
作者&投稿:郗哪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


7) the gas suppression system gas suppression system selects many controls. This system selects into the cabinet type four group gas fire fighting control panel (LD5500E-4), this gas fire fighting control panel is four group gas fire fighting, uses in a B place underground group gas fire fighting. This gas fire fighting control panel has 30 second time delay function, may the positive governing field apparatus acousto-optics alarm apparatus, deflate the indicating lamp and the steel cylinder, after may accept the deflation, the steel cylinder pipe network pressure switch's feedback signal and the scene open urgently stop the start steel cylinder which and the stop deflation instruction the button sends out, when automatic start, compulsion start and scene urgent start has 30 second time delay start function, presses in the delay time stops the key or the emergency stop button may cancel opens the bottle order.

8) the fire accident broadcasts by the fire broadcast records the drain pan, the broadcast function plate, the broadcast control module and the speaker is composed. The fire accident broadcast is the constant pressure output, the fire broadcast and the background music uses in common a set of loudspeaker system, broadcasts the speaker is 3 tiles. This system fire prevention broadcast part is the main line system, realizes the background music and the urgent broadcast by the broadcast cut module cuts. In this system the broadcast system disposition (controls room part) only to broadcast as the fire accident uses.

9) CRT color display system fire warning controller main engine through communication transformation module connection, when has the fire-alarm, automatic visual display alarm floor horizontal plan, but may also carry on the information retrieval and the report form printing.

8. the fire special use telephone system by many fire prevention main station, the extension telephone, the telephone jack, the telephone handle constitutes. In places and so on fire water plant, elevator machine room, transformer vault suppose the fire special use telephone; On the manual warning button has the fire prevention telephone jack. Each fire special use telephone extension telephone Shan Zhan a group, telephone jack each Lou Zhan a group.






光,和临时) 。在这种广义的哥特式大教堂他们的大窗户,码头之间,建筑物的


满,划分,可被视为具有权威性的例子幕墙结构。 该基金会必须抵制sidewise的





Load module through fire warning holding wire fire-alarm and fault signal newspaper to controller.

The fluent display, the signal valve, 70 degrees fire resisting dampers (LD4400E) connect the fire warning holding wire the proceed signal load module. Because the fluent display and the signal valve the position is close, selects the signal double load module (LD4400E-2), in does not affect under the use function and the approval premise, saved the construction cost.

Fire hydrant manual warning button besides holding wire, but also needs to open the pump reply line to the pump house. The non-code detector (LD4900E) connects the fire warning holding wire through the group joint repeater, each group of joint repeaters most meet 10 must to code the detector

. The infrared correlation detector (LD4401E) connects the fire warning holding wire through the infrared correlation interface module, and must turn on the DC24V linkage power line.

7th, the linkage part including the fire extinguishing pump, sprays the pump, to discharge fume the air blower, the positive pressure air blower, the lift control, the roll-up door control, the non-fire prevention to cut the power source, the positive pressure supply-air outlet, to discharge fume electrically operated (wind) the mouth, the acousto-optic warning, 280 degrees fire resisting dampers, the gas fire fighting, the fire-alarm urgent broadcast and so on.

1) the fire hydrant system's surveillance and the control have the surveillance fire hydrant pump's active status, the malfunction function. After fire hydrant warning button warning, the fire center may the automatic start fire hydrant pressure pump, may also manual or by the fire hydrant button line start.

2) sprays system's surveillance and the control system automatically monitors various regions current of water display, signal valve's operation signal; Monitors the automatic spraying of water feed pump's active status and the malfunction; Monitors the wet warning valve pressure switch's operation signal. When sprays the system pipe network pressure drop automatically to the lower limit, automatic start steady press pump, after pressure build-up, stops the pump; When pipe network pressure drop to lower limit, wet warning valve pressure switch warning, automatic start water jet pump.

3) against discharges fume in system's surveillance and the control system establishes discharges fume the system, when after fire prevention alarm system warning, opens the smoke vent by the fire controller control, and linkage opening discharges fume the ventilator. 280 degree fire resisting damper linkages discharge fume the air blower to stop, and will possess the operation signal returns fire prevention control room; When opens the smoke vent by the manual operation organization, can also linkage opening discharge fume the air blower. Before fire lift room establishment positive pressure supply-air outlet, when after fire prevention alarm system warning, opens the related spot positive pressure supply-air outlet by the fire controller control, the linkage opening positive pressure air feeder, will possess the operation signal returns fire prevention control room; When opens the gusty area by the manual operation organization, can also the linkage opening positive pressure air feeder.

4) the fire prevention control center to the fire hydrant pump, sprays the pump, against to discharge fume controls and so on air blower besides the main line control, but also has many direct hand controls.

5) the elevator is equipped with turns over to the first control, and feeds back the equipment operation signal to the fire prevention control center.

6) on the roll-up door control exit passageway's fire protection roll-down metal door, should drop according to the following procedure automatic control: After feeling the smoke detector movement, curls the curtain to drop to is apart from the ground 1.8 meters; After feeling warm detector movement, curls the curtain to drop. Serves as the fire protection separation the fire protection roll-up door, after the fire detector movement, the roll-up door should drop.


