
作者&投稿:兀有郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


修改后的程序,其实你就加一个public yuwenn(){}的无参数的构造方法就可以了。
import java.util.Scanner;class yuwenn{ private float ckuan=100; private String account; public yuwenn(){} public yuwenn(String account,float ckuan) { this.account=account; this.ckuan=ckuan; }public void cr(float money){ this.ckuan=this.ckuan+money; System.out.println("*******操作成功!*****

"); jianmian(); } void get(float money){ if(this.ckuan-money<0){ System.out.println("余额不足,取款失败!"); jianmian();} else{ this.ckuan=this.ckuan-money; System.out.println("*******操作成功!*****

"); jianmian();}}void jianmian(){System.out.println("*******************************");//System.out.println("输入账户---------------------1");System.out.println("查询余额---------------------1");System.out.println(" 存款 ---------------------2");System.out.println(" 取款 ---------------------3"); System.out.println(" 退出 ---------------------4");System.out.println("*******************************");//System.out.println("请输入您的选择:");} void chax(){System.out.println("您当前的余额为:"+this.ckuan); jianmian();}void yanz(String zhangh){if (zhangh=="yuwen"){ System.out.println("验证成功!"); jianmian();} else System.out.println("验证验证失败,请重新输入!");} void tuic(){System.out.println("**********再见!*********");}} public class yuwennn{ public static void main(String[] args){ int i; String zhangh;float money; yuwenn yu= new yuwenn();Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);System.out.println("请输入账户:");zhangh=scan.nextLine();yu.yanz(zhangh);System.out.println("请输入您的选择:"); i=scan.nextInt();if (i==1){yu.chax();}else if(i==2){System.out.println("请输入您要存的数目:");money=scan.nextFloat();yu.cr(money);}else if(i==3){System.out.println("请输入您要取的数目:");money=scan.nextFloat();yu.get(money);}else if(i==4){yu.tuic();}}}

(1)离市中心步行要10分钟 it’s ten minutes’ walk from city center
(2)接一个电话 take a phone call
(3)穿过隧道 go through the tunnel
(4)float in water 在水中漂流
(5)on the sea bed 在海床(海底)
(6)冲进 storm in/into
(7)在过去 in the past
(8)去滑雪 go skiing
(9)口信 message
(10)归还 return to
(11)过去 before
(12)翅膀 wing
(13)害羞的 shy
(14)预定 in advance
(15)危险 danger(n.)
(!6)把它从水中捞出来 fish sth out of water
(17)catch a fish 捉住了一条鱼

Mr Green ___isn’t___ going to do anything __at all__(更本不).
The __nearest_ __hospital_ is zbout _ten__ __minutes’_ _walk__from my home.
If you don't know the way in Beijing,you can __call_ policeman __for__ help.
I shall be ready in a second____ or two.
Remember____ to turn off the lights when you leave your room.
Dogs usually bark___ at strangers.
Even____ a child can understand the book.
The earth is smaller___ than the sun.
I'll do my __best_(good) to help you.
There're many small __holes___ (hole)on the wall.

(1)Tom was happy when he saw his uncle.
He was happy _to__ __see_ his uncle.
There are some polcemen in the building.(改为否定句)
__There_ __are__ ___not__ ___any__ polcemen in the building.
I met an old friend in the street this morning.(改为同义句)
I __came_ __across__ an old friend in the street this morning.
Let's take turns to play games.(改为反意疑问句)
Let's take turns to play games,__will_ ___we_ ?
The girl's hair is black.(用brown改为选择疑问句)
_____ the girl's hair is ___ brown. (题没抄错?)
Wang Fang stopped the fire from burning and she saved her neighbour.(改为同义句)
Wang Fang _put__ _out___ the fire from burning and she saved her neighbour.
She is good at playing tennis.(改为同义句)
She _does__ __well_ playing tennis.
I think it's broken.(改为否定句)
I __don’t__ __think_ it's broken.
You're very kind to help me.(改为同义句)
It's very __kind_ __of__ you to help me.
My mum is ill.she stays in the hospital.(改为同义句)
My mum is _in__ __hospital__.
I received a letter from my parents yesterdays.
I _heard__ _from__ my parents yesterdays.(改为同义句)
They did't go boating.They went swimming instead.(改为同义句)
They went swimming __instead_ __of_ boating.

There are to many people.Don't push_____ me any more.
Sunlight an come into the room through_____ the window.
"Search____"has the same esning as "look for".
Don't play with fire.It's __dangerous___.(危险)
Nancy always sits on the playground ___alone___ (单独)
She __burnt__ (烧伤)her neck yesterday.
Kate is a __brave/courageous___ (勇敢的)girl.
Rivky ___flashed/stormed_ (冲 )into Mr Sun's kitchen to save him.
Dogs like lots of _sports__ (运动 ).
Some people are afraid os dogs.They think dogs may __bite__ (咬 ) them.
come to___ finish,bring to an end

Do not leave the stove ___on____.

