一间房子,虽然面积比较小,但位置不错,在市区中心,周围有很多商场、超市,这样你平常想逛街、吃饭都很方便,不用坐车旁边到处都有. ...

闽侯县18922967395: 有哪位好心人能帮我翻译一段话?汉译英!
蓝雅固本: Today I will tell a joke about chinglish .one day ,in the car accident spot ,the police officer asked david what had happened just now.David replied:~~~~The police blacked out

闽侯县18922967395: 谁能帮我汉译英 一段话?
蓝雅固本:我知道.以前我们是那么的那么.现在一切都变了,时间不会等我们.也不会催我们.你现在属于他的,而我也有了她..我们再也回不去了,是你给我说的么,或许吧 你说 能给我一起已经成了奢望..其实我早就想告诉你` 你是我唯一的奢望..为什么 .. 傻...

闽侯县18922967395: 谁能帮我翻译一段话?(中译英)
蓝雅固本: It's joy to know you 很高兴与你相识. wishing the nicest things always for you,not only today,but all the year through 愿你一年到头交好运,不光是今天. because you are really a joy to know. 因为能够认识你真的是很愉快.

闽侯县18922967395: 翻译一段文字(汉译英) -
蓝雅固本: Around the seismograph has eight dragons, the head is treating eightfrog, invents in the Han Dynasty, uses for to forecast the earthquakethe occurrence, is the extremely useful i...

闽侯县18922967395: 有谁可以帮我用以下字母为英文开头,按顺序写一段话[用英文] 字母是I ,L,O,V,E,S,U,E请顺便帮我翻译成中文,最好能串成一段连贯,不要太长的文字. -
蓝雅固本:[答案] I'm very fond of you ,my heart sings like an April breeze and the winds of spring.Loving you forever..Only to be with you,my one and only love.Venus(维纳斯) is nothing when you coming to meEvery day...

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