学建筑专业对英语要求怎么样 (我英语很差)


北京林业大学建筑学专业考研分享? 首先我先阐述一下本人的大致情况,我是一个南方人,本科也是南方一所211,虽然很向往在北方大雪纷飞学校里学习,但考虑到饮食、生活习惯以及未来工作城市选择等因素,最后暂定了四所学校,分别是北京林业大学、浙江大学、哈尔滨工业大学(深圳校区)、厦门大学。专业选择上,由于专业性质特殊,所...

英文翻译(建筑专业) 哪位大师告诉我以下的翻译:(要专业性质的)主创建筑师主任建筑师首席设计师首席建筑师 匿名 | 浏览2592 次 |举报 我有更好的答案推荐于2017-12-16 20:00:59 最佳答案 楼上 你不确定就不要回答呀 要是人家 用了你的 不正确 怎么办呢?主创建筑师General Architect参考 主任建筑师...



建筑学 Architecture 建筑学(专业) Architecture (Major)

2、翻译:n. 大厦;大建筑物;大型支柱 3、例句:This edifice is used as a working place.这栋大厦是工作用的。四、aisle 1、读音:英 [aɪl] 美 [aɪl]2、翻译:n. 侧廊;(席位间的)通道 3、例句:It's down on the end of this aisle.沿着这条走廊走到底就是。五、...

英语文章 建筑方面的

吴兴区17139567732: 有土木工程专业英语方面的工作吗 -
阴磊辅舒: 这个是有的.但是基本上的方向可能是两个,但是基础都是离不开专业.第一个是外资房地产公司,其相关的业务往来比如设计、投资方都是外方的,会需要英语人才,但是这种公司基本上会招收海归比较多;第二个是去一些咨询顾问类公司,要求英语和专业的.最终说一句,英语是次要的,主要的还是专业知识.所以摆正心态,既然选择从事建筑,就要好好做,否则,本行都干不好了,其他行当,你说是不是困难会更多呢?

吴兴区17139567732: 哪位英文高手可以帮我翻译一些建筑类的专业名词吗 -
阴磊辅舒: 地梁 beam 立柱 column 圈梁 parameters 楼面梁 Floor beams 楼面檀条 Floor wingceltis bar 屋架梁 Roof beam 走道板 Go DaoBan 屋面檀条 Roofing wingceltis bar 外墙板 The exterior 屋面板 roof 楼板 floor 扣板 kouban 单坡屋顶活动板房 ChanPo...

吴兴区17139567732: 土木工程专业建筑方向英语很好的大学生有什么好去向? -
阴磊辅舒: 青岛建工、中海等等公司都会招收工程专业学生(辅修英语),英语专业学生(辅修工程)去海外进行市场的开拓,你可以去试试.

吴兴区17139567732: 土木工程专业,英语比较好,有什么适合的工作吗 -
阴磊辅舒: 可以考虑在外企工作,或者出国接标比较多的公司也可以.土木专业就业的机会很多,如果是女孩子,建议从事预算类、建筑设计类工作,作为基础入门,以后根据兴趣和薪资发展;男孩子可以考虑进入大型国企施工,做技术员,锻炼自己的管理协调能力,争取做一名合格的项目经理;但是不管男女,不建议出来工作就去做监理,这样容易让年轻人变懒惰和腐化.

吴兴区17139567732: 哪位好心人可不可以给我提供点关于建筑方面的专业英语单词吗?万分感激!!!
阴磊辅舒: 建筑英语词汇 to build, to construct 建设,建筑,修建 architecture 建筑学 building 修筑,建筑物 house 房子 skyscraper 摩天大楼 block of flats 公寓楼(美作:apartment block) monument 纪念碑 palace 宫殿 temple 庙宇 basilica 皇宫,教堂 ...

吴兴区17139567732: 求高手:翻译建筑学专业英语,回答好!一定另加悬赏! -
阴磊辅舒: 你好,翻译如下: 文化是组成,事实,活动的人 ;它是系统的联锁与相交的行动,连续的功能模式.如是,当然,无形的和不可见.它具有物理成分---文物 ;此外身体症状---对人的脸,称为"表达",并对发展、 社会条件的影响的姿势和运动...

吴兴区17139567732: 建筑工程技术专业的专业英语怎么开始学?请你们帮帮我. -
阴磊辅舒: 你可以买些大师作品集 要中英两种语言的 你一方面可以学习大师的建筑思想 还可以 学习专业词汇 还有一点就是 在你看了一段时间后 对建筑词汇有了了解后 你可以用自己的语言去解读大师的原意 并不一定要认定译者的解释 对你会有帮助的~~ 这仅是我的点点建议

吴兴区17139567732: 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译下土木工程专业英语
阴磊辅舒: Although this can usually be accomplished by a design that requires a minimum amount of material, savings can often be realized by using slightly more material if it results in a simpler, more easily constructed project. 尽管这通常可以通过需要最少量的材料的设计来达成,不过如果使用会使得更简单且更容易构建项目的材料,则使用略微多一点的这种材料经常可以实现(成本)节约.

吴兴区17139567732: 建筑专业辅修什么专业好?英语,法律还是财务管理?说一下理由 -
阴磊辅舒: 我也是学建筑专业的耶,我辅修的是英语,因为我以后想出国,英语用的多点

吴兴区17139567732: 求助工程英语专业大神 -
阴磊辅舒: Thedesign is for the excavation support of YouLai Grand Hotel with a water tablebelow the second layer soil and a flat terrain. Except buildings, no physicalfeature has impacts on the excavation. For the excavation, to the north isLinhai Road, south ...

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