___Do you have to clean its cage every day?__________________________________________.
with,of,plays,pieces,she,string balls

(1)离市中心步行要10分钟 far from the centre of city for 10 minutes by foot.
(2)接一个电话 take a telephone
(3)穿过隧道 pass through the tube
(4)float in water 浮在水面
(5)on the sea bed 在海床上
(6)冲进 rush into
(7)在过去 in the past
(8)去滑雪 go skiing
(9)口信 oral message
(10)归还 give back
(11)过去 the past
(12)翅膀 wings
(13)害羞的 shy,shamed
(14)预定 book,engage
(15)危险 danger
(!6)把它从水中捞出来 fish it out from water
(17)catch a fish 抓一条鱼

Mr Green ______ going to do anything ____(更本不). not,at all
The ___ ___ is zbout ___ ___ ___from my home. nearest hospital,10 minutes far
If you don't know the way in Beijing,you can ___ policeman ____ help. ask,for
I shall be ready in a s____ or two. sport
R____ to turn off the lights when you leave your room. Remember
Dogs usually b___ at strangers. bark
E____ a child can understand the book. each
The earth is s___ than the sun. smaller
I'll do my ___(good) to help you. best
There're many small _____ (hole)on the wall. holes

(1)Tom was happy when he saw his uncle.
He was happy ___ ___ his uncle. when saw
There are some polcemen in the building.(改为否定句)
___ ____ _____ _____ polcemen in the building. There are not any
I met an old friend in the street this morning.(改为同义句)
I ___ ____ an old friend in the street this morning. came cross
Let's take turns to play games.(改为反意疑问句)
Let's take turns to play games,___ ____ ? shall we
The girl's hair is black.(用brown改为选择疑问句)
_____ the girl's hair is ___ brown. Does,black or
Wang Fang stopped the fire from burning and she saved her neighbour.(改为同义句)
Wang Fang ___ ____ the fire from burning and she saved her neighbour. put out
She is good at playing tennis.(改为同义句)
She ___ ___ playing tennis. well in
I think it's broken.(改为否定句)
I ____ ___ it's broken. don't think
You're very kind to help me.(改为同义句)
It's very ___ ____ you to help me. kind,for
My mum is ill.she stays in the hospital.(改为同义句)
My mum is ___ ____. at hospital
I received a letter from my parents yesterdays.
I ___ ___ my parents yesterdays.(改为同义句) got mail
They did't go boating.They went swimming instead.(改为同义句)
They went swimming ___ ___ boating. instead for

There are to many people.Don't p_____ me any more. push
Sunlight an come into the room t_____ the window. through
"S____"has the same esning as "look for". seek
Don't play with fire.It's _____.(危险) dangerous
Nancy always sits on the playground ______ (单独) alone
She ____ (烧伤)her neck yesterday. burned
Kate is a _____ (勇敢的)girl. brave
Rivky ____ (冲 )into Mr Sun's kitchen to save him. rush
Dogs like lots of ___ (运动 ). sports
Some people are afraid os dogs.They think dogs may ____ (咬 ) them. bite
c___ finish,bring to an end


Do not leave the stove _______. cold

You have to do clean its cage everyday.
with,of,plays,pieces,she,string balls
She plays with pieces of string balls.


回答:#include<stdio.h> main() { int a=3,b=5,c=7; if(a>b) a=b;\/\/3>5 不成立 执行后面的语句 c=a;\/\/c=a=3 c=3 if(c!=a) c=b;\/\/不成立 因为c=a printf("%d%d%d%\\n",a,b,c);a=3 b=5 c=a=3 }

C语言题目 帮下
第一题:include <stdio.h> void main(){ int x;printf("请输入成绩score: \\n");scanf("%d",&x);switch(x\/10){ case 6:printf("等级为:D\\n");break;case 7:printf("等级为:C\\n");break;case 8:printf("等级为:B\\n");break;case 9:case 10:printf("等级为:A\\n");break...

因为double型下的 1.2e0.5 ,e后面不能带有小数,只能是整数。5. D float y=0.0,a[]={2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0},*p;int i;p=&a[1]; \/**将a[1]的地址赋给P*\/ for(i=0;i<3;i++) y+=*(p+i); \/**从p开始将p,p+1,p+2地址的值 加起来*\/ printf("%f\\n"...

\/*第一题:从键盘输入任意两个正整数x和y,编程求出两数的最大公因子和最小公倍数 \/ include <stdio.h> int main(void){ unsigned int x,y,i,a,b;printf("请输入两个正整数x和y:");scanf("%d %d", &x,&y);if (x < 2 || y < 2) { printf("无效的输入\\n");return 0;}...

\/\/我写了几个,都经过dev-c调试通过。\/\/第一题:include<stdio.h> include<stdlib.h> int fib(int n){ if(n==1||n==2)return 1;else return(fib(n-1)+fib(n-2));} int main(){ int a[40],i;printf("前40个数为:\\n");for(i=0;i<40;i++){ a[i]=fib(i+1);printf...

1.编写一个程序,用户输入一个小于5位的正整数,把它的各位数字前后颠倒一下,并输出颠倒后的结果。include<stdio.h> void main(){ int num,temp=0;printf("please input a number :\\n");scanf("%d",num);while(num>0){ temp = temp*10 + num%10;num\/=10;} printf("%d",temp);}...

我先给你一篇解题技巧,你上传题目以后回复我,我帮你做出来 记得采纳啊 【来自英语牛人团】【英语各类题型解题技巧】英语听力题解题技巧 一、听力技巧之——听辨单词类的答题技巧 此类题的出题形式多是听句子,从所给选项中选出所昕句子里含有的那个单词。此 类题的答题技巧是这样的: 。1.先浏...

20、我自横刀向天笑,( )。(谭嗣同《狱中题壁》)21、( ),视死忽如归。(曹植《白马篇》)22、花开堪折直须折,( )。(金缕娘,一说无名氏《金缕衣》)23、忽如一夜春风来,( )。(岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》)24、岱宗夫如何?( )。 (杜甫《望岳》)25、(...

B a[1,3]即a[3],不符合二维数组 C a[2][0]数组的行越界,行的取值是0,1,取不到2 \/\/注意:此题的D选项是绝对正确的,相当于a【0】【0】3.CD 打开文件的方式是:FILE *fp;fp=fopen(文件名,使用文件方式);AB的使用方式不对,题目要求是读写方式打开,AB是只读方式打开...

丰台区13271806409: 帮看看几道英语题 急啊!1、不管他跟她开什么玩笑,她都不生气.She isn't angry with him,____ - ____ - ____ - jokes he - ___on her.2.无论刮风还是下雨... -
充尝斑蝥:[答案] 1、no matter what.play 2、No matter

丰台区13271806409: 请能帮看看这些英语题啊交际用语测试 1.— I'm afraid I must be off now.—Oh?_____________ - A.See you later,then.B.I'm very sorry.C.No,don't go now.D... -
充尝斑蝥:[答案] 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.A

丰台区13271806409: 几道英语题,帮忙看看啊!! -
充尝斑蝥: He needs to take some extraIt was thatsurpriseHow far in order to cleanless that

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充尝斑蝥: 你好,这三题的答案依次是 B, like to find, does cost 分析: 1. 这里你有一个错误,是price,问价格有两种问法(1)如题 (2)How much are these apples? 2. 这里是句式转换,I'd like to是最为常用的表示主体行为的句式,这里look for要变为find 3. 这里也是问价格句式的转换

丰台区13271806409: 帮忙看道英语题 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things - __to teach you the art of learning. -
充尝斑蝥:[选项] A. than B. rather than C. nor D. as 帮忙看一下,请给出原因

丰台区13271806409: 帮忙看几个英语题目…悬赏They are speaking to each on the telephone now,(翻译成汉语 My father keens on researching our family history (翻译 He is ... -
充尝斑蝥:[答案] 1.他们在电话里相互谈论着. 2.我的爸爸热衷于研究我们家族历史. 3.他目前从事电视广告,但是现在他正在渡假. 4.Dose he always work on Tuseday? 5.We don,t have a TV. 6.Don,t put them on the desk. 7.When is she flying for Pairs? 8.How many ...

丰台区13271806409: 几道英语题帮忙看看
充尝斑蝥: 1.knowledge 2.were ,will face 3.covered 4.correctly 5.helpfully 6take 7.没看清 8making 9.,recommend 10.faith 11.millions 12.essence 13.burned 14farily

丰台区13271806409: 英语题目,请帮忙看看?1.Youngbabiescanuse -
充尝斑蝥: 1.因为婴儿有两只手,两者选一的肯定用either,否定用neither. each、every都是表示多数中的“任意一个”,这2个词区别在于every不可以作代词. 2.这里表示“......

丰台区13271806409: N多英语题请教
充尝斑蝥: 1 underground前加个the 2 a 改成 the 3 The world is a nice place to visit in Shenzhen 后面的看不到哎

丰台区13271806409: N多外语题不会做~高手来帮忙~ -
充尝斑蝥: 1.as to; 2.so that; 3.else taller ; 4. rich enough

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